Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 414

At the end of the mountain and water, there is no doubt that there is no way, and there is another village.

The aura at the channel is increasing. At the other end, it seems to be a blessed cave with endless aura.

Cross the passage to the end.

In front of me is a faint white film, blocking the sense of breath. Lin Feng looked back at the crowd and nodded. No one has any objection. At present, there is no way back. What we will face in the future is the settlement of the "Jumang witch tribe".

Dead end!

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

At least, the fluctuation of the chest did not fluctuate much.

Penetrating out, the fierce rebirth fire converges on both hands.

Better safe than sorry

"Wow ~" the white light shines on my eyes and slowly weakens. The tip of his nose sniffed, and Lin Feng was shocked. The strong aura was inhaled into his lower abdomen, and his body immediately felt a clear spring flowing through. The aura here is dense, which is several times stronger than the periphery of the red swamp!

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Three figures appeared immediately and suspended in the air.

Looking at the scenery in front of us and feeling the freshness of this aura, everyone is full of surprise and joy.

"Step on!" the forest wind fell on the grass, and the rebirth fire of his hands suddenly disappeared. He felt every breath around him, closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

Here is a paradise!

Green grass, full of vitality; The blooming flowers have intoxicating fragrance; There are all kinds of trees, full of fruit. The colorful world is full of the ultimate beauty between heaven and earth. The faint purple light shines on this small world, just like another world.

"We are safe." Lin Feng smiled slightly.



The two women immediately cheered, and the color of excitement was on the table.

Qi Yang looked around as if he were a thief. Looking at this wonderland, he was stunned.

"Mystery star fruit, hidden orange flower..." Qi Yang was completely stunned.

"Even five trees!"

He opened his mouth wide and couldn\'t close it at all. Qi Yang was a little confused.

I never dreamed that I would come to a place where fairy fruits and grass gather. There are two-star, three-star and even four-star and five-star fairy fruits everywhere. You can reach out and pick them. It\'s like a poor man entering Jinshan and completely shocked by the dazzling golden light in front of him.

Compared with here, the chaotic swamp that used to be "rich" is like a poor and impoverished wilderness.

Too bad!

At this time, the two women also found the difference here. Their small faces flushed and looked unbelievable.

This is a truly blessed land!

Only Lin Feng was slightly "normal" and looked around with a light smile. From the moment he entered the land of aura, the soul of life had already felt different. Here, there are no monsters, not to mention witches, some

Just a sea of flowers and trees.

"You rest here for a while." Lin Feng said softly.

Everyone nodded and agreed. At this time, they were excited to find all kinds of spiritual fruits.

Walking slowly, Lin Feng went to the depths of the blessed land with caution.

"There must be a reason for such abundant aura."

"I hope there\'s no danger here."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and alert to danger in times of peace. Compared with Wei Xuan, his responsibility is much heavier.

The stronger the strength, the more responsibility.

Here, it\'s big.

Wei Xuan is just the tip of the iceberg.

The more he walked forward, the more Lin Feng felt frightened and his body trembled inexplicably.

"Great power!"

"What is it?"

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows clustered slightly, pursed his lips, and did not retreat.

Since I come here, I can\'t hide. It\'s better to face it bravely than to guess and worry mysteriously.

Face the problem and solve half the problem; Avoid the problem and double the problem!

"Step on!" Lin Feng\'s right foot stopped and fell down with a straight face.

As if stepping on a minefield, his body did not move, his eyes twinkled, and gradually became dignified.

A pungent breath envelops the whole body, releasing a kind of "threat" and "warning". The breath is very huge.

Wood spirit!

"Sure enough, there are restrictions here." Lin Feng said secretly.

His right foot retreated slightly, and Lin Feng did not step into this area again. He felt that the strength breath of Zhongmu Ling was quite strong, at least no less than "wing". At this juncture, I don\'t need to provoke such a strong enemy. The most important thing is

Mu Ling, more than one!

If you break in hard, I\'m afraid the consequences will be unimaginable.

Bypassing Mu Ling\'s "realm", Lin Feng continued to explore.

Along the way, he entered the field of various wood spirits several times. The weakest one also has Xinghai level, and the strongest one is only a line away from the star master level.

"The aura here is so strong that the strength of wood spirit is naturally not much weaker."

"If you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that it was half time to explore this strange "land of aura". In addition to these wood spirit\'s warnings, there seemed to be no danger, and my heart immediately calmed down a lot. What I fear most is that there are wolves in front and tigers behind. My own people are really in big trouble.


Lin Feng explored the whole film "the land of Reiki", which took more than an hour.


The pot is full of money.

A few fairy fruits picked at random are all valuable.

And this is just a drop in the bucket.

"Here should be the \'Hill\' I saw just now." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

No matter the size or location, it is very consistent. It is like a mountain crawling like a giant beast, transmitting a faint purple light.

It\'s like a paradise.

"The only trouble is that the perimeter is completely blocked and there is no way out."

"If you want to go out, you must go through that \'hole\', but..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and he felt a headache.

The "hole" is only a thin line away from the residence of the jumangwu nationality.

How can you escape under their supervision?

"At least... It\'s safe here." Lin Feng smiled and the big stone in his heart fell down.

This is the most critical place!

As long as it is safe here, nothing in the world can be perfect.

If you can settle down first, your life is not in danger. It\'s not too late to think about and plan things later.

"Everyone should wait and tell them the good news first." Lin Feng smiled, moved slightly, and the time disappeared.

"Why hasn\'t brother Lin come back for more than an hour?" Wei Xuan\'s face revealed an anxiety.

"It should be soon." Qi Yang nodded. "We\'ve been calm here. Lin Feng shouldn\'t be in any danger."

"Elder brother, you don\'t know. Xuaner\'s concern is chaos." Qi Yue smiled lightly, which immediately made Wei Xuan\'s pretty face crimson. Qi Yue\'s eyes showed a touch of complex emotion, but it flashed away. She smiled and said, "don\'t worry, sister Xuaner, with brother Lin\'s strength, it\'s more than enough to protect herself."

Before the voice fell, Qi Yang stood up.

"Coming," Qi Yang said.

There was a slight wind ahead, and a light and shadow appeared in an instant.

With a sunny smile and looking at the expectation in the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, great!" Qi Yue jumped up happily.

Qi Yang clenched his fist and showed his excitement. Xuaner also showed a happy smile and looked at Lin Feng.

After wandering in this chaotic swamp for so long and risking death for several times, everyone, both physically and mentally, has already reached the critical point and nearly collapsed. Chaos swamp is a place where we must concentrate every minute and every second. If we are not careful, there will be no bones.

Pressure, great.

And now

It\'s like a tight spring suddenly relaxes.

On all faces, there are smiling faces of relief, breathing fresh air, just like rebirth.

They are finally safe!

out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss!

Later, Lin Feng briefly described the situation here.

The crowd nodded clearly and carefully. In fact, there is not much to pay attention to.

"Just don\'t step into the middle area, brother Lin?" Qi Yue smiled. "There are so many fairy grass, fairy fruit, spirit tree and spirit fruit here, which is enough for us to live for a long time."

"Just right, you can practice at ease." Qi Yang nodded and got everyone\'s approval. After coming out to see the outside world, they know how weak their strength is. They can\'t move a step without Lin Feng. Although it is among the best in Fengyang Valley, here

But like ants.

Fighting spirit world is very realistic.

Without enough strength, there is no survival.

Wei Xuan shook her small fist and her eyes were firm.

She, don\'t be brother Lin\'s burden again. She should practice hard and become a real martial artist!

"The number of spiritual fruits here, let alone ten days and a half months, is more than enough to practice for ten years and eight years." Lin Fengwei smiled, but such a place with dense aura is rare. Practicing here is far more efficient than the outside world, and even I am moved.


Now, I have more important things to do.

"Yes, the power should be closed." Qi Yang SA ran said, shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway, the group of Jumang witches are outside, and we can\'t get out for a moment."

"Brother, you\'re wrong." Qi Yue shook her head. "It\'s not for a moment. I\'m afraid we won\'t be able to go out all our life."

Qi Yue\'s words made Qi Yang and Wei Xuan suddenly silent.

Indeed, there is no second way here. Once you leave the "hole", you will be found by the Jumang witch tribe in an instant.

That\'s a dead end!

More than 200 Jumang witches, one third of them are Xinghai level. The strongest one is even the peak of Xinghai level. Who can break such an array? Even if we gather all the martial artists in fengyanggu, they will hit the stone with an egg. That\'s a real witch! The existence of Xinghai level peak can almost compare with the first level of human star master level!

Joy and happiness dissipated in an instant.

Instead, there is deep sorrow and hesitation.

It should be a happy thing to enter this paradise, such a place of aura.

But... There\'s no way out here.

a sure catch!

(tomorrow is the big letter push. I\'m so excited!! it will explode tomorrow, and it will explode in the next week!) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly votes at Qidian. Com. Your support is my greatest motivation.)