Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 417

It was a huge \'Palace\'.

Compared with the surrounding tents, it is indeed a palace.

It\'s made of countless stones. It\'s 50 meters high. It looks magnificent.

At the top of the palace, a "statue" of the yumangwu family stands impressively. With its huge wings and green light all over, its vigorous body and explosive muscles are a living replica of the "totem". Stepping on two dragons, the light is ferocious.

Majestic and domineering!

It gives people a feeling of standing without cold.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep, and his left hand tightly covered his chest, as if his heart would jump out otherwise.

In the belly of this mangwu statue, a faint green light shines just like the stars in the sky. Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and he could feel the powerful power and the violent fluctuation of the Lich\'s heart.

Induction is coming from this!

"This is..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a bright light.

"Green blood drop?!" suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes were even hotter.

This green blood drop is bigger than any green blood drop you absorb!

A lot!

Not only the individual is big, but also the energy contained is sufficient!

There is no doubt that the \'green blood drop\' in this statue is full of really powerful power, against the sky!

It\'s like the purest power essence between heaven and earth. No wonder the heart of the Lich fluctuates so violently!

"I want it!" Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a light.

Since then, how can you return empty handed? With treasure in front of you, how can you be worthy of yourself if you don\'t take it!

How can you live up to the heart of the Lich!

"Kill!" the ember magic gun came out of its sheath with a fierce fire.

The clang came to his ears, Lin Feng\'s hand picked up the gun and fell, his right foot stepped out of the air, and his strength exploded.

Zheng!! A strong collision.

Lin Feng\'s chest was stuffy, and the whole man immediately stepped back. His chest was struck by lightning. The powerful reaction force made his right hand almost numb. He could hardly hold the ember magic gun. The strength of this statue is far beyond my expectation.

"Impossible, the statue is clearly just..." Lin Feng\'s face changed.

"I see!"

In an instant, Lin Feng suddenly felt that the huge "green blood drop" hidden in the statue was shining with crystal luster.

Obviously, it\'s protecting the statue from harm!

"I don\'t believe in evil!" Lin Feng drank in a deep voice with bright eyes.

For a moment, the wind vortex on the right foot was very bright. The shooting with a flash of fire sprang up in my mind. My body flashed out, and my right foot stepped quickly to increase the speed to the highest point. The power is transmitted to the right arm through the spine. It is completely driven by the gun, like a dragon roaring!

Zhigang Zhiyang!

"Longyang shot!" Lin Feng shouted.

This "Longyang shooting" is what I learned from Wang Feng and learned from the wood carving in Fengyang hall!

Cooperating with the fire of rebirth is my strongest skill at present!


"Peng!" a violent cross sound.

Like thunder, Lin Feng vomited blood and flew backwards.

The defense power of huge green blood drops is far beyond imagination. The chest is burned, and the whole person seems to be falling apart.

The greater the force, the greater the reaction!

The disadvantage is that there is no reaction to the "rebirth fire" that really attacks on the tip of the gun. Otherwise, if you completely bear such attacks, you will not die but also be seriously injured. Staggering his body, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, looking at the huge green blood drop, transmitting a burning.

Yourself, really have no way to take it?


On the other side, with the sudden disappearance of Lin Feng, all the mangwu people were a little confused.

How also can\'t understand how Lin Feng disappeared. One big eye stared at the other and whispered to each other, but I don\'t know why.

At the head, the sentence mangwu clan nearly ten meters high shouted angrily, as if the general scolded the soldiers. All the sentence mangwu clan responded in succession. I think it is a task to search the whole area. It\'s a great shame to be run away by a small human right under his eyes!

"#& ¥...!" the mangwu family shouted angrily.

But in an instant——

"Wow!" the face of the Jumang Wu nationality was iron green and changed rapidly.

Roaring up to the sky, the voice of angry shouting was like thunder, and all the yumang witch families were shocked at once.

It\'s like a sharp arrow. In an instant, it\'s going to the place where the ethnic group is located!

Completely out of anger!

"烀! 烀 ~" the flame burned.

The fire of swallowing rises slowly in both hands, swallowing the whole statue.

The fluctuation of the chest is extremely strong, and the huge \'green blood drop\' is close at hand.

"Sure enough, there was no reaction." Lin Feng smiled calmly. There were still blood stains on the corners of his mouth, but he looked with a smile.

As I expected, this statue should not be called a "green blood drop" and has no independent attack ability. All it can do is defend and protect itself, just like an instinct. In fact, it does not have any "wisdom", or "consciousness".

As long as you don\'t attack the statue, you won\'t be attacked by it.

And the fire of swallowing just comes in handy.

The speed of absorbing, merging statues and devouring fire is not fast.

With the addition of \'green blood drop\', the statue also has considerable defense and durability.


Water drops can wear through stone, not to mention this thin layer of statue.

Although you open the chart of Yang life and get the fire of rebirth, your devouring fire will not advance any more. But when you reach the 30th weight, the power of the devoured fire is not small. Although it is not as powerful as the reborn fire, the devoured fire is a real attack flame!

"Chi! Chi!!" the burning continues.

Lin Feng felt the green blood drops, getting closer and closer to himself.

It\'s like being close and touching.

"At the present speed, another half of the incense burning time is enough!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and he tried his best to urge the valley to devour the fire. The time of half incense is neither long nor short, especially now where you are, it is the base camp of the jumangwu family!

It\'s like pulling teeth out of a tiger\'s mouth. A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger.

Who would dare to do that if it were other humans?!

Witch clan, who dares to provoke?

"Come on!"


The cold sweat on Lin Feng\'s forehead kept dripping, and he was burning with anxiety.

Every second is suffering. Every second, we can feel the coming of crisis.

"Bang! Bang!!" the beating of the heart, together with the feeling of the Lich\'s heart, is more and more dignified.

It\'s a very familiar feeling, a terrible feeling, a terrible feeling, a constant warning of impending danger!!!

They\'re back!

The voice of angry shouting came from my ears, hysterical madness.

There is no doubt that this huge green blood drop and this statue are very important to the jumangwu community.

Feeling, more and more clear; Danger, getting closer and closer.

Lin Feng\'s heart began to tremble.

Time is running out!


"It\'s too late! Is it too late!!" the devouring fire tries its best to urge the valley. Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of madness, but half the incense time is enough to happen too many things. If you insist on your own way and have to get this huge green blood drop, the consequences will be very tragic.

When the statue was broken, I was afraid I had already fallen.

Jumangwu clan, it\'s coming too fast!

In particular, the leading sentence mangwu clan is more than ten times faster than itself. Among all the sentence mangwu clans, it stands out from the crowd!

He is by no means his opponent.

"Fight for the last time!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth, with a touch of madness in his eyes.

Just give up, always unwilling. The connection between this huge green blood drop and the heart of the Lich is so strong that it is possible to unlock the secret of the heart of the Lich!

"Taking the devouring fire as the axis and integrating the statue, green blood droplets may not resist!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are deep and bright, and his left hand is extremely strong, urging the devouring fire. At this time, his mind is completely condensed, the Phoenix\'s life chart is extremely bright, and a solitary different flame spreads.

Fire of rebirth!

The most powerful one is still the fire of rebirth!

Life soul and human soul controlled two extreme flames respectively, and Lin Feng\'s mind condensed to the extreme.

Do your best!

Right now, it\'s quite dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will set yourself on fire.

But if you don\'t try, how can you be reconciled!

"Get up!" the reborn fire sprang up in an instant. Lin Fengji carefully controlled it and hid behind the devouring fire, trying to destroy the whole statue in an instant and muddle through. But many things, will not take advantage of it!


"Not good!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly.

Always can not hide the green blood drops, an extremely huge reaction burst out.

At this time, the sharp sound of breaking the air behind him was completely sounded and was approaching at a very fast speed.

Lin Feng was frightened and his mind was empty. At this moment, I seemed to come to the chart of Yang life. The huge Phoenix suddenly appeared in my mind. The rebirth fire and devouring fire wound around my body to form a delicate balance.

In an instant, Lin Feng\'s head shook.

No hesitation, no more ideas.

At present, there is and only one way to go!

"Close it for me!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are extremely blood red. His hair is upright and his face is ferocious.

All the strength, all the spirit, are completely condensed together. At this moment, try your best to be crazy!

The instant fusion of life soul and human soul is originally one, bringing the fire of swallowing and the fire of rebirth together and squeezing madly. It was two extremely intolerable flames, just like the sky thunder hooked the earth fire, the collision of two huge meteorites, and a huge riot that shocked everyone.

In an instant, roar!!

"Boom!!" like thunder, the crazy flame devours everything around.

It was a roar that shocked the world. All the Jumang witches who came after them were driven back by the majestic flame and air flow.

The strong fire light shines on the whole Jumang witch family, and the crazy power seems to swallow up the sky.

Complete explosion!!!

(tweeting broke out, the second change ~ ~) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my biggest motivation.)