Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1143

"Is everything all right?" Lin Feng looked at Hong Ling and said softly.

The feeling of each other\'s hearts, although Hongling suffered a little torture, most of them were skin injuries and did not hurt the root.

"It\'s all right." red Ling has turned into an adult at this time. Her red scale battle clothes are slightly damaged and her face is slightly pale. When she is not fighting, she is usually in human form. One is convenient to follow Lin Feng, and the other is in human form, which is more suitable for cultivation.

Hearing Hongling\'s affirmative answer, Lin Feng was relieved.

After all, it\'s up to Hongling to delay, and he knows the strength gap between the two sides. If it\'s a companion, it means "framing", but

Hongling did not hesitate and trusted herself 100%.

His eyes turned to the other side, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. At this time, shuiyoumei and the leilong youth were fighting in deep water. The thunder light was mixed with the brilliance of the water curtain, which caused a dramatic earthquake around, like destroying the sky and the earth. Countless buildings in the inner city were destroyed by the afterwaves.

But it\'s not in the way.

This loss of money is a drop in the bucket for the Lin family.

"Master, don\'t you step in?" Hongling asked. Although she had no feelings, Hongling still knew who was his companion and who was his own.

"No." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "you Mei can handle it. With her strength, you Mei can defeat her opponent in less than a quarter of an hour." in the past three days, I have competed with Shui you Mei several times, so I know her strength very well, which seems to be much better than Fengming and Dianyu on that day.

Now, although she and the leilong youth are both middle-class saints, but in terms of strength, shuiyoumei is better.

Besides, she still has the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box.

The warrior has the self-esteem of the warrior. Few people like to be destroyed in a one-on-one duel, especially in a battle that is already winning.

Red Ling\'s eyes flashed with a light that seemed to understand, but she didn\'t speak again. Since the \'master\' Lin Feng said so, she believed it 100%. The martial artists watching around this time really feast their eyes. They not only saw the powerful power of Lin Feng like heaven and fire, but also saw the battle between real saints!

Whether it is water naked oats or leiba, although it is the middle level of saints, it is better than the high level of saints of ordinary human warriors.

Such a close battle of life and death is precious!

Especially for those early and middle-level saints, they benefit a lot.

It was a worthwhile trip!

At this time, more than a dozen saints brightened their eyes one by one and savored this unprecedented war. They can\'t be seen in ordinary days. Even shakara, the most powerful of them, kept his eyes on it. He read it thoughtfully from time to time, and gained a lot of experience.

Both the attack means of the ancient people and the inheritance power of shuilian cave are better than those spread in the human world.

It is worth learning from.


Leiba\'s moves were gradually understood, while shuiyoumei became braver and braver.

The change of the situation, the tilt of Libra, everything is expected. Lin Feng stood quietly and didn\'t leave. He just looked at it. For myself, although I know that naked oats will win, I must guard against it. Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If water naked oats are really in danger, they will not hesitate to save each other and will never speak any rules.

Those are empty. Life is the most important.

But obviously, water naked oats are stronger than they think.

"The duel is really just a reaction of some strength."

"Whether a warrior is really strong or not can be seen in battle."

"Water naked oats are born soldiers."

Lin Feng nodded lightly.

Fight and understand.

With calm thinking and agile strategic means in the battle, shuiyoumei can play 120% of its strength.

Much better than leilong youth.

"Wow!" "Wow!" the strong power of water covers the attack of shuiyoumei. There are no dead corners and weaknesses. Close range, long-range attack and control are perfectly combined to inherit the pulse of shuilian cave. Shuiyoumei is indeed worthy of the name of "senior sister" and is extremely powerful.

Even in the face of ancient families with strong blood lineage, they have the upper hand.

It\'s only a matter of time before we win.

One attack after another forced the leilong youth to a desperate situation. What hurt was not only his body, but also his heart and fighting spirit.

Beaten by a human warrior of the same rank!

What a shame.

"Boom!" another startling attack, the water waves rippling, but with a tearing force. Leiba spits blood again and again, but the more disordered his heart is, the harder it is to play his strength. Continuous avoidance is always inseparable from the invisible water curtain. Being under the control of naked oats, you can\'t escape.

"Win." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

The situation is clear.

The injury of leilong youth made the battle no longer in suspense.

"Peng!" Lei BA was badly hurt and retreated like a broken kite. His complexion is distorted. The Thunder Dragon brand on his forehead is flashing and jumping. The thunder outside his body has become chaotic and his power has been greatly reduced. At this time, he was temporarily out of combat and found that he had no \'companions\' around him!

Breath, completely disappeared.

"How, how is it possible?" Lei BA\'s face changed continuously, shocked.

However, he caught a glimpse of the wreckage of his eldest brother Lei Xiong, and his head was confused and his eyes were wide open.

"Ah!!!" a crazy hoarse roar resounded throughout the inner city.

"Not good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and his heart moved.

His breath has been firmly locked in the leilong youth. At this time, it seems completely abnormal. The thunder light of his body fluctuates sharply, the cells collide and explode constantly, and the blood flow is extremely fast. This feeling is like \'excitement\', which increases the power crazily.

And right now

"He wants to burn both jade and stone." Lin Feng had this idea in his mind.

His eyes fell on the Thunder Dragon youth. At this time, his eyes were red with blood and hatred, and he had already been dazzled by the killing.

No wonder.

But if he is allowed to break out, not only will shuiyoumei be injured, but most importantly——

I\'m afraid many of these guests will be implicated.

After all, their strength is too \'weak\'.

"It seems that we have to make a move." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

No matter for what purpose, these guests came to witness their marriage with Yumo. As the host family, how can I let any of them have an accident?

If so, what peace of mind.

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, and a terrible breath suddenly appeared.

"Bad." at this time, shuiyoumei also found that leiba was inappropriate, and her pretty face changed continuously.

In an instant, the speed increased sharply, the power broke out completely, and the water curtain in his hand shrouded everything, and he suddenly drank.

"It\'s too late." Shui Youmei pursed her lips tightly and was very worried.

Not for himself, but for other fighters. At this time, the terrorist Lei Mang in Lei BA\'s hand appeared, just like a group explosive technology, and his strength had already exceeded his load. In fact, his ferocious expression had already explained everything.

A bomb is about to detonate.

But in an instant——

"Pa!" time seemed to stop at that moment.

The expression on Lei BA\'s face seemed to be stiff. The whole person was so stunned in situ. Shuiyoumei was slightly stunned, but now he had no time to think about why he was so. How can we miss such a good opportunity! The dramatic light in the eyes of water naked oats is completely blooming, and the energy of water elements in both hands roars.

"Tianshui chain kill!" water naked oats light drink.

The terrible power of water burst out in an instant.

In the void, it is like a huge chain, crossing and changing, like a boa constrictor flying, wrapped in a moment like an unconscious leiba. Shuiyoumei\'s hands coagulated open and closed fiercely, like a force traction. For a moment, the chain was like a knife cutting, cutting leiba into countless pieces.

No obstacles!

Even faster.

In the blink of an eye, leiba was torn apart and died thoroughly.

"Wow! ~" the chain instantly turned into a water curtain and swallowed Lei Ba, leaving no bones.

With a sigh of relief, the heart of shuiyoumei was released, and her tall and straight chest fluctuated slightly, which was very critical. At this time, when she calmed down, meimou couldn\'t help looking at Lin Feng. When she saw a pure light disappear from Lin Feng\'s eyes, shuiyoumei moved her eyes gently, and her doubts were solved in an instant.

"Wow!" the figure flashed.

Pop! Water naked oats appeared in front of us.

Lin Feng smiled, "well done."

There was no answer, and there was no happy expression. Shuiyoumei just looked at Lin Feng quietly and said, "did you do it just now?"

The four eyes are opposite, and the pupils flash light luster.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and nodded without concealing.

As a companion, there is nothing to lie about.

"I haven\'t seen you show it during the duel." Shui Youmei\'s face was solemn, "you deliberately let me?"

However, with a smile, Lin Feng said, "you and I are friends and not enemies. This attack is easy to get hurt."

"You mean I\'ll get hurt?" the beautiful eyes of water naked oats are slightly burning.

"吪......" Lin Feng was speechless.

She smiled bitterly, as if everything she said was wrong.

For a moment, Shui Youmei smiled. "I\'m kidding you. Do you think I don\'t know your hidden strength?" her beautiful eyes burst into light. Shui Youmei glanced at the remains of Lei Xiong\'s body. "In less than ten seconds, she killed the saint."

"Shifu, you really didn\'t see the wrong person." Shui Youmei nodded and smiled calmly.

This is a real sincere conviction. At that time, although it was to implement the master\'s order, shuiyoumei was not convinced by Lin Feng.

Because she is a warrior, a warrior will only be convinced by the strong who are really stronger than her, which is the same everywhere.

"Really?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

I am also heartfelt grateful to the saint of heaven.

Again and again, I helped myself through the difficulties. Whether it was the disaster in the hunting country before, or the appearance of water naked oats this time, the human demon lord retreated. Plus this time, I already owe a big favor.

"Thank you, naked oats and roses." Lin Feng said softly.

"You\'re welcome." shuiyoumei smiled faintly, "we are friends, aren\'t we?"

Smile at each other without too much communication. Friends do everything.

Sometimes a word is enough.