Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1115

A \'brand\' like a windmill!

Like the key to open the door, Lin Feng\'s heart shook slightly.

There is no doubt that the existence of this "brand" is the key to opening a semi independent space! If this space barrier is compared to a door, it is like a windmill brand, which is the lock on the door. As long as it can crack the secret of the \'brand\'

Everything will be solved easily!

What is it?

Lin Feng frowned slightly and stared at the brand.

The breath of space is still blocked, and the disappearance of the power of the array does not make the space have any signs of rupture, which I know very well.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and wrote down the "brand" deeply.

"How\'s it going?" Qianlian asked.

"The harvest is not small." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t have to hide his love for the emperor.

One is short and two are long.

It\'s better to discuss with the thousand love Emperor than to think hard alone.

After all, the thousand love emperor has been deeply involved in the "way of array". Perhaps he will know what the "windmill brand" engraved on the space barrier means. The eyes were slightly bright. Lin Feng suddenly stretched out his index finger, and a flame light condensed into a gun.

"Bang, bang, bang! ~" refers to Jihui, and Lin Feng quickly depicts it on the ground.

Self state clear memory, painting and self will not have half deviation.

Even such a fine existence of the engraving array can be drawn perfectly, not to mention that it is just an ordinary brand. Lin Feng has finished drawing in just a few seconds. The thousand love emperor beside him frowned slightly, looked at the pattern branded by the windmill, and looked at Lin Feng incomprehensibly.

"This is the only existence of the \'space barrier\'."

"The rest is smooth and flawless."

Lin Feng explained calmly.

The thousand love emperor nodded and whispered indecisively.

Seeing the thousand love emperor fall into hard thinking, Lin Feng\'s eyes are also light and bright. Needless to say, he can guess. Obviously, the thousand love emperor has never seen the pattern branded by the windmill, and he doesn\'t even know what kind of existence it is. Looking at the ground, Lin Feng fell into meditation.

"Is it related to constellations?"

"Or what does this pattern mean, such as the way of constellations? Or the way of the Holy One?"

"If it\'s just a \'windmill\', what does it mean?"


Lin Feng\'s look is changing.

In any case, this is just an ordinary pattern. If it really has a certain energy feeling, there is no reason why it can\'t feel it.

Meditate for a moment.

"Still no clue." Lin Feng breathed out a sigh.

Raised his head and looked at the thousand love emperor who was still thinking, without disturbing him.

His eyes flickered slightly, Lin Feng looked around, the change of space was still fierce, the white light constantly appeared in front of him, and he could see it clearly in his own state. The semi independent space where the breath was locked was already full of "array power" and recovered quite quickly.

"The \'power of the array\' of this large array is endless, and it is absolutely impossible to consume it."

"You can\'t defeat the enemy, you have to outwit."

Lin Feng knows very well.

Glancing at thousands of love emperors and the brand of windmills on the ground, I suddenly gave a hint in my heart.

"By the way, why not look at other space barriers?"

"Since the size of each semi independent space is different, maybe other places are also different."

Lin Feng reads lightly.

Now that you don\'t have a clue, give it a try.

Try again!

It\'s not difficult to break the power of the array.

In the ontological self state, it is even easier to lock and \'watch\' space. Soon, more than ten spatial barriers have been explored. It varies from small to large, but although the light spot is small, the space barrier is complete.

The thousand love emperor raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, "this is..."

On the ground, in addition to the windmill brand just now, there are many unequal shape categories.

But the size is not much different.

"This is the \'brand\' on other space barriers." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning and if he opens his mouth, "I break a total of 13 \'array forces\'. However, among the 13 space barriers, the brand on six space barriers is repeated. With the previous one, there are eight different\' windmill brand \'at present."

Lin Feng slowly opened his mouth and stared at the ground.

It\'s one windmill brand after another. There are at least three windmills and at most ten windmills.

The classification is very clear.

"Hmm..." thousands of love Huang\'s beautiful eyes flashed and said slowly, "I\'ve been thinking about the connection between the windmill brand and the big array. But it seems wrong to think about it. In particular, there is no energy fluctuation in the windmill brand, which is incompatible with the existence of constellations and various\' Tao \'."

"That\'s right." Lin Feng nodded.

Looking at these eight lonely different windmills, I have a feeling in my heart.

Yourself, what seems to be missing?

"There are eight different brand marks of windmills, and there are no flaws in the similarities."

"What\'s the difference?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

Windmill fan!

Three, four, five, ten!

The structure of the windmill has changed from loose to tight, and the ten windmill fans have completely adhered the whole windmill to almost a whole.

In terms of windmill construction, it\'s a little "funny".

"If this is really a windmill, I\'m afraid it can\'t turn." Lin Feng smiled slightly and looked at it casually. He was stunned at every windmill brand and fan, "wait, maybe... My direction is wrong, this is not a windmill at all! Or..."

"This is not even the so-called \'brand\'!" Lin Feng was shocked.

Not a brand, not a windmill, what\'s that?

A small hand!

The key to open the space barrier!

"Its windmill fan..." Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated slightly. Looking at the windmill fan with strange shape, he looked more and more similar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere. For a moment, Lin Feng\'s eyes were completely bright and suddenly said, "is this..."

WOW! Lin Feng moves his hands very fast.

A fire red light suddenly appeared, with strong fire power. It was a very thin and light feather.

Flame feather!

That\'s it! Perfect response.

The windmill fan seems to be tailor-made for flame feathers, just right!

The flame feather is completely embedded in the windmill fan, more is too cumbersome, less is a gap, and now

Exceptional perfection.

The windmill mark as like as two peas, no matter what size or shape, is exactly the same as the space barrier.

It can be inserted here, which means on the space barrier——

It can also be inserted!

"I see!" suddenly, the thousand love emperor woke up from his meditation and showed a surprise, "Lin Feng, I know what the \'windmill brand\' is, ah!" his mouth opened gently. The thousand love emperor covered the cherry mouth with his hand. His eyes were full of surprise, but he saw the light sprinkled flame feathers on the ground.

"This is the key." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Well." thousand love emperor returned to his senses, nodded and smiled, "this flame feather can break the first and second layers of the big array, and naturally can break the third layer of the big array."

"In the way of array, thinking perfectly with the power of array is another element of array."

They smiled at each other.

The difference is that one is derived from practice, and the other is derived from theory.

But even if the road is different, the destination is the same.

The answer has appeared.

However, thousands of love emperor\'s smile was darkened and gently pursed his lips.

"What\'s the matter?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

The answer to the troubled question finally means that we have taken a step further from "breaking the Seven Saints". Shouldn\'t we be happy?

"I... Only have seven flame feathers." the thousand love emperor shook his head gently and frowned. "There are 1080 semi independent spaces, and the one who knows the most now needs ten flame feathers." the voice is a little helpless, which shows that the thousand love emperor is in a mood at the moment.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and understood the meaning of thousands of love for the emperor.

Indeed, if "breaking the Seven Saints" really exists, the requirements for entering the semi independent space must be very high.

Seven flame feathers alone are not enough.


"Don\'t worry." Lin Feng smiled.

The light of both hands flashed instantaneously, and a strong power of fire spread out.

It was a colorful flame feather, suspended in the air, like a red lantern, with as many as 50 or 60 pieces.

"Ah!" his hands gently covered his mouth. The thousand love emperor was a little confused, but he was startled, "this..."

"I think it should be enough for both of us?" Lin Feng smiled calmly. In fact, he didn\'t expect that this\' flame feather \'would be useful. He almost forgot it. He obtained hundreds of pieces on the first and second floors of the array. Now only half of them are taken out.

Flashing beautiful eyes, the thousand love emperor looked at Lin Feng and felt curious.

It seems that nothing can be difficult to get him.

On the first floor of the "bird\'s prison" and the second floor of the "King\'s prison", although each independent space can obtain flame feathers, it takes the same amount to break through the array. She was lucky enough to get seven. She just found the array eye to leave, but how did Lin Feng get so much?

Thousands of love emperors can\'t understand.

As far as she knows, Lin Feng doesn\'t understand arrays at all.

The heart is full of questions. Looking at the flame feathers in Lin Feng\'s hand, although thousands of love emperors are eager, they can\'t open their mouth. They always feel that they have taken advantage of Lin Feng. After all, there are so many semi independent spaces, not only the existence of "the way of the bird king", but also other precious treasures that Lin Feng can enjoy by himself.

"I......" thousand love emperor lightly pursed his cherry lips and couldn\'t speak.

The tangled expression fell into Lin Feng\'s eyes, how could he not understand?

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng said softly, "don\'t be a mother. Aren\'t we companions? Naturally, we share weal and woe."


Thousands of love emperor\'s beautiful eyes are shining. Looking at Lin Feng, I have an unspeakable complex feeling in my heart. His tall and straight chest fluctuated sharply, and he was inexplicably touched in the depths of his heart. He looked at each other. The beautiful face of Qianlian Huang was a little red, blooming a smile and nodding heavily, "HMM."