Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 416

Whoosh! The forest wind is like an arrow breaking through the air.

The rush shuttle, the mind and spirit are completely condensed.

At the heart eye sensing place, at this time, there are still many witch families gathered at the mouth of the cave in twos and threes.

"It\'s really persistent." Lin Feng secretly said. At present, the weakening of Reiki density is not found so quickly. There is only one reason for the gathering of Jumang witch clan here——

That is still "guarding" their own people!

Really stubborn.

"Strongest sentence of the mangwu clan is not there." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and his confidence increased sharply.

In this sentence, the strongest of the mangwu clan is the existence of the Xinghai level peak. Its strength is so strong that it can even easily kill the "wing".

With such strength, it is obvious that the position in the clan is quite high.

However, the jumangwu nationality guarding at the entrance of the cave has ordinary strength. There is only one sentence mang witch family that exists at Xinghai level. In terms of breath, it is only the first level of Xinghai level. If on weekdays, I can easily hunt it, but now

It\'s not necessary!

"If you are lucky, you may not use that move." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"Secret separation!" Lin Feng\'s body suddenly became trance and light, as if two pieces of adhesive paper were slowly separated.

"Urgent fire shuttle!" a red awn suddenly appeared and took away the forest wind. The fire of rebirth suddenly burst, and the forest wind was like a dragon going to sea. The whole person turned into a sharp red light and rushed out of the "hole" with the power of breaking through the sky. Suddenly, fierce flames sprang up, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of essence.


Boom ~!!

The red light was boiling, and the burning fire burst in the center of the left behind Jumang witch family.

One of the jumangwu people\'s bodies was instantly blown up, and the other jumangwu people suddenly became angry, shouting like thunder, and started on the ground.

The green flame was so amazing that Lin Feng felt a powerful force blowing towards him in an instant.


But I was ready!

"Deceleration space!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

The pure energy of heaven and earth converges in an instant and twines outside the body.

Like a giant dragon circling outside the body, the energy of breath is completely distributed.

The Qi of heaven and earth centered on the star sea level jumangwu family, like a bomb burst, affecting all jumangwu families around. The huge pressure, gravity and suction madly oppress every jumangwu nationality. These bird people with meat wings behind them all scream and dance their teeth and claws angrily.

But... Completely controlled by Lin Feng!

"The witch clan, nothing more than that." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

If you are a witch of the same level, you can easily win it.

But this is not the time for war.

The battle here has attracted the attention of the whole ethnic group of jumangwu nationality. It feels that the strongest breath is attacking madly at a speed of more than ten times its own speed.

Crisis, more and more prosperous.

"Go!" Lin Feng stepped on the fire shuttle, and his body was like a sharp arrow.

Instead of going south, he turned 90 degrees and fled to nowhere in the West. The pause time attracted many sentence mangwu people to follow closely. The huge wings rubbed the air and made bursts of roaring sound. The power of deceleration space soon weakened, and the sentence mangwu people behind them had already been completely angered.

Lin Feng, it\'s dangerous!


"Good to come!" he stepped on the Jihuo shuttle and felt that all the breath followed him. Lin Feng smiled without annoyance. The corners of his mouth made a slight arc with sparkling light in his eyes. Everything is developing in its own established direction.

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Moving forward, the rebirth fireball was constantly released and bombed the rear.

It seems that... I\'m afraid these words will be lost by the mangwu clan.


"Almost." Lin Feng in the hole smiled indifferently.

There was a faint light in his eyes. It was as bright as a secret, but it was genuine——


The one who has all the strength of the God of war!

"Time is pressing."

"Opportunity, right now!"

Whoosh! The forest wind rushed out.

At this time, the entire ethnic group of the Jumang Wu nationality was led out and pursued to the West.

On the contrary, the south of the ethnic group is already empty. For myself, it is like an open space.

No more obstacles!


The speed is not as fast as that of Jihuo shuttle, but it is not much different.

Pure physical control also reaches the seventh level of the galaxy. The forest wind is like a very strong whirlwind, and the spirit is extremely concentrated in the gallop. Although the feeling of human soul is not as good as that of life soul, it is also alert to everything around. After all, it is the ethnic group of Jumang witch family!

Huge \'tents\' and piles of wood can vaguely feel the extinguished flame.

The ferocious totem is printed with a monster with a bird body and a human face. It is very similar to the Jumang witch family, but it is more dignified and powerful.

That arrogant arrogance, like a high emperor, makes people look up to and respect.

Heart shock!

Just looking at it, I felt the roar of my head.

This is the power of the real strong!

"How powerful!" Lin Feng said secretly.

"But... It\'s so backward here." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

It\'s the first time I\'ve really seen the tribe of the witch tribe. Compared with the prosperity of mankind, it\'s like the most primitive tribe. There\'s no "technology" at all. Close to nature, all things advocate the original, restore the essence, and feel the purest breath between heaven and earth.

"Is this the witch family..." Lin Feng said in his heart, but he admired it secretly.

Without any temptation or influence, every witch family is born to be doomed to one thing——

Become stronger, practice and become stronger!

This is the meaning of their survival.

The other side.

"It seems... It\'s all here."

"It\'s really United."

Lin Feng smiled. Although the strong enemy looked around behind him, there was a lot of danger.

But he was not nervous at all. The fire shuttle galloped wildly, with full horsepower and strength.

At this moment, there is no scruples, just one thing to do.


entice one \'s opponents to leave their vantage ground!

The longer the time and distance to lead these witch families away, the more beneficial it will be to yourself!

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng raised the fireball again and threw it back. It made Lin Feng roar behind him. Lin Feng suddenly smiled at the corners of his mouth. Although he didn\'t understand the language of the witch family, he could imagine what these witch families were shouting.

Although the body of the witch family is strong, it is also not weak. It is the seventh level of the star river. The witch family can\'t catch up!

What\'s more, with "deceleration space", they can control the distance between each other at will.

There is only one possibility to catch up with yourself——

Much better than yourself!

"Coming!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep for a moment.

A really powerful breath came and felt unusually clear. The powerful witch clan who once seriously injured "wing" finally caught up.

Xinghai class peak!

This is a strength that I need to look up to at present.

Even if their strength is upgraded to Xinghai level, they are still not opponents.

Not to mention now.


This time, the goal has been achieved.

It\'s enough to attract this\' monster \'here.

Drag a little is a little!

"Boom!" the fire of rebirth burst up crazily. Lin Feng didn\'t need to turn back, just needed to release desperately. With endless fire of rebirth, I don\'t care how much I consume. I only care how much time I delay. One more point will earn one point!!!

The super sentence mang witch clan has entered the sensing range of life soul.

Very fast!

Ten times more than yourself!

The spine was completely cool, and the whole human hair stood upright. Lin Feng felt a real horror.

It\'s like being stared at by a cheetah in the forest.

The roaring wind skips over and rubs the sharp sound of breaking the air. The monster is getting closer and closer. It seems that he can smell his smell.

And now——

"Deceleration space!" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly lit up.

The spiral energy of heaven and earth is densely distributed around the body, forming violent energy fluctuations.

The influence restricted the Jumang witch family at the peak of Xinghai level, and the majestic pressure rushed towards him, but only made him pause for a while.

Strength, too much difference!

The power of deceleration space can\'t play one or two.

"Chi!" the sound of breaking the air sounded, and the huge body nearly ten meters high showed an extraordinary speed and caught up. In the thin face, the eyes are bright and shining with a very strong cold light, and the killing intention is exposed. The dark green breath is covered with cloth, and a pair of iron fists seem to penetrate the space and attack themselves.

Very fast!

It is unavoidable!


"Goodbye." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Seeing that the iron fist with strong green light is about to fall, Lin Feng\'s body dissipates like smoke and dust, and the whole person presents a hazy state.

Hoo ~! The fist wind rose slightly, but it just smashed the remnant.

Lin Feng, completely disappeared in situ.

"Close!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were just right.

The secret separation returned, and Lin Feng\'s eyes changed slightly.

Strength, strengthen again!

This time, it was perfect.

The whole jumangwu community was almost removed.

"It seems that that move really doesn\'t need to be used anymore." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

It\'s enough to save a lot of effort without using that extremely energy-consuming move. At present, those Jumang witches have long been led to the "distant" West, and they will never come back for a moment. It is estimated that when they come back, they may have run away.

The whole plan was carried out perfectly.

Unexpectedly smooth!

"Life returns to the original and the essence. You can really concentrate on nothing on the way of cultivation."

"But in terms of the cultivation of \'wisdom\', these witches are really inferior to human beings."

It is not so much wisdom as wisdom——


Lin Feng smiled and felt very satisfied.

The body ran straight up, and the fierce fire shuttle flashed a bright light and appeared at your feet in an instant.

The speed accelerated again. Through the ethnic group of jumangwu nationality, the forest wind accelerated and flew due south.


"Thump, thump!!" the chest beats violently.

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. His left hand was pressed on his chest. His head was shocked and his eyes were very bright. His eyes fell to the distance, and Lin Feng\'s speed suddenly decreased. It was a feeling of the call of the heart. The heart of the Lich seemed to find something, not fear, but


(burst, the first change ~) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)