Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1144

The battle is over.

However, the brand left in people\'s hearts is extremely profound.

This unparalleled battle is enough for everyone here to remember for a lifetime. No one will forget that the young man in wedding dress defeated the strong of the ancient people with his strength, which proves that the human warrior is not half worse than the so-called strong of the ancient people.

Really strong, regardless of race.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s eyes, there is more awe and more worship.

Anywhere in the fighting spirit world, the strong are always respected and convincing.

It is entirely conceivable that after today, Lin Feng\'s miracles will spread in Shiluo county and spread to the whole zhuquezhou. People enjoy talking about it. The name of the Saint Lin Feng has caused a sensation, which is absolutely the pride of every human warrior!

"I\'m sorry for disappointing everyone." Lin Feng stood in the center of the scene and stood against the wind.

Sa Yi\'s black dress is well-dressed. Even after a magnificent battle, there is still no damage at all. Everyone\'s eyes are shocked.

"But..." Lin Feng lengthened his voice and smiled. "Everyone has the right to regard it as a performance before marriage."

"When things are over, I have to thank them." Lin Feng glanced around and said with a light smile, "it\'s a pity that they cleared the venue, which can accommodate more guests at the same time." at this time, there is a lot of ruins around, which looks quite deserted, but with Lin Feng\'s voice falling, the heavy atmosphere in the venue suddenly slowed down.

"It has nothing to do with the Lin family, of course, it has nothing to do with you, so you can rest assured."

"And I will leave the family temporarily from now on until all the troubles are solved..."

"I will return to Shiluo county."

Lin Feng smiled faintly and looked around at the crowd.

Perhaps this is not his original plan, but it is imperative.

His departure will indeed affect the family, but it is only temporary. When he really returns, everything will be calm. If you don\'t say anything, the family will be questioned after the matter is spread, including the martial artists in the family. The string collapse is too tight, and the whole piano may fall apart at any time.

Instead of taking control of the situation by yourself, as it is now.

Break a string, but it can still be maintained.

Everyone talked about it one after another. At this time, the news that the top three of the ancient family had been killed had already spread around, and the guests who had not left had gathered. Such a large open space is full of people, all discussing the pros and cons of things, with a slightly dignified face.

Killing is a pleasure.

Then the fruit, but also very heavy.

And now——

"Master Lin Feng\'s courage is amazing. I admire Wang Mo for challenging the authority of the ancient clan with human beings." the county city Lord "Wang Mo" stepped out. As the county city Lord, Wang Mo is already the highest end of the pyramid in the hearts of these guests. As for the saints, including shakara, the controller of the whole Shiluo County, his popularity is not as good as Wang mo.

His voice immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

"It\'s just a small grudge between master Lin Feng and a family force of the ancient family. It\'s nothing."

"What\'s important is that the ancient clan is different from the witch clan. They don\'t kill innocent people. Today\'s events have been seen. From the beginning to the end, the goal of the three strong ancient clans is only master Lin Feng. Even if the tower was destroyed before, it\'s just a warning, so... You can completely relax."

With that, Wang smiled silently and spread his hand.

The falling of the voice made everyone\'s doubts go away, and Lin Feng also smiled knowingly.

Indeed, he deserves to be the county Lord. He is much better than himself in dealing with such affairs. A few words will stabilize the situation. Looking at Wang Mo, Lin Feng smiles and thumbs up, which makes Wang Mo elated and happy. He is indeed affirmed.

This is not what it used to be. Wang Mo clearly knows how strong Lin Feng is now. He will become a overlord in time.

"Next, let\'s invite the wedding host, Lin Zhen, the head of the Lin family and the adoptive father of master Lin Feng!" Wang Mo\'s eyes brightened.

"The rest of the rites and music, the elders of the clan, and all the guests are in place!"


As a wise man, Wang Mo will not give up this great opportunity.

We were busy in the evening. From the moment the guests\' upgrade \'to the wedding planning, we managed everything for Lin Feng. A county and city Lord, but doing such a job is enough to make people fall below their glasses, but at this moment, no one feels convex, but feels very ordinary.

Because it was Lin Feng who got married this time.

Today\'s Lin Feng is no longer an ordinary martial artist.

In the hearts of everyone, he seems to be at the top of the human world and can easily kill the ancient warrior

How many people can do it?

"Trouble." Lin Feng nodded to Wang mo.

"No trouble, little things." Wang Mo smiled and seemed to enjoy it.

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Whether it\'s true or false, at present, Wang Mo\'s actions really win his heart.

That\'s enough.

He is a real villain. Such a person has some advantages. As long as your strength is stronger than him, he will always know how to \'do\'.

"Then I\'ll leave it all to you, county mayor." Lin Feng patted Wang Mo on the shoulder and smiled, "I owe you a favor this time."


Lin Feng\'s kindness is so precious!

Wang Mo\'s eyes were enlarged, and he was flattered. He even smiled and said, "don\'t dare, master, no, saint, no, bridegroom officer, go to the bride." Wang Mo was a little incoherent with joy. He even took a deep breath to calm his mood. "The wedding will begin soon, and it\'s bad after the auspicious hour."

"HMM." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The wedding was held with great vigour.

Wang Mo and other "talents" are much better than Lin Zhen in coordinating the whole wedding.

Lin Zhen has just experienced the ancient clan, and in the face of this chaotic situation, Lin Zhen\'s head is already in disorder. Moreover, his "identity" has only just entered the highest power center of Shiluo county. The guests who come to watch this time are not rich but expensive. With so many saints coming, Wang Moshi is the most suitable candidate.

It is exquisite in all aspects, has broad friends, and its position is there.

Under the hospitality of Wang Mo, the guests soon forgot what they had just done and gathered to watch this unprecedented grand wedding banquet.

Almost the whole inner city has become a venue for wedding banquets, while the outer city is full of flowing water seats, which is also crowded. As long as the Lin family who came to watch today are all warmly entertained. In this happy voice, Lin Feng and Lin Yumo smiled at each other, and their eyes were full of happiness.

A long kiss, suffocating.

Affectionate, infect everyone at this moment.

Lin Feng hugged the beautiful woman with happy tears in her arms, and she also had endless feelings in her heart.

From the recognition of the intersection, and then because of the misunderstanding, the feelings of each other became deeper and deeper. Finally, I found that Yumo and I had been married since childhood. Although there are many responsibilities, guilt and pity for Yu Mo\'s feelings, it is also a part of "love".

At least, I don\'t want to lose her. I want to take care of her forever.

A wedding banquet that caused a sensation in the whole county and city came to an end.

But Lin Feng\'s legend is just the beginning. On the wedding day, the news that Lin Feng killed the sage\'s high-ranking strong man of the ancient family spread all over Shiluo county like a tornado, which shocked everyone. This is not only a legend, but even a legend——

It has become a legend.

Let the whole zhuquezhou be an earthquake.

The time spent, only a few hours, shows how shocking the news is.

At this time, in a wedding room decorated with bright red and warm colors, the two people who had just experienced a lot of ups and downs hugged each other in bed, and the air was filled with the taste of happiness. Gently hugging the beauty without bones, Lin Feng said softly, "don\'t you really go with me?"

"Um ~ ~" made a lazy nasal sound, and Lin Yumo was like a docile kitten.

"Can you tell me why?" Lin Feng stroked her soft back and said.

He opened his eyes slightly, and his face was still flushed after menarche. Lin Yumo\'s voice was very soft. "In fact, my childhood dream is to become a master of refining tools. Brother Lin, will you support me?"

"Of course." Lin Feng smiled without thinking.

From the day I met Yumo, I knew that Yumo was a girl with a soft outside and a hard inside. She had her own ideas and thoughts.

Because of the changes in her family since childhood, she has this resolute character. Besides, you don\'t need to fight to become a master of refining utensils. At least you can feel at ease.

"Can you promise me one thing?" she nibbled her lips, and a cunning twinkled in Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes.

"Say it." Lin Feng smiled. How can he not see the little trick of Yumo.

It\'s just that you love me. For yourself, as long as you can do it, you won\'t be stingy.

Because Yumo is already one of his closest people.

"I want to..." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and said in a thin voice, "worship Mrs. Nangong as a teacher. Brother Lin, can you introduce me?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and he said with a smile, "I\'m also a master of weapon refining. Why do you give up close and seek far? Is it in your heart that my weapon refining strength is not as good as Mrs. Nangong?"

"No, I don\'t mean that, brother Lin." Lin Yumo hurriedly got up and seemed to forget the leakage of spring.

"I\'m kidding you." Lin Feng smiled lightly. "In fact, I\'m not as good as Mrs. Nangong in terms of weapon refining technology, experience or real weapon refining strength. I had a lot of luck to beat her to win the championship that day. Besides..."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and his heart was very clear.

Their own refining technology is self-contained and depends on their own state and the fire of rebirth. It is difficult to replicate and is not suitable for feather ink.

Moreover, I don\'t have time to teach Yumo. It\'s a good thing to give her to Mrs. Nangong. At least in the alliance of tool refiners, I don\'t have to worry about the safety of Yumo. No matter what aspect I consider, it\'s the best of both worlds.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded.

"Really?" Lin Yumo couldn\'t believe it and covered his mouth.

For her, it is her dream to become a master of refining utensils, and it is her dream to worship Mrs. Nangong as a teacher.

Now, dreams come true.

"Of course." Lin Feng said with a smile, "it won\'t be a problem for me to speak, but..." after a pause, Lin Feng looked at Yu Mo\'s attractive body, which he had forgotten to cover up because of his excitement, and said with a smile, "is there any reward for me to achieve your dream?"

Feeling Lin Feng\'s hot eyes, Yu Mo reacted at this time. He immediately gave a cry, blushed and hugged Lin Feng.

The light candle flame reflects two happy couples embracing each other and sprinkles infinite spring light.

At this moment, for both of them, everything is no longer important.

In fact, happiness is sometimes so simple.