Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1122

The harvest is not small.

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"It may be a little worse than breaking the Seven Saints, but it\'s better than getting an unknown parchment paper with strange words?" a freehand smile appeared on Lin Feng\'s face, and Lin Feng was in a good mood. At least, I didn\'t come in vain.

Moreover, I don\'t know what it is to break the Seven Saints and how much the way of the bird King helps me.

Maybe it\'s not as good as the understanding of the mystery "bird killing" in front of us.

Moreover, it is an indisputable fact that the strength of oneself is weaker than that of separation. No matter her father, mother, ziyao or DUOHE and Shifu who are farther away, they all need strong strength to make their strongest points stronger. It\'s quite good.

"In this space, the \'power road\' comes out."

"The \'road of fire\' should be formed after a long time of spreading and pressing from these flame mountains."

"Indeed, it is very different from the power of the array."

"But this is not the way of the bird king."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

It\'s a pity, but it\'s a fact.

As the name suggests, the way of the bird king must be deeply related to the "bird King prison", that is, this large array. Nine times out of ten, it is similar to the power of the array. Since there is no such thing as the power of the array here, the way of the bird king will not exist. There is basically only one space aura, especially in the array.

"I wonder how the thousand love emperor is now?"

"I hope she can understand the way of the bird king and get what she wants."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

Since there is no one here, it is very likely to be in the semi independent space where the thousand love emperor is located.

Hope, it\'s all on her.


Lin Fengwei hesitated and denied instantaneously.

Intuition tells me that this semi independent space should not be the only one. If it is only a simple place for cultivation, why do these huge volcanic groups exist? Moreover, I understand the "way of power", but most of the breath here is the smell of fire, including the whole space——

Flame Mountain is everywhere!

Here is the world of fire.

"There must be some secret."

"Maybe, I don\'t know if there are any treasures."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Although he is not interested in treasures, this does not hinder his enthusiasm for exploration.

Adventure itself is a very exciting behavior, especially in places such as this, there will be danger every minute, or

pleasantly surprised.

"Whoosh!" the forest wind broke through the air.

Shuttling through the fire, there was no awkward feeling at all.

The devouring fire is constantly released, absorbing these poisonous snake like flames, controlling the power of the devouring fire and maintaining its replenishment and consumption at an average level.

"Caution must be exercised."

"Last time, it was because the devouring fire consumed too much that it led to the defeat."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

You can\'t make the same mistake twice.

Flame Mountain!

"Wow, it\'s really huge." Lin Feng suspended in the air and looked up at his head.

It\'s a flame mountain much bigger than I thought. What I saw just now is big enough, but it\'s "huge" based on a long distance. Now it\'s close at hand. It\'s not only huge, but also terrible.

There is almost no end in sight.

The fiery red magma kept rolling down from the top of the mountain, which was extremely hot.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" Lin Feng dodged lightly and didn\'t connect hard. These natural fire energy is quite terrible. If you touch it with devouring fire, you may be able to absorb it, but your consumption must be great. This is unreasonable in the case of unclear situation at present.

"No wonder the fire element here is so dense and rich."

"It seems that it is all the credit of these flame mountains."


Lin Feng looked around curiously.

The flame mountain where you can see is even more dense and huge dozens of times, but it is because you are so close.

However, there seems to be no other existence here except fire.

Quite weird!

"No danger?" Lin Feng frowned.

It\'s just danger of the environment. Although these flames are powerful, they are not controlled.

Don\'t say yourself, even ordinary star domain strong people can avoid.

Very abnormal!

Not to mention that this is one of the largest semi independent spaces on the third floor of the bird King prison. Even if she enters the semi independent space that only needs three flame feathers, a considerable number of monsters attack her, which is more dangerous than here. According to the thousand love emperor, her process of obtaining the sheep skin paper is also very frightening and dangerous.

But here, it is calm.

The more calm, the more dangerous!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and he felt scared in his heart.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Two possibilities."

"First, there is really no danger, but where can we gain without danger? In this battle, people should not get something for nothing. It is very unlikely."

"Then there is only the second possibility."

Lin Feng clenched his fist.

Danger, there must be!

And I\'m afraid the danger lies where I haven\'t found it yet.

"Be very careful." Lin Feng tightened his eyebrows, put away his contempt, and looked around at the volcanoes around him. The magma was like a flame spewed by giants. If someone controlled the flame and attacked himself... It might be quite troublesome!

"We must first find out where the \'danger\' is."

"If not, it will be difficult to sleep and eat."

Lin Feng closed his lips.

Slow down.

The forest wind moved forward slowly.

The surrounding flame mountains are covered all over the sky, and the sky seems to be burning red. When you really enter, you will know how amazing these flame mountains are. What you saw before is only a drop in the ocean. There are so many flame mountains here.


The magma with the energy of thick fire flows everywhere, and the fire swallowed by the forest wind is constantly released.

"If you practice here, the fire of swallowing will improve very quickly." Lin Feng smiled, but the fastest way to improve the fire of swallowing is to absorb the flame, especially the powerful flame without owner, which can be absorbed by 100% perfectly.

Keep moving!

Have a safe trip.

However, Lin Feng was more and more uneasy. He looked around and looked more and more dignified.

This feeling is like the tranquility before the storm.

"Step on!" the figure stopped falling, and Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated slightly.

The feeling of heartbeat is more and more dignified. My intuition tells me that something is about to happen.

What is it?

The light in Lin Feng\'s eyes is constantly changing. Looking around, it is almost the same as when he entered before. There are still volcanoes everywhere. The difference is that now I have gone deep into this volcanic group, closer to it, stronger fire element induction, and

"Huh?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

His eyes looked at the ground, but the color was much deeper than when he entered.

"This is..." his right hand lightly touched his chin. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed with luster. It seemed that he had found something?

Whoosh! The figure landed quickly.

Lin Feng stepped on the ground, squatted down gently and touched the ground with his fingers.

"That\'s right."

"The land temperature is so high that the content of fire element is much higher than before. No, nearly ten times."

"No wonder the color is so dark."

Lin Feng\'s secret way.

In an instant, an idea came out of my mind.

"I see!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and suddenly realized.

At this time——

Boom! Boom! Boom! The earth suddenly vibrated violently.

The terrible vibration, together with the whole space, was shaking, as if the end was coming. It came without warning. The sky was covered with red clouds, and the surrounding Flame Mountain seemed to come alive. The magma flowing out of the crater suddenly accelerated dozens of times and intensified.

"Sure enough." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and his face was just like that.

Without hesitation, the fire of instant rebirth burst up, looked around and retreated quickly.

Almost at the same time, the Flame Mountain erupted completely.

"Boom!" "boom!!" the real volcano erupts, and the terrible flame is sprayed in an instant. It is like tens of millions of cannons firing at the same time. The crazy elements of fire condense into a violent fireball, which appears in the sky like the sun, as if to burn the sky to ashes.

Boom!!! The fireball exploded and fell apart.

Turn into countless fireballs and shoot wildly at extremely high speed everywhere. If you are in mid air at this time, there will be only one result——


"It\'s OK." Lin Feng said secretly.

In the sky, the speed of the falling fireball is also terrible, and the energy of the flame is extremely terrible.

However, after all, I am at the bottom and have a great space to avoid. In addition, in terms of vertical distance, I am quite far away from the super large fireball. Even now, the earth is falling apart and the flames are surging, but I\'m in a safe position.

Moreover, the flame continues to fall from the sky, and there will be loss on the way.

I can resist the rest.

"Boom!" boom!! "the eruption of the volcano is not over.

The first giant volcano is only the beginning, and then the eruption of volcanic groups is the real play. Large volcanoes erupted one after another, shocking the whole space. The energy of fire, which was originally rich, is now dozens of times stronger, and the surrounding colors have become flame colors.

However, Lin Feng escaped easily.

"It\'s dangerous."

"But it\'s not dangerous."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The real danger is actually the first moment of volcanic explosion.

If you are not on guard or in mid air, you will encounter the extreme terror and irresistible force of nature. Because from the shaking of the earthquake to the eruption of the volcano, it\'s only an instant, and people can\'t be half prepared at all.

But right now, it\'s simple.

Because I only need to face dozens of volcanoes around.

The rest of the volcanoes are so far away that even if they erupt violently, they have nothing to do with themselves.

"The land here is so rich in fire."

"It shows that the eruption of the volcano must be much denser than the periphery."

"Originally, this is the \'danger\' of this semi independent space at present." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

When you know it, you don\'t have to worry.

Any danger can be prevented and reduced.


"Danger must be organic." Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the fire with bright eyes.

Very good.