Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1116

The first clue has been solved perfectly.

However, they didn\'t have any surprises.

Because this is just the beginning.

"1080 semi independent spaces."

"I\'m afraid there is only one of them, which hides the \'way of the bird King\'."

Lin Feng looked at the emperor and said, "taking chances is not the right way. We must find out the rules and simplify the screening."

The thousand love emperor nodded gently, "the semi independent space with the way of the bird king must be very unique."

His eyes flickered, and Lin Feng looked at the white light flying like lightning and twisted his eyebrows, "but the breath of each space is completely locked, and we can\'t distinguish them from each other. What\'s more, we don\'t know what the breath of the way of the king of birds is."

The thousand love emperor also smiled helplessly and shrugged.

Both of them know only a little about "the way of the bird king", and only know that there is such a thing.

But I don\'t know what it really is.

He pondered slightly and looked at the white light spots flashing in front of him. Lin Feng said softly, "anyway, try it first to see if the flame feather is really the key and can enter the semi independent space." this must be confirmed. If there are other obstacles behind the space barrier

Isn\'t it a waste of time to think before and after now?

Most importantly, I hope to get some "information" from the attempt.

Perhaps we can find out the secret of the existence of the "way of the bird king".

"Broken!" Lin Feng drank heavily.

The power of the array was instantly broken, and the fast flashing space was completely locked.

Lin Feng blinked and three flame feathers were embedded into the brand of the windmill with a lightning speed. It\'s just right! It is perfectly inserted into it, just like it is tailor-made. In an instant, the originally closed breath is opened, and the strong Qi is scattered.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

The windmill brand is on.

The flame feather is like uncovering the brand, making the whole windmill change dramatically.

The space barrier is instantly cracked, like a broken mirror. Zida, Zida\'s voice fell into his ears. Lin Feng and Qianlian Huang had bright eyes. They couldn\'t help looking forward to it. The smell in the induction was stronger and stronger.

In an instant——

"Wow!" the fire blazed.

A strong suction appeared, and Lin Feng\'s head exploded.

It was sucked into it in an instant, and this powerful force could not be stopped at all.


Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The surrounding atmosphere is different from that just now. There is no trace of thousands of love emperors around him, let alone the fast flashing white light spots. The feeling is similar to entering the first floor space. The difference is that there is no smell of fire here.

"Sure enough, flame feathers are really the \'key\' to open space." Lin Feng nodded.

Now, I can be sure.

This semi independent space is the smallest \'light spot\', and it also needs the least flame feathers. It only consumes three.

As an experiment.

"I don\'t know what will happen?" Lin Feng was curious.

Looking around, there is a boundless grassland with green grass.

The entrance when you enter also disappears. Obviously, like the first floor, if you want to go out, you must find an "exit". Or... Like yourself, have instant movement skills like \'space gate\'.

"Look around first." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

If you come, you will be at ease. The atmosphere here is very calm and seems to be no danger.


"Space has not disappeared."

"However, the space barrier is like a door locked and can no longer enter."

"It seems that only one person is allowed to enter it at the same time."

Thousands of love emperor light read.

She also locked in the space and could feel what had happened.

However, compared with Lin Feng\'s double pupils, her thousand Yao pupils belong to the attack department. They are good at array arrangement and magic cracking. They only have stronger sensing power than ordinary martial artists, but they lack special abilities. For example, she can\'t see the "windmill brand" on the space barrier.


"At least it\'s good news."

After waiting for a while, I saw that Lin Feng did not appear, and the thousand love emperor smiled clearly.

This situation shows that there is only one layer of space barrier, and Lin Feng has entered it unharmed.

"Every space is an independent world."

"Now, just find out where the \'bird King\'s way\' is, and there is no other obstacle."

The eyes are shining, and the thousand love emperor gently purses his lips.

I feel that breaking the Seven Saints is much closer to her.

Hope is growing.

At this time, Lin Feng is very freehand.

In this boundless prairie, some strange animals occasionally rush out, but their strength is not too strong.

No other beast is beyond the holy level. For himself, he just comes to die. Moreover, the existence of other beasts is quite scattered and it is difficult to gather deterrent power. Along the way, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, and his breath continued to spread, "no treasure does not fall. There must be a special place where there are dense animals."

I have experienced this situation many times.

Exotic animals absorb the essence of heaven and earth, so the more the aura is concentrated, the more exotic animals are.

Similarly, most treasures exist in the land of aura.

exist side by side and play a part together.

"This way!" Lin Feng\'s heart moved lightly.

The corners of the mouth are lightly scratched, and the figure suddenly breaks through the air.

The existence of strange animals not only does not bring any trouble to themselves, but has all advantages without disadvantages. Like lightning, with strong fire power, although Lin Feng moves forward quickly, Lin Feng is still cautious. The reborn fire is full of light outside his body.

Exotic animals, more and more.

However, for myself, it is just an ordinary obstacle.

There is no need to send out separate bodies. The release of the flame of the body alone is enough to burn these monsters.

A very easy \'trip\'.

Keep moving forward.

"The aura is really getting stronger and stronger." Lin Feng said secretly.

I don\'t know how long I\'ve been walking, nor how many strange animals I\'ve killed, but it\'s getting deeper and deeper, and the feeling of my breath is getting stronger and stronger.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

In front, there are many strange animals around a pair of women\'s light armor.

The light orange light shines with charming luster, and the strong breath also has star level energy. Obviously, this is a congenital treasure, an orange treasure. Among these animals, the strongest one has a single horn on its forehead, strong hooves and a strong smell of killing.

"The strength is similar to that of Jin Ji on that day." Lin Feng analyzed it in his heart and looked around.

There are hundreds of strange animals around. Obviously, if you want to get this orange congenital star armor, you must kill them first.

Perhaps this is a difficult task for ordinary star domain strong people.

But for myself, it\'s too easy.

"Come on!" Lin Feng looked calm.

The fire of swallowing in the hand roars and flashes, shocking the space.

WOW~ The light flashed.

"Hmm?" the thousand love emperor lightly Yi for a moment, and couldn\'t help turning his head.

The goal is a familiar figure, with a faint smile, it is Lin Feng.

"Yours." Lin Feng smiled calmly, and the orange light flashed in his hand. The light orange women\'s light armor suddenly fell to the thousand love emperor, who was stunned with a small face. He reached out and took it, but he was slightly stunned. I didn\'t know what it meant.

"This is the treasure of the semi independent space just now." Lin Feng opened his mouth calmly.

The thousand love emperor suddenly nodded, understood, and then handed back the orange lady\'s light armour, "this gift is too heavy, I can\'t accept it."

And didn\'t pick up, Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and bright, and he said with a smile, "you and I are now companions, and we are blessed to share, not to mention this is a women\'s light armor, which I can\'t wear." with a indifferent smile, Lin Feng said, "three flame feathers can exchange for a ground level orange congenital star armor, which is also worth it."

Hesitated for a moment, the thousand love emperor smiled gently and then accepted the congenital star armor.

After getting along with Lin Feng, she knows a thing or two about Lin Feng\'s character and understands him. If she is too fussy, she will be stingy.

What\'s more, she owes Lin Feng too much. What\'s more than one ground level treasure?

"Just now I\'ve been thinking about which space the way of the bird king will be in." the thousand love emperor looked at the forest wind, and his beautiful eyes were sparkling.

"There is a result?" Lin Feng said softly.

Shaking his head, the thousand love emperor paused and opened his lips, "I thought for a long time and figured out the most possible law. The way of the bird king is the biggest secret in the third floor of the bird King\'s prison, which must be hidden in the largest semi independent space."

"Lin Feng, you have just confirmed that the larger the light spot, the more flame feathers you need."

"I think that\'s the key!"

The light and pleasant voice fell in his ears, and Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

The meaning of thousand love emperor is very clear to me.

She means that the larger the semi independent space, the more precious and rare the treasures contained in it. Nine times out of ten, the way of the bird King exists in the semi independent space that needs the most "flame feathers"!

It\'s reasonable to speculate.

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"What do you think?" thousands of love Huang\'s beautiful eyes flashed, like an apprentice who hopes to be affirmed by the master.

Before she knew it, she regarded Lin Feng as a "leader", just like ordinary members of a small team feel about the captain.

This is a deterrent to strength.

"It\'s very possible." Lin Feng said softly, with a sparkling luster in his eyes, and said positively, "the greater the demand, the greater the price, and the more you get. In other words, even if what is hidden in the semi independent space that needs\' flame feathers\' is not the \'way of the bird King\', it must be the most precious existence, even..."

"Better than the way of the bird king!"

They looked at each other with bright light.

The answer to the puzzle is becoming clearer and clearer.

"Give it to me." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I know that although qianlianhuang can lock in space, she can\'t see it.

This task can only be completed by ourselves, not to mention just observing and recording the size of the light spot. It doesn\'t need to spend too much effort. With the ability of self-state, it can be completed quickly——

It can be completed perfectly!