Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1112

"Come out!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were completely bright.

The body far away on the other side blinked and disappeared. Through the Phoenix chart, it exceeded the gallop of the fire in the center of the earth in an instant and appeared in front of the black fire cave.

"Devouring fire!" Lin storm drank.

Now, I have to try my best.

The emergence of noumenon is a double-edged sword that makes you stand on the edge of a cliff.

If you don\'t succeed at one blow, 100% of the fire in the center of the earth behind you will burst out unimaginable power in an instant and directly swallow yourself.

throw the helve after the hatchet!

"Boom!" "boom!" the forest wind broke out completely.

Drive the devouring fire with the way of the saint, and the Phoenix\'s life chart in the body is bright.

The only remaining devouring fire surged out like an open dam, galloping wildly with the fastest speed and the strongest power. Under the extreme pressure of the inner earth flame, time is everything now. You must completely burst the black fire hole before the inner earth flame arrives!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The black fire cave was finally bombarded by the extreme.

Although the devouring fire driven by the way of the Holy One is far less than the thunder light of separation, this strange black fire cave can not resist the "fire", and the power of devouring fire is 100% explosive. It is not only different from separation, but only gives play to 20-30% power.

On the contrary, devouring fire has a special bonus power to the hole of black fire!

It\'s like an attack on the fire in the center of the earth.

Devour everything!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Lin Feng was so anxious that he felt the fire he swallowed surging wildly, and the black fire cave was constantly consuming energy and breaking. That feeling is like smashing the wall to destroy it completely, but it is about to come to an end, and my strength is getting smaller and smaller.

"No!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth and looked like earth.

His devouring fire is almost exhausted at such a critical time.

Before, in order to draw the fire in the center of the earth, it consumed more than half, but now it can\'t continue.

"Damn!" Lin Fengxin sank to the bottom of the valley.

Seeing the collapse of the black fire cave close at hand, only the last wave of power is missing, but now my body is "dry". He clenched his fist and his body trembled violently. Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of extreme reluctance. Are you going to lose? To lose in this place?

How can I!!!

Lin Feng tightly pursed his lips and looked deep.

The fierce fire in the center of the earth behind him came, which was enough to seriously hurt himself and crush the thousand love emperors. I can fully feel the hot power and crazy breath, but my spine is cold and my heart is very painful.

no way out?

Is there really no way?!

Lin Feng clenched his fists and his eyes were shining.

Never give up until the last minute!

In my mind, various thoughts are constantly emerging. In such a crisis moment, my mind is calm to the extreme and my consciousness is completely concentrated.


Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled momentarily.

I have a way!

"Fight!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

Although this move is very risky, if you fail, you will not only be injured, but also be broken to pieces and no bones, but

No choice!

I have no way back.

"Amethyst gun!" Lin Feng drank wildly.

In an instant, under the thunder, the separation disappeared strangely.

The Amethyst gun suddenly appeared in the body\'s hand. It was the body that was extremely fragile compared with the separation. Holding the hot handle of the Amethyst gun tightly, cold sweat was seeping from the palm of his hand, but Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. Clench your teeth and shoot your eyes.

fight to win or die!

"Yanlong shot!" Lin Fengshen drank.

Bearing the roaring fire from the center of the earth behind, facing the situation in front of which there is no way back, the perfect Yanlong shooting is performed in an instant. Although in terms of the power and strength of the gun move, the power of this gun can\'t be compared with that of the gun technique performed by the split body, but

Yanlong was shot, but he had an ability that he didn\'t have.

"Boom!" a dragon of flame appeared instantly, covering the whole Amethyst gun. The face is ferocious, the fire is boiling, and the application of gun moves is like a spiral to attract the power of fire around. Instantaneous time, like a magnet, attracts all the surrounding flames, including——

Behind the earth fire!

The picture is extremely strange.

The fierce fire in the center of the earth was less than half a meter away from Lin Feng\'s back, but it crossed his body, as if it had been sucked by a magnet and "stuck" to the Amethyst gun, like thunder around, like a vortex. With the gathering of power and the stepping out of the forest wind, the rich geocentric flame suddenly roared to the hole of black fire.

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!" "boom!" a raging shot.

Guns are like mud, but the fire in the center of the earth is the explosive power of each other.

Already destroyed by the devoured fire, the black fire cave, which almost reached the limit, was suddenly split by the impact, in which the golden light was dazzling, the whole black fire cave seemed to burst, and the breath of energy was violently vented, as if it had been completely destroyed. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He immediately saw the familiar figure and appeared in front of him.

WOW! The light is completely bright.

A sky like raging flame burst through the sky.

In the sky, it was like the sound of birds singing. It was very similar to the Phoenix. Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked. The familiar feeling hit his heart again, but it was much clearer than before. Somewhere, it seems that some attraction is calling itself.


"Peng!" his head exploded.

The whole person seems to be involved in a vortex.

The rapid change of the light in front of us seems to penetrate the space level, and the forest wind penetrates the hole of black fire.

Pop! The eyes are bright.

Lin Feng\'s consciousness suddenly returned, and the inductive breath spread out.

It\'s still hot, but it\'s not the hot feeling just now. Stepping on an infinite land, the atmosphere of the surrounding space has changed alone.

"Where is this?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

"The third floor of the bird King prison is also the deepest one." the voice of Qingyue came, and the thousand love emperor appeared beside Lin Feng with a faint smile. The overflowing smile and full breath are enough to prove that the thousand love emperor has not been hurt.

The four eyes were opposite, and Lin Feng smiled.

The tacit understanding and cooperation just now are nothing like the first cooperation.

As companions, the most important thing is\' trust \', which is to trust each other\'s backs to each other.

After this battle, strangers are gone.

"Finally." Lin Feng nodded gently.

Sure enough, just like the "ancient forbidden area" of the earth system he entered, if you want to explore the deepest secrets, you must pass the test. However, in contrast, the test of quewang prison is really too difficult. I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be here without the help of thousands of love emperors.

"It\'s hard."

"Without Saint level strength, you can\'t enter here at all."

Thousand love emperor light way, slightly sigh.

Her strength is at the top of the human world at the star domain level, comparable to ordinary saints, but she can\'t even pass the first level here.

"But here... Seems nothing special." Lin Feng looked around and felt a little curious.

After thousands of hardships, this boundless land looks deserted. The most important thing is that the surrounding aura is neither full of fire elements like the first floor, nor has a strong way of power like the second floor. Here

Very common!

Perhaps the Reiki is much more abundant than the fighting spirit world.

But it\'s not like the real "ancient forbidden area", because the feeling that shocked my heart just now suddenly disappeared and no longer exists. His eyes turned to the thousand love emperor, who was also a light frown at this time. The smile just turned into thinking. The thousand love emperor\'s beautiful eyes moved slightly, and the golden light on his forehead twinkled.

"Vientiane!" the thousand love emperor drank lightly, his hands stretched out fiercely, and a wave like air flow spread in an instant.

On the forehead, Virgo\'s stars are lifelike. At this moment, it seems to be integrated with the thousand love emperor. The bright double pupils have the ultimate light.

Very unique!

"Her pupil is not inferior to me." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

With similar breath energy, the pupil of qianlianhuang is also the sixth layer and the first level!

It\'s just that he is an "auxiliary type", and qianaihuang\'s eyes are very aggressive.


WOW! The light dissipated, and the golden light flashing outside the body of the thousand love emperor slowly disappeared.

However, he still looked very dignified. Looking at Lin Feng, the thousand love emperor gently opened his lips: "I\'m afraid we\'re still in the array."

Still in battle?!

Lin Feng was slightly surprised and quite surprised.

Just now, I clearly destroyed the hole of black fire. How is it possible?

"The array in the array." as if he guessed what Lin Feng was thinking, Qian Lianhuang gently explained, "I heard my father mention that this array in the array is very rare. Only a real array master can understand the establishment. There must be a big secret in the array."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"In other words, this is the third level?" Lin Feng couldn\'t help but feel a bitter smile, but it was endless.

Finally, I tried my best to break the second level, but there was another one?

That feeling is quite suffocating.

"No, this is already the deepest layer of the bird King\'s prison." thousands of love Huang\'s beautiful eyes flashed and smiled, "the way of the bird king is contained in it."

Array in array?

The way of the bird king, here again?

Lin Feng suddenly felt confused. His eyebrows were slightly clustered. He was stunned and looked at the thousand love emperor in surprise. "Do you mean that in the deepest layer of the bird King prison, in addition to the \'way of the bird King\', there is a big secret?"

Qian love Huang Qing, her beautiful eyes flickered: "although I don\'t know what the secret is, I\'m afraid I can guard it with the \'array in the array\'."

"Quite shocking."

WOW~ Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly and his heart shook slightly.

"The familiar feeling, the feeling of light movement of the heart, and the \'call\'..." Lin Feng fully understood and suddenly whispered, "the array hidden in the array." he was shocked. Lin Feng\'s face was constantly changing and it was difficult to calm down.

Looking at Lin Feng, the thousand love emperor said lightly, "don\'t think about it. How can we crack the array in the array?"

"It\'s enough to find the way of the bird king and break the Seven Saints."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled calmly.

Indeed, greedy for more can\'t chew. For myself at present, it\'s better to firmly grasp what I can see in front of me rather than spend time in the ethereal array.

The way of the bird king!