Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1134

That face is familiar to me!

It was on that day that I first joined the Lin family that I saw the Deputy patriarch "Lin Yidi"!

He not only recovered his original appearance, but also——

Break through the holy level!

"It seems that he has come prepared." Lin Fengxin stood up and looked up at the ground without any fear. Lin Dadi is looking for himself. Why don\'t you look for him? On that day, regardless of brotherhood, he hurt his father and let his family break down and die first. He killed himself several times and hired an underground killer Organization later.

If this person doesn\'t get rid of it, it\'s hard to sleep and eat!

Especially now, he has broken through the holy level, and the danger has increased sharply.

It is obvious that he is not the only one who has had an adventure during this period.

"Good to come." Lin Feng said secretly in his heart.

I\'m worried that I can\'t find him!

The strength gathered faintly. Lin Feng looked at Lin Yi\'s land, and his killing intention gradually appeared in his heart, but

Inexplicably, I have a foreboding feeling.

give a warning!

What\'s going on?

Lin Feng frowned slightly and felt a little confused.

Although Lin Dadi is a saint, it is obvious that he has just broken through and his breath is not strong. With their current strength, as long as they are not strong at the holy master level, they can win, not to mention the forest land that has just entered the holy level! There\'s no reason to be afraid of him.

But not to him, but to whom?

Lin Feng was confused, but he couldn\'t feel any other breath fluctuations.

However, the feeling of rapid heartbeat is very strong. This feeling has not been experienced once or twice. Although it is intuitive, it is very accurate every time.

Rosefinch tower.

At this time, Lin Peidi was not alone.

The human demon lord, who was molesting the stunning beauty, stretched out the dry claw deep into the woman\'s skirt and clicked. Half of his head, a pair of small eyes looked thoughtfully at the distant forest wind through the window. The faint smile at the corners of his mouth had already disappeared and was replaced by a little dignified.

"He... Is Lin Feng?" thought the Demon Lord.

The rolling of the eyeball bone is also a little surprised.

As far as he knows, Lin Feng had only star level strength before, but now... He has become a saint.

This is not important. The saints are strong and weak. There is also a clear distinction between the first level and the peak level. But the Lin Feng in front of him obviously seems to be in and out of the holy level, but his strength

have no bottom!

"I said, disciple." the human demon lord just opened his mouth, and in an instant——

Whoosh! Lin Dadi jumped out of the window, and the ghost disappeared in time.

Frowning, the human demon lord couldn\'t help standing up and slightly hesitated. He is very satisfied with Lin\'s Apprentice. He has good qualifications and is more like him. He knows his deep hatred, blood hatred and endless gratitude and resentment with Lin Feng. Lin\'s revenge is not stopped, even supported.

But that is based on the fact that Lin\'s strength is better than Lin Feng. It doesn\'t seem so at present.

Lin Feng seems to be stronger than Lin Di!

"Do you want me to do it myself?" the breath of the human demon lord suddenly changed. The sudden change frightened the beautiful women around me, and the blush on my face turned pale, as if looking at an evil ghost. But in an instant, with a "click", the delicate neck of the stunning beauty was broken and died.

The demon lord\'s eyes are cold and sparkling, his hands are moving, and his face is very bad.

When he entered the southern region this time, he had important things to do, and was unwilling to expose his identity and goals, causing unnecessary changes.

For him, this purpose is far more important than killing Lin Feng, but

Don\'t you look at the disciples in danger and don\'t help them?

"It\'s really troublesome." the demon lord grinned his teeth and his eyes were sharp.

"It\'s strange that Lin Feng has no star sign."

"Well, and the smell is ordinary. Should it still be at the star domain level?"

"However, the conference confirmed that Lin Feng\'s points were not wrong. 118 million were genuine and not false."

"It\'s strange that he didn\'t break through the holy level. How could his score be so high?"


The appearance of Lin Feng aroused a heated discussion.

The symbol circulating in the world of fighting spirits is that there are stars behind the saint. The so-called stars are the images of constellations, which are the symbols of the original life constellations.

Stepping into the first stage of saints, that is, those who are new to saints, the stars are looming; When you enter the middle rank of saints, the stars become blurred; When you reach the saint\'s high level, the stars are no longer blurred, but become slightly hazy and barely visible; Further up is the peak of the saint. At this time, the stars have begun to take shape. Not only the outline, but also the details can be recognized.

When the astrology is completely clear, it is a breakthrough to achieve the legendary "holy king" day!

In the human world, that is, to be promoted to God.

On that day, Zeng blade came out of the passage, and the stars loomed behind him, which was the sign of stepping into the saint.

But at present, Lin Feng\'s back is empty, but no wonder people think so, because with their strength and experience, they don\'t know that after breaking through the holy level peak and achieving the holy king, the astrology will disappear, replaced by the flashing "star Mark" on their forehead and the brand of constellations.

At the moment, there is a real star seal on Lin Feng\'s forehead.

However, this does not mean that Lin Feng has become the king and Lord. Whether the astrology or the star seal, in fact, it is just a reflection on the "sensing power" of the natural constellation. For example, the king\'s constellation naturally has strong constellation sensitivity, so its cultivation and improvement is extremely rapid. There are already "star seals" on the forehead, even at the star master level and star domain level.

However, these are actually empty.

Only strength is the power of a real warrior!

"Peng!" the breath roared violently, Lin Feng\'s indifferent expression disappeared in an instant, and the fierce flame burst open. Amazing power like the coming of heaven, the breath from annihilation to explosion is only an instant, the calm in the air disappears in an instant, and all hot discussions stop.

Tens of thousands of warriors were scattered by this violent air flow, with the forest wind as the center, forming a vacuum air belt.

Indifference, a bright Phoenix flickering on his forehead, but he has a lonely and different look. Lin Feng stands tall, even if he just stands, it gives people an unattainable feeling of looking up. The onlookers opened their mouths in amazement.

It\'s terrible!

Far beyond the power of star domain.

Unimaginable strength, just the fluctuation of breath, can bounce people away.

You know, how many star level top powers are there!

Lin Feng\'s strength

Is there any doubt?

"Please get out of the way to avoid being harmed." Lin Feng spoke slowly with a calm voice. The strength explosion just now was intentional in order to frighten everyone. It\'s better to be so clean and tidy than to spend words to persuade them to retreat. In the air ahead, the familiar figure has appeared, and the strong murderous spirit is gradually exposed.

Different from the forest wind, there are real stars flashing behind the forest!

Moreover, it is not as faint as Zeng Ren, but can appear completely. Although it is slightly vague, it is true——

It is a symbol of the middle rank of the Holy One!

Forest land.

"Boom! ~" the crowd burst.

If Lin Feng\'s words still make Zhang Er confused, then the emergence of Lin Dadi is like the conclusion of the chess game, making everything clear. All of a sudden, people scattered like birds, fled and hid. Even if they watched the excitement, they had to find a "safe" position. Just as Lin Feng said, innocent people were unlucky when they suffered.

The battle between the saints, even if it\'s only spare strength, is enough to hurt a star domain top strongman.

And the star master level will be even more deadly!

No one wants to be killed for some reason. Maybe killing in rosefinch territory is not allowed, but it\'s only for ordinary martial artists.

What are the rules for the saints?

"Long time no see, Lin Feng." Lin Zhen smiled coldly and opened his mouth slowly.

Clear the site. For the forest land, killing the forest wind does not need to rely on any extra land advantage, and many people hinder it. Even though Lin Feng has also entered the holy level, he is still absolutely sure, and... He knows that there is a master behind him.

Looking at Lin Feng is like looking at a turtle in a jar.

This time, where can he escape?

"Yes, I haven\'t seen you for a long time." Lin Feng also opened his mouth, not in a hurry.

Although I need a war with Lin Changdi, I don\'t want to implicate innocent people. There are too many fighters here. Even if it takes time to evacuate. Looking at Lin Fudi, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and spoke slowly, "unexpectedly, you have also broken through the holy level."

Lin Zhen smiled coldly, "there are many things you can\'t think of."

"Really?" Lin Feng said with a pale face, "including the white dress club, or... People of the ancient family?"

With a flash in his eyes, Lin Fu looked deeply at Lin Feng: "did you meet the ancient law enforcement envoy?"

Law enforcement envoy?

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

A very strange word that makes your heart light.

The scarred man who killed Feng Ming and ruined his family suddenly appeared in his mind. Although he was killed by himself, the leading ring he left behind was like a keepsake. It seemed that there was a more powerful force behind him

Law enforcement envoy!

Ancient law enforcement envoy!

Boom! Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright. One word is enough to make him think through and understand a lot. The deep blood feud and the pursuit and killing again and again were not done by the ancient Qiang feng people, but by the "law enforcement envoy" of the ancient people who took the dragon\'s head ring as a keepsake!

I guess wrong all the time.

"He\'s dead," Lin Feng said calmly, looking at the forest land, and his eyes flashed away. "I killed him."

Lintian frowned, "with your strength, can you kill the ancient \'law enforcement envoy\'?" with a cold smile, Lintian\'s eyes sparkled, "you want to scare me away with a few words. Lintian, you underestimate me. I\'ve suffered so much for a month..."

"Today, I will kill you with my own hands!" Lin Zhen clenched his teeth and burst into flames.

The smell of terror spread completely, and all the warriors who hid in the dark and watched the battle between the saints trembled.

But Lin Feng looked calm and noncommittal with a smile.

Peng! The breath also burst, and Lin Feng closed his fists, and the light in his eyes gradually increased.

The new noumenon is not what it used to be.

War, imminent!