Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1113

"The crystal wall of the first level."

"The black fire array of the second level."

"In fact, they are all part of this big array."

Thousands of love emperor\'s beautiful eyes flashed, "the source of the strange power given by the big array is the \'power of the array\', and even the whole bird King prison is probably a part of the big array. The first layer \'bird prison\' is the outermost layer, and the second layer \'King\'s prison\' is the central layer, now..."

"We are in the center of the array."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

In terms of array attainments, thousands of love the emperor is much richer than themselves.

Although she said she knew a thing or two, it was obviously modest. She could see through the mysteries of such a large array, which showed the mental power of the thousand love emperor in the array.

"What do you do now?" said Lin Feng.

Since he is a layman, there is no need to be brave. It is up to the more capable thousand love emperor to decide.

The beautiful eyes flashed a light, and the thousand love emperor gently opened his mouth, "open the big array."

Long! Long! Long!

In an instant, it vibrated violently, and the whole space was like an earthquake.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and curious.

"There are only two \'ways\' in this large array, namely, the way of fire and the way of force." Qianlian Huang\'s beautiful eyes brightened. "The power of the array is often the power of the person who set up the array. Its power contains the way of fire and the way of force, which drives and controls the whole array."

Lin Feng nodded, "so gather your way of power and my way of fire to start this array."

"Yes." thousand love emperor said lightly, "this big array is obviously set up by those who set up the array for predestined people. In particular, there are two tests. The first test must have a strong enough \'way of power\'; the second test, the way of power is useless, and only the power of fire can break it."

"Therefore, if you combine these two forces, you can simulate the power of the array and start the large array!"

Lin Feng admired the sonorous voice.

Although qianlianhuang is young, he knows more than himself.

I once heard from my adoptive father that the attainment of array requires not only understanding, but also time precipitation. However, I don\'t want to love the emperor for thousands of years. I know a lot about it. I really deserve to be a genius. The pleasant sound is still ringing in the ear, instant——

"Boom!" boom!! "the earthquake intensified.

The whole space seemed to collapse, like an ancient instrument began to work.

"Open." thousand love emperor light way.

Lin Feng nodded.

Even if the emperor doesn\'t say it, he can "see" it.

The original calm array has now changed alone, and the smell of the whole space has completely changed. That layer of "simple" and featureless Aura will disappear in the blink of an eye. The strong power of the array will spread everywhere with the opening of the array, and the aura will completely change.

As the thousand love emperor said——

"It\'s the combination of the way of fire and the way of power." Lin Feng said secretly.

The difference is that the power of the simulated array opened by himself and the thousand love emperor is only the combination of the two forces, while the real "power of the array" is the combination of the two forces!

Great difference!

Just like their own star sky pupil and star dome pupil, after fusion, the power is more than one plus one equals two. The change of the power of the whole space drives the eyes to flash, and the surrounding stars twinkle, turning into a halo. The halo is dazzling everywhere. It\'s like entering a fantasy world, and the wind and cloud change color.

"It\'s strange!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and exclaimed.

Originally, the whole barren and barren land was colorful in transient time, as if entering another world.

This is the way of array, which is unpredictable.

At this time——

"Wow!" "Wow!" his pupils were shining inexplicably. Lin Feng was slightly stunned, as if he felt something.

It seems that a fuzzy light spot floats in front of him and dies in a flash. The whole space, like a spinning top, seems stationary, but it is moving at high speed. One of Lin Feng\'s hearts was cold, and his eyes soon became bright, as if he knew something.

"Self state!" Lin Feng drank softly.

The starsky pupil on the sixth floor is combined with the stardome pupil to instantly open the key password.

The eyes were completely different for a moment. The fuzzy light spots moved much slower. Above them were tadpole words that they couldn\'t understand. The light spots were large and small, but the largest was just like a button. They were very tiny and almost invisible in the fast progress.

But it really exists.

"This is..." Lin Feng was surprised.

Although I don\'t understand the meaning of the existence of these small light spots, it is obviously useful, but I still have a shallow understanding of the array.

Instantaneously, his eyes looked at the thousand love emperor. At this time, the latter gently covered his lips with his fingers, and his beautiful eyes kept changing light. It seemed that he was thinking about something. The beautiful face flashed bright and charming. Looking back, they looked at each other and smiled calmly.

"How\'s it going?" Lin Feng asked.

The thousand love emperor nodded slightly, and the golden light flashed on his forehead. "There are 108 spaces condensed into a whole. Each space exists semi independently. It is not only attached to the big array, but also composed of the big array, which is completely different from other spaces."


Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but he couldn\'t understand it at all.

What is semi independence? What is attachment?

Suddenly, the floating light spots appeared in his mind. If Lin Feng realized, "the 108 spaces are light spots the size of buttons?"

A little surprise flashed in the eyes of the thousand love emperor, "how do you know?"

"See." Lin Feng smiled and pointed to his eyes.

"See?" thousand love emperor quickly responded and said in surprise, "special pupil, your pupil is auxiliary?"

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled.

"Great." the thousand love emperor smiled calmly, "my \'thousand Yao Tong\' is proficient in magic and array arrangement, but it is not helpful to break the array. The space with \'the way of the bird King\' is in these 1080 semi independent spaces. If you can find it, you can break the Seven Saints at that time!"

i see!

Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

My guess is true. These fast floating light spots are the 1080 semi independent spaces mentioned by the thousand love emperor.

The "way of the bird king" is hidden in one of them!

His eyes sparkled with bright light, and Lin Feng also felt hope. He didn\'t just want to break the Seven Saints.

Myself, also extremely eager!

"How to find it?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The thousand love emperor shook his head, "I don\'t know. I can only lock a single space level with the mystery of space. Others are more than my heart but less than my strength."

The mystery of space!

Lin Feng is not surprised. The king constellation is different.

Ordinary constellations have only one core power of heaven and earth. For example, Phoenix has only one fire in "energy"; The constellation of the thousand love emperor is Virgo. In addition to "power", she also has "space", which is only a small part of the powerful constellation of the king.

"These 108 spaces, the line turns very fast." Lin Feng said slowly.

"The size of each space is different. The big one is the size of a button and the small one is the size of a grain of rice."

"The smell of space... Changes too fast."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are slightly clustered.

Every moment, the breath of space is changing rapidly.

"I\'ll try." thousand love emperor nodded and instantly closed his eyes.

The slender eyelashes curl up, and the bright red lips transmit a faint charm for a moment——

"Wow!" the golden stars shone again on his forehead.

The star seal of Virgo flashes perfectly. With the low murmur in the mouth of the thousand love emperor, layers of breath suddenly radiates.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned.

In the self state, the star pupil is bright.

Like a kind of understanding of "Tao", I can vaguely feel the ability of the thousand love emperor, which is very clear. At the spatial level, it is like the detection of breath, inexplicably feeling an understanding feeling, instant——

Pop! Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

Close at hand, the twinkling of xingcang\'s pupil, accompanied by his self state, Lin Feng soon integrated with the action of thousands of love emperor.

It\'s like a student looking at the teacher and imitating the feeling.

Time seems to stop at a moment.

The star pupil itself contains the "way of space".

In the self state, it is equivalent to the power of Saint level, and has a deep understanding of space.

Coincidentally, the strength of the thousand love emperor is still only the star domain level peak, and the mystery is not complex, but the most basic application. Over and over again, the golden light on Qianlian Huang\'s forehead kept flashing, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining at the same time.

Steal learning!

Although Lin Feng didn\'t mean to do it, since he started, he had no reason to stop halfway.

These "skills" are also of great help to me.


Deep understanding.

Lin Feng is completely immersed in it, and the thousand love emperor is unknown. At present, all her spirit is focused on "detection". After all, one of the 108 semi independent spaces has the existence of "the way of the bird king"!

That\'s the key to her success.

each takes what he needs.

Two people, quite busy.

As time went by, the thousand love emperor\'s face was dignified, and the golden light on his forehead gradually faded down.

Pop! Open your eyes, thousands of love Huang Xiu eyebrows frown slightly and recite indecisively. Suddenly, he felt a different kind of space energy. Qianlian Huang immediately turned his head. He saw Lin Feng and felt the flashing energy of his pupils and the familiar space breath. Qianlian Huang couldn\'t believe it. He covered his mouth and looked very cute in surprise.

It can\'t be true?

"The way of space."

"There was such a use."

"It\'s really strange."

Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart.

The twinkling of the star pupil, accompanied by the touch of the power of space, seems to be integrated with the surrounding like a soul.

All the ways of space are clearly printed into my mind. No matter how it changes, it flies quickly, but it\'s like overlooking everything on the ground from a high altitude. As long as the changing speed of the space does not exceed its sensing range, it can be sensed and locked!

Quite wonderful.

"Whoa! ~" he breathed out, and Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

To his goal, he was looking at himself with a beautiful face that looked like a smile.

"Er......" Lin Feng smiled awkwardly.