Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1091


Who is it?

Lin Feng\'s body trembled slightly.

That feeling is more terrible than the sense of authority brought to him by the thousand love emperor before.

When there was a man standing behind me, I didn\'t know!

"Pa!" his eyes were bright, and Lin Feng held them tightly with his fists.

Not far away, an indifferent figure slowly appeared with fiery red color. Lin Feng\'s eyes immediately enlarged. He was a slightly emaciated young man, a little thinner than normal martial artists, but his whole body was permeated with a strong momentum, especially his eyes, which flashed with fiery red color.

And the most striking is the mark on the forehead!

"Phoenix?!" Lin Feng was stunned.

Is this... The mark of the Phoenix constellation?

"My name is Fengming." the young man smiled and took the lead in opening his mouth.

The eyes of Huoguang Jiong glanced at Jin Ji, looked at Lin Feng again, and said with a light smile, "who are you Lin Feng?"

Peng! One of the heart quakes.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, but he didn\'t know who the young man called "Fengming" was. He didn\'t know him, and he obviously didn\'t know himself.

The most important thing is

Why is he here?

I clearly remember that there were only seven people in the quewang prison, and there was no young man named "Fengming".


"Is he... The Holy One?!" Lin Feng\'s pupils dilated and finally reacted.

The breath is completely different from Jin Ji.

The control of \'domain\' is far beyond the star domain level strong. His existence is like nothingness and completely independent of this space.

No wonder I didn\'t notice his existence just now. I can feel it only in my own state!

Holy One, how did you come?

Moreover, it seems that they are looking for themselves!

White club?

An idea popped up in Lin Feng\'s mind, but he denied it instantaneously.

Not to mention that he is not dressed in white and doesn\'t look like a killer. Would a killer not even know the target?

If it\'s not the white dress club, he is

Lin Feng fell into deep thinking, but Jin Ji on the other side was unwilling.

"Brother Fengming, there is always a first come, first served. Lin Feng\'s opponent is me!" Jin Ji drank in a deep voice and looked bad.

Just about to move forward, suddenly——

"Jiong!" Feng Ming raised his hand, and a surprisingly boiling fireball flew through the forest wind to Jin Ji. The light of fire was completely condensed in the small fireball. Jin Ji\'s face changed greatly and he had not reacted yet. The fireball had arrived, but it was too late to resist.

However, with a bang, the fireball suddenly turned 90 degrees and flew into the air at a distance of half a meter in front of Jin Ji\'s body.

"So fast!"

"Good precision and terrible control."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled sharply and his heart was shocked.

Jin Ji was pale and short of breath. A short confrontation showed the strength gap.

"Pay attention to your words. Do you deserve to be my brother?" Feng Ming still kept a faint smile, but there was a kind of arrogance that refused people thousands of miles away. His indifferent words were full of contempt and disdain. Jin Ji\'s face was white and his body trembled, "you!"

"Don\'t talk nonsense!" Feng Ming\'s face was positive, and his eyes were like electricity to Jin Ji.

That feeling seems to have a killing intention.

Jin Ji, who had been so insulted, blushed, clenched his fists, and his breath burst out when he drank wildly.

A scholar prefers death to humiliation!

"Brother Jin." Lin Feng took a step sideways and spoke quickly.

Between Jin Ji and Feng Ming, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and said slowly, "this is between me and him."

Your own business is meaningless to drag down innocent people.

No matter what Fengming\'s intention is, the matter needs to be solved by himself.

Jin Ji frowned. His rising anger suddenly went out, but he also understood Lin Feng\'s meaning. He hesitated. Although he was unwilling, he quietly stepped aside.

"I\'m Lin Feng, may I ask your name..." Lin Feng looked at Feng Ming and said slowly.

"The ancient Qiang Feng clan, the junior Feng envoy, was ordered by the patriarch to take you to the Hui clan." Feng Ming didn\'t hide it and said without hesitation. Obviously, he didn\'t care about Lin Feng\'s strength at all. The dull voice suddenly changed Jin Ji and Lin Feng\'s complexion.

Ancient people!

Is he an ancient?

Jin Ji was a little confused, but he saw the ancient people for the first time, which seemed no different from human beings.

But Lin Feng\'s eyes changed completely.

Qiang Feng ancient clan!

It was his own mother, Jia Yazhu. According to his adoptive father, in those days, because of Lin\'s informant, the Jifeng ancient people came to catch father and mother, so that father and mother had to leave the family and flee to the end of the world. Although I don\'t know what happened in the middle, my mother lost track and heard nothing, and my father

Seriously injured, almost dead!

With one last breath, he fled to tianwu mainland with himself and his brother, leaving him with a crippled life.

I firmly remember my deep blood feud!

"Did you find it?"

"After all, I can\'t escape this fate."

"Lin Dadi... Is really powerful. He blocked all the roads. I didn\'t think he could inform the ancient family."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and he closed his lips tightly.

Although I don\'t know how Lin Dadi did it, it\'s no longer important. What\'s important is——

They\'ve come.

Lin Feng felt helpless with a sigh in his heart.

My father was like that, but now I can\'t escape.

As the adoptive father said, the ancient people will never tolerate intermarriage between their people and humble human beings, leaving their children!

Although Feng Ming is not the saint with scar on his wrist described by his adoptive father, his purpose is obviously the same.

If you go back with Feng Ming, you will be doomed to death and there is no chance of survival. But what if you don\'t go with him? Like dad? Although he has made great progress, after all, he is only at the star domain level, and there is still a certain distance from the saint level, not to mention his opponent, not only the saint, but also the saint of the ancient family!

Stronger than the human saint.

From Feng Ming\'s calm expression, we can see that he is not afraid to run away.

Xinran stood like a cat catching a mouse. Feng Ming\'s smile was more like a kind of contempt, a kind of wanton contempt, and he didn\'t care.


Can you escape?

Space has long been locked. Whether you use the door of space or jade Dun, it takes time, and this time is enough for strong people such as Feng Ming to die thousands of times. It\'s better to be captured than to be a prisoner——

Fight to the end!

Even if the winning may be very weak, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

It\'s death. I\'m going to die!

"Well, have you thought about it?" Feng Ming\'s eyes were light and seemed to be able to see through people\'s hearts.

"Think about it." Lin Fengshen replied, the purple light in his hand flashed, and a majestic force suddenly emerged. The Amethyst gun emits sparkling light and appears in your hand. It is sonorous, clanging and thundering. It is very brave!

"Purple light on the ground steps?!" Jin Ji stared.

When the Amethyst gun appeared, Feng Ming and his eyes flashed slightly. He said softly, but he was not too surprised. He smiled dumbly, "this is your answer?"

With a laugh, he seemed to laugh at Lin Feng\'s overestimation.

The breath soared!

Lin Fengshen drank, but he didn\'t say any more.

Action represents everything!

Since there is no way to avoid, it is better to fight vigorously. What about the ancient people? They also have the blood of the ancient people!

"Gallo fireball!" the devouring fire coagulates instantaneously, the roaring fire is fierce, and the way of the Holy One erupts instantaneously. Although the star power is not the power of the saints, the outbreak of the way of the saints is approaching the real power of the saints, and the amazing flame roars out.

Gale\'s fireball shot like a continuous gun, and the forest wind did not stop.


"Lan yunbu!" Lin Feng showed all his cards. In the face of opponents at Fengming\'s level, hiding clumsiness was just asking for trouble.

His only hope is whether he can defeat the enemy in one blow and defeat him in one go on the basis that he does not understand his real strength and underestimates the enemy.

But all ancient warriors are gods!

This can be seen from Feng Ming\'s bright eyes.

Have great soul power!

Just now, a small fireball, speed, power and control are all above yourself, which shows Fengming\'s strength. In the vein of tianlingshi, no matter how strong his qualification is, he is flowing with the blood of Phoenix. After all, he is only at the star domain level, which is a huge gap from Fengming.

What I can compete with him is the fusion eyes and self state with Saint level strength!

And most importantly——


Their physique is definitely better than that of the ancient people.

God is most afraid of close proximity, even if the ancient nationality\'s qualification is superior, it\'s the same.

As long as you can get close to him, with your own strength of tianwu, maybe... You can create a miracle and defeat the saint with star level strength!

But there is only one chance.

"The only hope." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Here, in the face of Lin Feng\'s attack, Feng Ming really doesn\'t care. He looks like playing. A faint light flashed in his eyes. Feng Ming didn\'t dodge or even move. Raise your hand and the same fireball will blow out faster and faster.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Directly blow down the fireball cast by Lin Feng.

"Very good." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and his heart was secretly happy.

Feng Ming\'s "carelessness" seems to be a sign of belittling the enemy. Obviously, he doesn\'t care about himself as a "star level warrior".

And the "Gallo fireball" he cast did hide some strength. Although it was driven by the way of the Holy One, he did not use the "Gallo inflammatory body technique" to strengthen, let alone control, but just bombarded at will. Nevertheless, it is far beyond the power of ordinary star level warriors.

But this is just a smoke bomb.

If you are too weak, how can you attract Feng Ming\'s "playfulness"?

It\'s like a cat catching a mouse. If the mouse is too stupid to escape, does the cat have an interest in "playing"?

The same is true of people\'s hearts.

Lin Feng is attacking while Lin Feng is quietly approaching Fengming, but he has not yet entered the "threat" area. But he was not in a hurry. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. Under his own state, xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil were ready, and Yu Miao in his left ear shook like a light bell.

Getting closer!

The performance of LAN yunbu is faster and faster, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flash.

At this time, Feng Ming\'s breath changed suddenly. He turned around fiercely and seemed to be aware of it.


"It\'s too late!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright, like bright stars.

The long silent double pupils suddenly burst out the strongest attack in their own state, and the rich original energy of fire, accompanied by the crazy emergence of the power of the holy way.

"Control the star technology, ghost fire!" Lin Feng shouted.

Double pupil power, completely burst!

"Bold!" Feng Ming shouted angrily.