Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 413

An ominous hunch has finally come true!

At the induction of life and soul, countless light spots are scattered in my mind.

"Thump thump!" his heart beat violently, which made Lin Feng sweat on his forehead, and the whole person\'s spine was cold. Instantly stood in place, motionless, sensing, more than 100 light spots, approaching their own people at a terrible speed!

It\'s the witch!!

What a similar breath!

"What\'s the matter, brother Lin?" Wei Xuan was surprised.

The people looked at Lin Feng in amazement, looked at the change of Lin Feng\'s complexion, and their hearts trembled inexplicably.

Holding his right fist tightly, his green tendons were exposed. Lin Feng\'s left hand was pressed on his chest and heart, and his eyes were sparkling. At this moment, I finally know why there will be induction, warning and such drastic changes in my heart, just like a prophet.

"The heart of the Lich." Lin Feng\'s heart was cold.

The heart of the lich, full of mystery and unknown, now only knows that it can absorb the drop of \'blood\' left by the Lich after death.

And the only witch with "blood drops" is the witch family above Xinghai level!

I felt strong and sensed the coming of danger because of the fluctuation of the "Lich heart" and felt the existence of the star sea level Lich family. The stronger the fluctuation is, the more star sea level witches are, the stronger the strength is, and the closer they are to themselves!

In my mind, there are more than 30 star sea levels like stars!

How can the fluctuation of the Lich\'s heart not be strong!


You know, it\'s too late.

Within the sensing range, the number of jumangwu is increasing. In a short moment, it increased to more than 200, and the strongest breath is estimated to have reached the peak of Xinghai level. Not to mention anything else, just this sentence, mangwu clan, killing themselves is like cutting tofu.

The gap of the whole rank is too big!

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengshen breathed out a sigh, and the light in his eyes settled, which seemed to decide what.

"We were discovered by the Jumang witch family." Lin Feng said in a deep voice. Wei Xuan and Qi Yue were not too surprised. After all, Lin Feng had killed the Jumang witch family. There was really nothing to fear, but Qi Yang saw the clue from Lin Feng\'s dignified expression, "how many?"

"Two hundred." Lin Feng\'s figure made everyone breathe cold air.

"It\'s still increasing." Lin Feng said calmly, "we should have fallen into the" jumangwu clan "by mistake." it\'s not difficult to speculate that the aura here is so dense that it\'s understandable for the jumangwu clan to live nearby.

After all, the witch family, like the warrior, also needs cultivation.

"Brother Lin......" Wei Xuan was pale.

"It\'s no use, I\'m not their opponent." Lin Feng said truthfully, and immediately let everyone\'s last hope fall.

Qi Yang and Qi Yue turned pale, their breathing became rapid, and their bodies stumbled for a while. Not to mention two hundred jumangwu, that is, two jumangwu, are enough to tear them to pieces!

This time, there is really no way back!

"I\'ll distract them later. Everyone will run away separately. Maybe there will be a chance to escape." Lin Feng\'s face is very calm. At this stage, he is no longer able to protect the people. He can help every point, but the success rate

Very low.

I\'m afraid the mangwu clan won\'t let anyone escape.

Moreover, even if they can escape without their own help, the possibility of people living here is almost zero.

But what can I do?

"Brother Lin, you......" Wei Xuan trembled.

"Lin Feng, we\'re going to die together!" Qi Yang stared with a thick eyebrow. "I\'m not a greedy person!"

"Yes!" Qi Yue also raised her small chest with a righteous face. "Although I am a woman, none of my descendants is a coward!"

"And me!" Wei Xuan pursed her lips. "Brother Lin saved my life."

"You!" looking at the firm look of the people, Lin Feng felt moved in his heart. Although the people\'s stay is not helpful, they can fully feel their intention. It is a sincere friendship. Living and dying in the chaotic swamp, we have a deep trust in each other.



Lin Feng was stunned. He suddenly saw the "hole" full of aura in his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, I could feel the piercing breath behind me, which made my spine cool and my hair stand upright. The most powerful sentence of the mangwu clan is far more than ten times faster than itself. In the blink of an eye, it is coming!

there\'s not enough time!

"Wing!!" Lin Feng\'s left eye and eyebrow brightened instantly.

The red and green light suddenly appeared, and the newly born branches of the wing immediately waved up and wanted to cry without tears, "don\'t take this, boss?"

Although the sixth level wing of Xinghai level only recovers less than 70% of its strength, it has enough time to resist a moment with its defense and vitality.

And this moment

Is enough to do a lot of things!

"Come on, let\'s go with me!" Lin Feng shouted, quickly turned and galloped.

At this time, the terrible jumangwu clan had appeared. At a height of nearly ten meters, it stood out from the crowd, far better than other jumangwu clans. However, at this time, the attack of the wing is also blooming. The flying branches, the crazy killing of the winged insects, instantly entangled the leading Jumang witch family.

"Hold on, wings!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep.

In an instant, they reached the hole with a diameter of less than one meter.

"Come on, get in!" Lin Feng said in a voice. Suddenly, the two petite women quickly entered the hole, followed by Qi Yang. Although the action is very fast, it is enough to happen too much in those seconds.

Jumang witch clan, extremely terrible and ferocious!

Born close to wood, the Jumang Wu clan has too obvious advantages over the upper \'wing\'!

What\'s more, the strength of the Jumang witch family at the peak of Xinghai level has won too many

This fades and that fades. The wings can\'t resist at all. It\'s a rout in just two or three seconds. The flying branches were directly cut off, and the amazing attack fell on the wing. In the blink of an eye, he was seriously injured. He was just recovering for most of the time, and he was on the verge of death.

"Boom!!" the crazy green light appeared, and the Jumang witch family blew out the strongest blow.

But in an instant——

"Wow!" the trunk of the wing turned into a light and disappeared in situ.

As if it didn\'t exist at all, let the sentence of mangwu blow in the air.

At this time, there were many people behind him, and the large army of the Jumang witch family had completely arrived to surround and kill the Linfeng people with an overwhelming momentum.

"Just in time!" the light in the center of Lin Feng\'s left eye\'s eyebrow flashed away. Sensing wing\'s weak body into the flame planet, I felt a little guilty, but at least... \'wing\' saved his life. As Qi Yang entered the \'cave\', Lin Feng looked straight at the mangwu group, at the last moment

"Whoosh!" instant time also disappeared.

The roaring voice was like thunder. Watching Lin Feng and his party slip away, the sentence mang witch family was angry.

A naked insult!

However, that "hole" is too small, with the a diameter of the less than one meter. Human body shape can enter, but the witch family... Is the weakest Xinghe class. Its body shape is more than three meters, and the peak of Xinghai class is almost ten meters!

How can I get in?!

"Boom!" "boom!!!"

As if to vent, and as if to break this "hole", the Jumang witch family kept waving their fists.

Crazy pressure, the power completely broke out. Indeed, these sentences were incomparable, and the hole was expanded in the blink of an eye.


How can the speed of destruction equal the speed of Lin Feng\'s people escaping.


take escape from death!

Lin Feng and his party are like a sharp arrow, shuttling.

Although the hole is narrow, the more you go inside, the more spacious the hole will be. From less than one meter to one meter in diameter, and then to one and a half meters in diameter, people just need to bow and move forward. The speed is completely explosive, and they immediately get rid of the pursuers behind them.

Everyone\'s heart beat very fast. It was a critical moment just now.

A little later, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The sound of shaking came from ear to ear, and the broken soil fell from time to time. Everyone could imagine the anger of the Jumang witch family, just like the feeling of the hunter watching the prey slip away.

a close call!

He ran away frantically for a long time until he could no longer feel the smell of the mang witch family behind him, and the people stopped. He gasped violently, his chest fluctuated continuously, and the nervous mood finally eased down. Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and immediately laughed.

Get out of danger!

"It was too dangerous just now." Wei Xuan patted her chest.

"Fortunately, Lin Feng, you are quick witted and escaped the disaster." Qi Yang praised.

"Brother Lin, you\'re so awesome!" Qi Yue thumbed up and admired her.

It is really beyond the reach of ordinary people to find a way to escape in such a critical situation in a short time.

Lin Feng smiled faintly, "it\'s our good luck to find such a small cave to enter." for himself, survival is an instinct. It\'s really lucky this time, otherwise I might be able to escape, but I\'m afraid everyone will not survive.

"Those big fools are too tall, ha ha!" Qi Yang said happily.

The two women also smiled and were really happy when they remembered the angry look of those tall and powerful yumang witch people.

"Let\'s go, we haven\'t got out of danger." Lin Feng nodded. Now it\'s fun in pain.

The crisis remains unresolved.

This passage, but I don\'t know where it leads.

Under the guidance of Lin Feng, the people galloped for a quarter of an hour.

This is different from driving in the chaotic swamp, but galloping with all your strength. In a quarter of an hour, the distance is quite terrible.

The aura became more and more dense, which surprised everyone. The extremely long passage finally reached the end slowly. In front of us, a bright white light flickered. Everyone showed an expression of surprise and joy, with a fast heartbeat and inexplicable excitement.

"In this swamp, there is bad news every time. I hope there will be good luck this time." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

From entering this chaotic swamp, we encounter endless dangers and troubles, which is a headache.

It\'s time to know whether it\'s extremely peaceful!

... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Qidian. Com. Your support is my greatest motivation.)