Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1141

for the first time!

It shows the real strength of noumenon.

The Phoenix star seal on the forehead is completely bright. Having the "star seal" can hide the breath. Even if the holy King level exists without special ability, it is difficult to detect the real strength of the warrior. There are many \'secrets\' to the existence of star seals.

Today, it is more than a symbolic meaning.

It also represents the potential and real strength of the warrior!

"Boom!" the flame was huge, and the smell of forest wind broke out instantly, which made all the martial artists who hid in the dark to peep into the world shaking war tremble. It was an extremely terrible force, like an unreachable mountain.

Including those saints, they feel deep and majestic pressure.

"So strong..." there was a strong * * light in shijaro\'s eyes. At this moment, he finally knew that Lin Feng was not talking nonsense.

But really, have the strength to challenge the strong of the ancient nationality!

This breath alone is much stronger than him. It\'s unbelievable!

"How did he practice?!" shakara was completely shocked at this time.

Because he watched Lin Feng grow up step by step.

Now, Lin Feng will surpass him!

This is breaking the Seven Saints.

In addition to giving and improving the special eye pupil ability, breaking the Seven Saints, as the legendary way to break through the holy level, has endless power. It can arouse the power of heaven and earth and strengthen the warrior itself in the most extreme way.

Different ways of saints can enhance the strength of later martial arts.

Those who prefer the way of God of war will have a great increase in physique and strength; The martial arts who tend to the way of heavenly spirit division have a sharp increase in constellation sensitivity and the cultivation of source energy; All this depends on three aspects.

First, the foundation of the warrior itself. If the power of heaven and earth is compared to a coefficient, the stronger the foundation of the warrior God, the greater the promotion.

Second, the strength of the saint\'s way. The more powerful the saint\'s way is, the greater the "coefficient" of the power of heaven and earth. Breaking the Seven Saints is the way to surpass all saints.

Third, the body\'s bearing capacity. Comparing the body to a container, whether in terms of width, width, toughness and so on, breaking through the holy level will be improved. The same breaking of 70% holy takes place in different people, which are different. For example, the thousand love emperor, her body bearing capacity is far less than Lin Feng.

If the way of the Holy One is the lower limit of breakthrough, then the bearing capacity of the body is the upper limit after breakthrough!

The forest wind of the noumenon is proficient in the fire and martial god. Together with the fire spirit teacher, the body has already existed as the peak state. Although it is not as evil and terrible as the separation, looking at the whole human world, it is a rare genius such as the thousand year love emperor, which is inferior to each other.

Body, limit improvement.

Today\'s Lin Feng, although the noumenon follows the route of God and man, the body is also the strongest of all saints in the human world!

The ability of the heavenly spirit Master is even more terrible. The star cultivation of the seven main stars is full. The star cultivation is linked to the sensitivity of the main star, that is, the foundation and foundation of the warrior itself. Breaking seven sancas like as two peas is a foundation that causes the foundation to cause high-rise buildings in the near future. No matter the special department, attack department or defense department, they are exactly the same.

Complete metamorphosis.

The original life soul stored hundreds of times more star power than other martial artists, and the power that took a great deal of effort to store is changed into "Star source power" with the breaking of the Seven Saints. The power of the real constellation origin is stored in the new life soul. Today\'s life soul is no longer the seven light spots before, but

The "little starry sky" of the true self-shaped system.

In addition to the still bright seven main stars, thousands of other small stars are bright.

The most fundamental thing is that the \'essence\' of the starry sky has changed. From starpower to the "starpower" of the real starry sky, even if these starpower are so insignificant compared with the real starry sky, although the sparrow has all the small and five internal organs, after becoming a saint, not only its strength is greatly improved, but also its cultivation speed is not the same.

Only when we open our own "starry sky" and have the existence of "Star source power" can we really embark on the path of the Holy One.

"Oh?" he was slightly shocked. Lei Xiong\'s eyes were burning and put away his pride.

With his experience, he can see how Lin Feng\'s strength is better than Lei Ba and Dianlong.

Lin Feng is a high-level saint.

It\'s as like as two peas.

Although at the same level, Lei Xiong has absolute confidence to defeat other strong ancient people of the same age, not to mention the weak human beings. But his intuition told him that Lin Feng was not simple in front of him. In particular, there was no strong smell of the ancient Qiang Feng nationality here. Coupled with Lin Feng\'s current strength, it could be calculated——

Dianyu, Lin Feng killed it!

It\'s not easy for leiba and Dianlong to kill Dianyu, but Lin Feng did it.

"Although he is a hybrid, after all, he still has half the blood of the ancient clan." Lei Xiong\'s eyes clanked and his heart whispered, and immediately put away his contempt. The whole body was covered with thunder. Two short sticks like Jin Ji were taken out with both hands, flashing bright purple light.

Leiba glanced at the electric hole and was also surprised.

This is Lei Xiong\'s strongest congenital treasure, purple smoke, golden thunder, earth level purple Guangwu!


Whoosh! Whoosh! There was a tacit understanding. Leiba and the electric hole immediately galloped to both sides. The breath burst and the killing intention was revealed. Lin Feng nodded slowly. Shui Youmei and Hong Ling also sped out left and right. They met them respectively. In the blink of an eye, only Lin Feng and Lei Xiong were left one-on-one.

The fairest duel.

There is no superfluous words, let alone meaningless etiquette.

This war is a battle of life and death!

"Boom!" the thunder and fire burst out in an instant, and the battle broke out completely at that moment. Shui Youmei meets Lei Ba, who is stronger, and Hong Ling meets the electric hole, while Lin Feng meets Lei Xiong, who is the strongest "Lei envoy" and inherits the blood of Lei long!

"Boo!" "Boo!" Lei Xiong drank wildly, and the purple smoke, gold and purple light in his hand were completely dazzling.

The terrible thunder light seems to be driven from the body, and the strong Star source force is attached to the thunder light, such as thunder dragons running out one by one, and the Thunder Dragon Star seal on Lei Xiong\'s forehead is completely radiant. One after another, everywhere, coupled with the irregular changes of thunder, the whole space is covered.

There\'s no dead end!

"Silk! ~" "hiss! ~" a burst of breathing sound shocked all the martial artists hiding in the dark. Most of them are the first time to see the power of the saints, especially the terrible existence of the power in the saints.

Although Lei Xiong is a high-level saint, because of the blood of the ancient family, he is still better than the saint and the peak warrior in the human world.

The senior law enforcement envoy of the ancient nationality has extraordinary strength!


Today\'s forest wind is also unfathomable.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Lin Feng was still calm in the face of such a terrible attack.

The fire of swallowing rises in an instant and is mixed in both hands like a soul beating. Now driven by the way of the Holy One, supplemented by the increase of the power of the Star source, the power of the fire of swallowing has long been unmatched in the past. Coupled with the improvement of constellation sensitivity, the devouring fire coagulated in an instant is more than ten times more than before, and the control of the flame——

More arbitrary.

"Get up!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning.

In the face of the terrible thunder, he not only failed to avoid, but also went up against the waves.

Attack each other!

The fire spirit Master\'s attack method is a frontal battle!

Because she doesn\'t have time to waste, maybe she can resist for a while with the strength of shuiyoumei, but Hongling is only the first to step on the holy level. Maybe she has no less talent than the ancient family, but the difference in strength can\'t be made up in a short time. She can only rely on her strong body to resist slightly.

The main attack point must be yourself!

"Break it for me!" Lin Feng drank deeply. The towering flame opened the way. The devouring fire suddenly experienced real baptism and transformation, and came into contact with Lei Xiong and Lei Guang. In an instant, the fire devoured everything madly, and the fire of Lin Feng was obviously better than Lei Xiong\'s thunder light.

"How could it be?" Lei Xiong\'s face changed greatly, and the situation was completely unexpected.

The power of thunder triggered by "purple smoke golden thunder" has increased greatly in both quality and quantity. He absolutely has the strongest ability in terms of attack. Therefore, he wantonly launched an attack in this way.

But this time

He miscalculated.

Lin Feng in front of him is far more abnormal than he imagined!

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the towering flame rises, the forest wind gallops, and the haze cloud step is displayed instantaneously. The body method of the ghost seems to break through the space and follow suit in this area. Even if Lei Guang changes and controls the whole area, the area covered is controlled by Lei Xiong.

When Lei Xiong couldn\'t keep up with his rhythm and speed, Lei Guang controlled only one tenth of the area.

Lin Feng knows this very well.

"Fighting is to use one\'s own advantages to attack the enemy\'s disadvantages." Lin Feng drew a meaningful smile at the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Lei Xiong has put away all his contempt, and his face is full of dignified meaning. His hands are changing rapidly, his heart is quiet, his eyes are bright in an instant, and he drinks with a cold voice, "mystery, thunder and smoke array, purple smoke and gold thunder, rise!"

Indeed worthy of being a senior law enforcement envoy, Lei Xiong soon restored calm and was ready to turn the situation around.

Since one operation fails, another operation will be started.

The purple light is dazzling and bright, and the rich smoke flashes with the thunder light to form a dense fog field, which has a wonderful grasp of space. The arrangement of the array is very fast and decisive. Taking the congenital treasure "purple smoke and golden thunder" as the axis, supplemented by the power of the Star source, Lei Xiong arranged a small array in a short moment.

With confidence still shining in his eyes, Lei Xiong made a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Thunder smoke array is his unique skill!

"If you fall into the array, I will make you unable to survive or die." Lei Xiong\'s eyes are bright.


He underestimated Lin Feng.

In the bird King\'s prison, even such a large array, the array in the array rushed over. It\'s not difficult to get Lin Feng with this array. Moreover, the array formed by the way of space is difficult for martial artists who are not proficient in space power, but for Lin Feng——

Too simple.