Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1140

Chi long!

Dong! Dong! Dong!

A loud noise.

A piece of rubble covered the sky and fell from the sky. It is the tallest tower in the inner city. It has just been completed and soon. It was specially built by Lin Zhen at a high price. It is in the shape of flame. At the top of the tower is a fiery red human shaped stone carving - Lin Feng.

The moral is to commemorate Lin Feng\'s winning the zhuquezhou weapon refiner competition and his family\'s affirmation and respect for his status.

Of course, there are also many factors, such as "borrowing the wind".


Now, the tower hundreds of feet high seems to have been cut off and collapsed from the center. On the top floor, the most eye-catching and representative Linfeng stone carving is completely shattered. People stared at the picture in front of them and were very surprised.

Who did it?

How could someone come to make trouble on master Lin Feng\'s wedding day!

Lin Zhen\'s face was very ugly. Seeing the newly formed tower fall, it was like slapping the Lin family in the face. Especially today\'s guests are not rich, but expensive. They not only include the top figures of the whole Shiluo County, but also many powerful guests from other counties and cities.

How glorious it is that there are more than ten saints.

The Lin family can\'t afford to lose their face.

"Who is it!"

"Come out!"

Lin Zhen immediately drank angrily.

The marriage of her adopted son was disturbed. Lin Zhen had eleven thousand reasons to be angry, whether as an adoptive father or a patriarch.

But he obviously forgot his strength

Not so strong.

"Zheng!" in an instant, another flash of lightning fell rapidly in the void, forming a perfect 90 degree drop, penetrating the dust all over the sky, like a poisonous snake biting down, silent and amazing, almost falling in an instant.

Quick, hard, accurate!

Lin Zhen can\'t avoid half a minute.

In fact, even if Lin Zhen has three heads and six arms, he can\'t resist such terrorist forces with his strength.


"Peng!" a loud explosion sounded.

In the void, there seemed to be a light sound. Lin Zhen was pale and looked at the glittering protective wall in front of him in horror. Virtual and real, layer upon layer, as if transparent, but with bright luster and energy.

Aries mystery, Star Wall!

"Wow!" the figure flashed slightly, and shakara appeared beside Lin Zhen.

Just now he was just a few steps away, and giving a helping hand was just a show of hands.

The golden light on his forehead was burning, and shakara stared at the sky. Although he blocked the lightning, his expression was more dignified. The strength of strength can be seen from the means, methods and power of attack. The strength of the comer

Pretty scary.

"Where\'s the master? Can we meet for a chat?" shakara\'s voice was loud and light, and there was a bright light in his eyes. For a moment, two more lights flashed behind them. Beimingbu and Mrs. Bai came. However, the faint stars behind them were no better than shakara.

Peng! The breath burst completely.

Everyone was attracted by the sound and raised their heads.

The smoke and dust in the void dissipated slowly, revealing three thin bodies and hazy. As if covered by a layer of fog, the three immediately broke through the fog and caused a commotion. The same three martial artists, led by a long browed man with emaciated cheekbones, and behind him two young people, one left and one right, stood like door gods.

Senior law enforcement envoy, Lei Xiong.

Intermediate law enforcement envoys, leiba and Dianlong.

Wearing simple clothes and a lifelike faucet ring on their thumbs, they show their identity.

And shakhala are symmetrical to each other.

However, the strength of breath is very different.

Only shakhala can barely compare with each other. Although he is only the middle rank of the saint, he is the "constellation of the king" and has great power. Compared with the high-level saints of ordinary constellations, they are more powerful than others, but they are compared with human warriors.

The three people in front of us are ancient people with noble and powerful blood lineages!

The breath of shakhala was only with the two young men behind the man with long eyebrows.

"Aries..." whispered softly. The man with a long eyebrow looked at shakara thoughtfully. The faint Thunder Dragon brand on his forehead suddenly burst into light, no less than the golden light of Aries on shakara\'s forehead. The direct collision of the two breath energies was instant——

"Poof!" sakharo vomited blood and retreated three steps, looking horrified.

"Ancient, the strong of the ancient clan?!" shijaro looked at the three people with astonishment in his eyes.

As soon as he said this, Mrs. Bai and Beiming Bu, who were trying to help boxing, were stiff and pale. All the fighters around have long been stunned. The word "ancient clan" is like a huge mountain peak, which is out of reach.

Glancing faintly across the crowd, Lei Xiong\'s mark on his forehead flickered and clanked, "Lin Feng, come out."

The voice is leisurely, but with a deep and majestic breath, it is extremely proud. Thunder flashes in Lei Xiong\'s eyes. Outside his body, there is a strong power of stars, and his face is cold.

Looking for Lin Feng!

Everyone looked at each other, surprised but afraid.

After all, what appears in front of us is the real strong man of the ancient clan, and it still exists at the holy level, and the breath is very huge. But everything goes to the three treasures hall. Apart from everything else, from the look and behavior of the strong men of the three ancient nationalities, we can know four words——

come with evil intent.

The good will not come!

Peng! Peng! The two regiments burst out in an instant.

Behind Lei Xiong, Lei Ba and the electric hole blew out two groups of terrorist energy, and immediately blew up the other two buildings in the inner city. The voice was loud and startling. The earth seemed to be in an earthquake. However, leiba and Dianlong seemed to have just done a trivial thing without half a change of expression.

"Next time, it won\'t be these buildings." Lei Xiong\'s voice was uncertain, calm and indifferent.

It fell into the ears of the people around it, like a thunderclap on the ground, which shook people\'s hearts sharply. They stared wide as if they were suffocating.

Not these buildings?

What\'s that?

This is a naked threat.

And with the ancient way of doing things, if you say it, you will certainly do it.

For a moment, there was a great commotion. After the reaction, the people were waiting to flee immediately and quickly——

"I\'m here." the same calm voice sounded slowly.

Like a bright spot in the darkness, it is full of faith and firm strength.

The panic and urgency of the crowd, hearing the sound, stopped and their eyes gathered. In the rear crowd, three figures, one man and two women, walked slowly. Dressed in a neat dress, Lin Feng has bright eyes and walks in the front. The two women behind him are extremely eye-catching. They are rare and Extreme Beauties.

The angel\'s face and the devil\'s figure, especially the tall woman in the dragon scale battle dress on the right, with short fire red hair and the crown of dragon scale on her forehead, have an exotic special feeling.

Red silk and water naked oats.

If the green leaves thought about holding the red flowers, the appearance of Lin Feng immediately gathered everyone\'s eyes.

Fight against each other!

Lin Feng and Lei Xiong\'s four eyes are opposite at once, and the essence is bright.

"Is it them?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were a little bright, and his eyes fell on Lei Xiong and the leading ring on the thumbs of the two young people behind him. In fact, as like as two peas in their clothes, they had already guessed seven or eight points, because their clothes and accessories were almost the same as those in the king\'s prison.

Law enforcement envoy!

"OK." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now I thought it was the master of human demons. I didn\'t want to be an uninvited guest of the ancient family.

Although the three people have a strong breath, even the weakest one is stronger than the electric gun that he killed with great efforts that day, but

That\'s it.

"Oh?" Lei Xiong was also quite surprised.

According to the data, Lin Feng\'s strength should be at the star domain level, but now

The completely hidden breath has obviously reached the holy level.

More than that.

Lei Xiong\'s eyes fell on Hong Ling, and his eyes were shining. "There is a holy level contract Warcraft?" with his strength, he could feel the invisible tie between the two. His eyes swept, and then fell on Shui Youmei. "The holy man is in the middle level, but... It seems to contain something."

The idea flashed away, and Lei Xiong didn\'t care too much.

Because of the strength of human beings, there is a lonely difference between nature and ancient people.

The gap of qualification is unmatched.

In Lei Xiong\'s opinion, even if Lin Feng\'s three strength add up, I\'m afraid they are not as good as the warrior of Aries. What he was really afraid of was not these. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Lei Xiong felt strange, but he still didn\'t feel the existence of any strong Qiang Feng ancient people after exploring the atmosphere for a long time.

And now——

"It\'s my personal grievance."

"Please step back for the time being to avoid being affected."

"I apologize for everyone\'s panic because the wedding was held at the original time."

Lin Feng spoke faintly.

As soon as the sound came out, the whole audience was silent.

Everyone listened to these words, tasted them carefully, and their heart beat faster.

What does Lin Feng mean?!

Wedding, as usual?

Then these ancient saints

Not to mention the horror of ordinary warriors, those saints, including shakara, were stunned and shocked. "He doesn\'t want to... Kill the three strong men of the ancient clan?" shakara was a little confused and couldn\'t believe looking at Lin Feng. His faint back now seems so strange.

In an instant, the crowd scattered like birds, and Lei Xiong\'s three people were already angry and green.

When did they suffer such humiliation!

Even among the ancient people, they were respected as the law enforcement envoys of the temple.

In the human world, no matter where you go, you are treated at the VIP level, that is, you are equal when you see the Lord.

But right now

Who can bear, who can\'t bear!

"OK, very good." Lei Xiong\'s eyes were sparkling, and he gently moved the faucet ring on his thumb. "It seems that you won\'t go back with us, since that\'s the case..." after a pause, Lei Xiong drew a cold arc around the corner of his mouth, "then take your body back."

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

His eyes swept around, but in the blink of an eye, the people around him were scattered and empty. Although many martial artists were hiding, they were all right.

The whole inner city is centered on itself, leaving a large area, and this area

Enough to fight!

"Peng!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were completely bright.

At this moment, the evolved noumenon has all its power in an instant——

Full burst!