Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1121

Peng! My mind is in disorder.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and was radiant.

It is not the change of noumenon, but the sharp change of separation!

The high pitched shrill sound came from my ears. It seemed that a fuzzy shadow appeared in my mind, but it appeared for the third time! The shrill cry seems to run through the eardrum, straight into the mind and bring yourself into a strange space.


It\'s like a gust of wind.

It was a starry world, a bright light, very familiar!

"This......" Lin Feng was shocked.

As you can see, the one at the top of the seven light spots is dazzling, and the color of the other six main stars is slightly dull.

The unique stars form a giant bear.

It\'s the great bear sign to which you belong!


The destination you bring yourself into is not the seven main stars, but the small bright stars between the seven main stars. One of the stars emits a dazzling light and is clearly visible. This feeling is very clear and familiar, which has been experienced by the Phoenix constellation.


The real mystery!

In order to break through the "mystery" essential to the holy King level.

"Whew!" like a sharp arrow, the mind was immersed in it in an instant, and Lin Feng was dark, "what a strong smell of killing."

Moved by the heart, the consciousness deeply enters that layer of mystery, full of the breath of extreme killing. Crazy pouring into his head, the majestic flame spread, and his heart beat \'thump thump thump\' violently.

That\'s the way to kill!

The constellation Ursa Major is one of the three "ways of power" that you understand.

This mysterious direction exists for the way of killing!

Noumenon enters a state of nothingness.

Light suspended in the air, but unconscious.

At the moment, all Lin Feng\'s consciousness is focused on his separation. Although the development of things is somewhat unexpected, regardless of noumenon or separation, they are really their own power. In this strange world, any kind of existence understood is not ordinary.

"The way of force."

"If the way of killing is a way of cultivation."

"Then \'it\' is the existence that extends out of the avenue and gives full play to the power of the way of killing."

Mystery, bird kill!

Lin Feng was so excited that he was completely immersed in it.

This kind of cultivation and understanding can be met but not sought, because it is not the understanding in the normal way, but as I just expected——

Step in!

To be precise, it should be said to be "brought in".

With the power of this space, you can bring yourself into the understanding of mysteries. It\'s like a master\'s teaching and understanding. Even if you don\'t learn, the knowledge in books is forced into your mind to understand this mystery.

Lin Feng, enter the state of complete understanding.

At this time, the martial artists in King Sparrow\'s prison also took the time to practice.

Throughout the land of miracles, the warriors in the rosefinch challenge are looking for their own opportunities and are very busy.

However, Zhuque territory, and even Zhuque Island, the whole nine continents are completely boiling. With the abdication of Emperor Shun, the news of the "throne" competition broke away like a tide, making the whole southern region a hot discussion.

This has never happened in the history of the Terran.

Emperor Shun created a new model, but no one knows which is good or bad.

Respect the strong!

The faction headed by the second senior brother "King Lu" secretly prepared. As the most favorable contender for the "throne competition", King Lu was not in a hurry, but waited patiently. In the southern region, countless Saint level strongmen who lived in seclusion could not help but leave the customs one after another to have a try.

There are no conditions for this "throne competition"!

Of course, the saint level strength is necessary. If the star level martial arts players compete, they have nothing to do.

There are no warriors of the holy King level. They are all the hegemony of the holy ones, which is very lively.

After all, everyone has a chance!

Human eight domain alliance.

"Alliance leader, the witch emperor sent an instruction. What should we do next?" Liu said.

"Don\'t worry, tell the witch emperor that we are determined to win in the southern region." Zuo Bufan nodded slowly and his eyes flashed away. "As a gift to join the witch camp, we must be perfect before we show our leadership strength and can be reused by the witch family at that time."

Liu laocang\'s eyes brightened slightly, "does the alliance leader have to do it himself?"

With an indifferent smile, the corner of Zuo Bufan\'s mouth scratched slightly, with a confident look, "how can I kill a chicken with an ox knife? How can a small southern region escape from the palm of my hand, just..." his eyebrows were slightly clustered, and Zuo Bufan\'s eyes were still full of doubts.

"Just what?" asked Liu.

Zuo Bufan raised his head slightly and looked at Liu Lao, "before, I thought Shun was a strong man who broke his wrists. However, recently, when I think about it, I always feel that something is wrong. It is not surprising that Emperor Yao made such a decision. However, even though Shun is kind-hearted and does everything, it is absolutely impossible to make such a risky decision."

Liu Lao also nodded, "maybe... He was forced. The alliance leader might as well put himself in his shoes. There was really no better way at that time."

Slightly pondering, Zuo Bufan smiled, "maybe I\'m too suspicious. Anyway, this matter has come to a dead end. I\'m sorry that he can\'t make up for this flaw again." a bright light flashed in his eyes, and Zuo Bufan was confident, "I\'m determined to get it in the Southern region!"

Liu Lao smiled slightly, but there was a different smile in his eyes.

"He doesn\'t doubt it?" the old voice sounded slowly.

"The Lord can rest assured." Liu Laoxin smiled and bowed his hands. "I guess he never thought that the southern region would not only have no \'Blessing\' for him, but would have great \'disaster\'." after a pause, Liu Laoxin shook his head, "unfortunately, listening to Zuo Bufan\'s implication, he won\'t participate in the \'throne Competition\'."

"It doesn\'t matter." the voice is still cold, "I have my own way..."

The voice ran slowly. In this closed space, the sound of the dark shadow was cold to the bone, but Liu Lao\'s eyes were shining.

The conversation between the two is unknown to a third person.

After a while.

"The Lord\'s plan!" old Liu bowed his hand and was convinced.

"You must do it properly." the voice in the dark was a little hoarse.

"The Lord can rest assured." old Liu smiled calmly and said curiously, "the emperor plans to go out in person?"

"Jie Jie." with a strange smile, the warrior hidden in the dark said, "you don\'t need to take care of it. I have my own arrangements. You just have to do what I tell you. When it\'s done, the position of the leader of the nine major human domains alliance will be yours!"

Liu Lao\'s eyes brightened instantaneously, "thank you, Lord."

be raging like a storm.

The whole human world, even if the enemy is present, is still fighting openly and secretly.

The disharmony of the human race seems to have buried a shadow for this long lost war. However, no one knows the result. Just like the demon race that occupied the absolute advantage in the previous two Lich wars, it has no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit. Maybe it was a \'draw\' on the surface, but in fact, the demon family fell behind.

However, being in the boundless sea area, you can attack and retreat and defend, but it makes the demon family in an invincible position.

But now, the demon clan who learned from the bitter experience has made a comeback, and it has a different change.

In particular, the new "commander" is the three fires of new officials.

With the crown of the leader competition and the domineering spirit of climbing to the top with an arrogant momentum, he subdued all the powerful demons. Including the second place in the competition for supremacy, the "ox demon king" worshipped his son and joined hands with him, which greatly boosted the morale of the whole demon clan!

The four royal families, the five royal families and the twelve demon stars of the demon family are all subject to support!

In front of the major right and wrong, the demon clan is consistent with the outside world! For them, what they have been convinced of has not changed. From the development history of the demon clan, we can see that the race continues, scattered like a big tree, occupying the boundless sea area. The demon clan always pursues only one criterion——

Respect the strong!

Terrans, civil strife.

The ancient clan is accumulating strength.

The witch clan is also in command of the three human races, building a solid defense.

Under the leadership of the new commander, the great sage, all the powerful demons are madly preparing for the war and making the final preparations and sprint for the third Lich war. The whole boundless sea area is boiling and the war spirit is sparkling.

But now.

In the bird King\'s prison, Lin Feng knows nothing.

For him, he can\'t see or hear everything at present. All he cares about is cultivation and understanding.

Master the mystery \'bird killing\'!

Time goes by.

Even if this "road" seems to move forward a little bit like someone taught, the mystery is really too profound.

Just like a book, the content is too much and complicated. Even if you don\'t need to understand it, it\'s not easy to recite it. The mystery of "sparrow killing" is much more complex and difficult than the mystery of the Phoenix constellation "Gallo real body".

However, just like a pay, a harvest.

The difficulty of a mystery is often proportional to its power, especially such a complex and abstruse mystery.

Kung Fu pays off. Slowly, under the continuous instillation and guidance of space energy, Lin Feng gradually recited the book. Even if he moved forward slowly step by step, he gradually saw the end in front of him.

No, it should be said to be a "transit point".

Because this road is quite long, like the mystery of the \'real body of Gallo\', there is still a long way to go.

But at least, now

Got it.

It\'s really stepping on this road and opening a door.

"So this is... Bird killing." Lin Feng whispered gently.

In my mind, images continue to emerge. Although they can not be played back perfectly like the noumenon, they have a clear understanding of the "Tao". They have a preliminary understanding of the system of power, control the way of killing and use its power.

Very strong!

"It\'s really strong."

"It\'s much more powerful than the real body of Gallo."

Pop! Lin Feng held his fists and felt the power flowing in his body. He was deeply shocked.

This can definitely separate your strength and improve it to a higher level!

Quite a terrible mystery.