Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1135

Right now——

"呚! ~" in the sky, a water light waterfall appeared in an instant like a rainbow.

The extremely strong energy of water seems like a clear stream, diluting the originally fierce murderous Qi for time. It was the human Demon Lord standing on the top floor of the rosefinch building with his fists condensed into claws that showed a doubt in his eyes, and his eyebrows jumped instantly, revealing the color of fear and flashing.

In mid air, however, the forest wind and forest land were slightly changed.

Holy breath!

Moreover, they are not ordinary saints.

His eyebrows were slightly clustered, and Lin\'s clenched fists were loosened a little. He still exerted a sharp force, but hid his murderous spirit. Although he is not afraid to make things big in this rosefinch territory, or even kill Lin Feng, this is not the time. The breath of the comer comes out, no less than him.

It was a kind of "deterrence", as if telling him that as long as he dared to do it, he would be the enemy.

With his eyes cold, Lin looked up and looked at the brilliance of the water curtain. A beautiful shadow gradually appeared. Yu Guang glanced behind him and waited for the master\'s statement. As long as the Demon Lord is willing to take action, no one can stop it here.

It\'s easy to kill the whole rosefinch with blood!

"Is she?" Lin Feng was stunned.

I can\'t believe looking in the air, that beautiful figure seems to have met once and had a chance to meet myself.

As if walking out of the waterfall and across the rainbow ladder, it was a woman blooming like a lotus, standing calmly, like a non cannibal fireworks. A pair of beautiful eyes with rippling water waves are shining. Her beauty is a little suffocating.

The elder martial sister of shuilian cave \'water naked oats\'!

Four eyes relative, water naked oats Mei looked at Lin Feng, did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Like a smooth water flow, the figure flickered and fell in front of Lin Feng, just blocking him.

"This is..." Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a doubt.

I only met her once. It was in the hundred waterfalls. She was ordered by her master to send a message telling herself that a catastrophe would come in half a year. Although I don\'t know her, I can\'t be an ordinary person in terms of her words, deeds, looks and makeup.

In the water curtain cave, it must have a very high position.

This can be seen from strength alone.

Very strong!

It has an unfathomable taste.


"What a strange power."

"Her strength seems to have some other factors. It feels very strange. It doesn\'t seem to be her own strength."

"The fighting spirit world is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon." Lin Feng thought he was strong enough, at least below the Lord level of the human world. He could definitely walk horizontally. However, the strength of the woman in white who met for the second time was not much weaker than himself, and

Lin Feng\'s eyes passed through the water naked oats and did not fall on the ground of Lin, but looked at the rosefinch building not far away.

Intuition tells me that there seems to be a terrible force there. Although it seems like a flash in the pan, there is no trace now, but

You can\'t be wrong about your feelings.

"Who are you?" Lin zhe took the lead in opening his mouth, breaking the silence and polishing the gravel in his eyes.

"Water curtain cave, water naked oats." the sound was clear, and the water naked oats gently opened their lips, just like the sound of nature, which made all the martial artists who were secretly watching around move in their hearts, including Lin Feng.

"Water naked oats rose." Lin Feng said softly, remembering the name.

Like shuilinglong, they are all surnamed \'water\', but I don\'t know whether it\'s the rule of shuilian cave or

What does it matter?

"Are you... With him?" Lin Zhe\'s eyes were deep and his voice was cold and flat.

Although he has extreme hatred and hostility, Lin Dadi is deeply pressed in the bottom of his heart. He can control his emotions in a short time, which shows his deep intention.

With an indifferent smile, shuiyoumei didn\'t reply. Her beautiful eyes looked at the rosefinch building not far away and nodded, "I\'m here to bring a word according to the master\'s order." shuiyoumei flashed a light in her eyes and gently opened her mouth, "a foot and a foot, the water of the well river."

A foot and a foot, the water of the well river?

There was no reason why everyone around didn\'t listen. It was Lin Fudi who also twisted his eyebrows.

Lin Feng thought deeply, looked at the water naked oats and said, "it seems that she doesn\'t come for Lin Yi. From her tone and expression, there seems to be a hidden place in addition to Lin Yi..."


One of the hearts was cold, and Lin Feng pursed his lips.

It\'s dangerous!

Their feelings will never be wrong, and the water naked oats look at the top floor of the rosefinch building. It seems that the comer is on the same front with Lin Zhe and wants to kill himself. Moreover, his strength is extremely unpredictable. With his current sensing ability, he can\'t even sense half of his breath.

How strong!

"Nonsense!" Lin Zhen bit his teeth, and his voice seemed to come from the ice cellar.

His eyes tilted, but he still couldn\'t feel the sign of the master\'s half hand. Lin Zhen suddenly felt impatient. If you let Lin Feng escape this time, I don\'t know when to find him again next time. Now Lin Feng has become a saint, and the danger has increased sharply. Every day is a little more variable!

Lin has a deep understanding of this.

Whatever, do it!

Lin pengdi can\'t control 3721 at this time. Even if the master doesn\'t do it, it doesn\'t matter. If he can kill Lin Feng, he will kill him. If he is in danger, he doesn\'t believe that the master will not help. "Boom!" the flame burst, and the rich fire came out.

The Phoenix stars behind Lin Dadi spread their wings and soared, giving strong vitality to the extreme strength.

And the pupils of both eyes are as bright as stars, abnormal terror!

Lin Yudi is gifted with \'star pupil\'!

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s expression changed slightly, and he also clenched his fists in an instant, but his breath appeared.

Although the water naked oats rose appeared, but he has been in a fighting state, not half relaxed. Although Lin Dadi\'s strength is strong, he has no fear of him with his current strength. He wants to kill himself, and he also wants to kill him!

Blood for blood!



"ⅶ! ~" inexplicably, an amazing smell of terror came like the power of heaven. Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed, but Lin Dadi showed a happy face. Only shuiyoumei still stood calmly, as if the sky would not move at all.

"This power?!" Lin Feng was deeply shocked.

At this moment, I finally know where the "dangerous" omen of rapid heartbeat comes from.

It\'s terrible!

Can you stop yourself?

This question only remains in my mind for half a moment, and the moment is gone. Lin Feng was slightly stunned. At the same time, the happy color on Lin\'s face became stunned, shocked and puzzled. Extremely complex emotions emerged and his body trembled.

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng\'s head was in confusion.

This huge force will not attack itself, but will attack Lin Peidi?

Aren\'t they together?

There are all kinds of questions in his heart. Lin Feng is confused by the current situation. At this time, Lin Feng looked at himself, and then raised his head, opposite the four eyes of water naked oats. The latter suddenly flashed and appeared in front of him.

"Let\'s go. We\'ll talk about it later." shuiyoumei said calmly.

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Lin Feng glanced at Lin pengdi again, blinked slightly, and in a moment, he nodded to Shui Youmei, "good." although it\'s a pity that such a good opportunity can\'t kill Lin pengdi, the current situation is too chaotic. The emergence of Shui Youmei is with the order of the old man, and behind Lin pengdi, there is a strong person who makes his heart tremble, But he didn\'t help Lin.

It\'s a mess.

In the game, I must not act impulsively at the moment.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep, and he saw that the naked oats were walking away, hesitating slightly, even if he kept up.

In the void, Lin was completely bound!

It was like an invisible rope tied him up. The ground of Lin Zhen was green and white, but I never thought that the master would stop him instead of helping him! But he just dared to be angry but not to speak. On the contrary, he has become very humiliated in full view of the public.

Watching Lin Feng leave, he was helpless. Lin zhe wanted to roar.

However, I have to press at the bottom of my heart!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!!!"

The crazy cry from the bottom of my heart, and Lin\'s eyes were ferocious.

As Lin Feng and Shui Youmei left, there was not even a trace. WOW! The body is like a tight string, and the magnificent pressure dissipates immediately. Lin Dadi looked a little normal, but there was no trace of Lin Feng looking ahead.

With a murmur, he was extremely depressed. Lin Zhen\'s breathing was a little short, and his chest fluctuated continuously. He was obviously very unwilling.

But what can I do?

With his strength, he is far from disobeying the human Demon Lord.

The other side.

Forest wind and water naked oats gallop like two lightning breaking through the air, with amazing speed.

Although they have just entered the saint level, they are both the best of them. Their strength is far better than that of ordinary Saint level. They are quite strong.

"Can you say it now?" Lin Feng looked at the water naked oats, his eyes flashing.

Did not stop, water naked oats mei just half side head, glanced at Lin Feng, "do you know how dangerous you were just now?"

"You mean the mysterious man hiding on the top floor of the rosefinch building?" Lin Feng said slowly.

"Yes." Shui Youmei\'s face was dignified, but she sighed, "if he fought recklessly, not to mention you, I\'m afraid I can\'t escape this time. Although I have the power given by the master, it\'s only enough to face the existence of Saint level and has no effect in front of him."

Peng! Lin Feng\'s head is like a bomb.

Although shuiyoumei didn\'t say it clearly, she meant between the lines

"The mysterious man is a strong man at the holy King level?!" Lin Feng was shocked.

Shui Youmei nodded gently, "moreover, it is not an ordinary holy King level. Even if the master is at his peak, his strength is slightly inferior to him."

Bang! Bang! Bang! The heart beat violently. Lin Feng stared at the water naked oats deeply. The latter looked at it with a bright light and said softly, "Lin Feng, have you ever heard of... The thirteenth Lord of mankind and the Lord of human demons?"