Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1090

Terran, the storm is emerging!

No one expected that the war of Lich had not yet started, and the civil war among the three human races had already started!

Because there was no movement in the southeast and northwest regions, the Wu Emperor was so angry that he rode into the southeast region in the name of "disobeying the Edict and rebelling against the Terrans". A frenzied massacre was immediately launched. Jingnanzhou and Yu Hongzhou were slaughtered and blood flowed into a river.

The Terran warrior suffered heavy casualties. Not to mention the star master level and star domain level warrior, even ordinary people can\'t escape death.

Many saints were killed, and the "kings" of the two continents were lingchi executed.

warn others against following a bad example!

A bloody slaughter makes an example to others.

In less than three days, the southeast turned pale and became a purgatory on earth. The king of nine continents and all saints in the southeast region dare not resist the order again and succumb to the obscene power of the Lich family. Even he announced to join the six human domain alliances to jointly resist the Lich family.

The northwest region hurried to hold an emergency meeting and joined the alliance at the same time on the same day.

Only the southern region is still closed, as if isolated from the world.

Lin Feng, who was in the land of miracles, turned a deaf ear.

Immersed in the understanding of the "mystery" of the first Phoenix constellation, Lin Feng completely focused.

The bird King\'s prison is far less attractive than the mystery "the real body of Gallo". The seven main stars in the soul are completely full and extremely strong. The Ten Star cultivation makes the constellation sensitivity almost perfect. The flow of Phoenix\'s blood has already made the body reach the extreme limit.

Breaking through the holy level is only the last step.

Even if I leave the bird King prison now, I have full confidence.

It can be said that merit and virtue are perfect.

The secret "true body of Garo" is a power that really belongs to the holy level, which is far from being comparable to LAN yunbu.

"A state."

"A kind of consciousness."

"It\'s a change in the body itself."

"Sensing the world, sensing the artistic conception level of the stars, this is the mystery..."

Lin Feng deeply understood the fit of heart.

The understanding of mysteries is different from star technology. It has star sky pupil and star dome pupil. The understanding of star technology can be perfectly simulated in the mind. However, the understanding of mysteries is the understanding of real ideology, and there is no shortcut. However, Lin Feng\'s comprehension is superior after all. He is more focused and concentrated. As time goes by, the touch of his heart has become stronger and stronger.

It\'s like sharpening a sword. The more sharpened, the more sharp!

In the void, a fiery red color soars like a Phoenix.

WOW! The rich light of fire flickered, and a thin young man appeared instantaneously.

Feng Ming!

The Phoenix mark on his forehead was slightly bright. Feng Ming looked around like a flame and said softly, "is this the bird King\'s prison..." he paced slowly. His figure flashed several times and immediately landed where the bird King\'s prison disappeared. Feng Ming nodded slightly, as if he was sure of something.

The corners of his mouth drew a faint smile. Feng Ming suddenly clenched his fists and roared with flames outside.

"Drink!!" clenching his teeth, the Phoenix mark on Feng Ming\'s forehead is becoming brighter and brighter, and the terrible breath is constantly emanating from his body.

That\'s amazing holy power!

"Boom!" the flame burst and the space vibrated sharply.

When Feng Ming was drinking, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his fists burst with the explosion flame.

Peng!!! Amazing burst sound, condense a little.

In the void, a circular aperture is opened. Feng Ming\'s eyes are sharp, his figure flashes and enters it instantaneously.

The sword is sharpened and sharpened.

The understanding of mysteries, with the continuous in-depth understanding, is also deeper and deeper.

The clearer the star induction in the distance is, Lin Feng is immersed in it and continues to practice. There seems to be a looming virtual shadow in front of him. All the time, the vague feeling seems to gradually condense into an illusion, and the phantom in my mind is reflected into an entity.



Lin Feng clenched his teeth and his heart was anxious.

Compared with the helplessness when I first realized it and the emptiness before, it can be said that I have gradually stepped into the threshold.

However, with the change of state of mind, instant time——

Pop! The induction stopped suddenly.

"Hoo, Hoo ~" Lin Feng gasped and looked a little pale.


"Almost." Lin Feng shook his head.

Just now, I seemed to have sensed a little mystery of galo\'s real body. Although it was still early to show it, at least I could sense the virtual image and the entity, which meant that I was a little deeper from the understanding of the mystery.


"No." Lin Feng was stunned.

The previous understanding, although I can\'t feel it, will never be like this.

The body is slightly weak, as if tired.

What happened just now?

Why didn\'t you feel it, but you seem to have fought.

What\'s going on?

"Do it again!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Since you can\'t find the answer, try again.

"Exhale, inhale ~ ~" take a deep breath, Lin Feng\'s strong pressure, his state of mind is peaceful again, and he enters the state slowly. With the light movement of the heart, the consciousness enters the deep state again, the seven main stars clearly appear in front of us, and those bright small stars enter three-thirds of the eyes.

One of them is like the call of the heart.


"Continue." Lin Feng concentrated and realized again.

The strong element of fire permeates all around, and the star sensitivity is quite strong. It seems that it is close to many and has zero distance contact with the \'real body of Gallo\'. With the last induction, the distance between them seemed to be much closer, and soon there was a vague feeling again.

"Yes..." Lin Feng murmured.

This time, the state of mind became peaceful and did not fluctuate again.

Bit by bit, it\'s like dripping water converging. The feeling in my heart gradually presents a dotted line. It\'s a vague virtual shadow sitting in the fire. I can\'t see my face clearly, but I can feel the deep evil spirit. There\'s a shivering feeling. The feeling of the fire is unusually rich, which is very familiar.

"It\'s Jialuo fireball!" Lin Feng opened his eyes.

The virtual image in front of me flashed away, like a dream.

But the scene just now was still clearly printed in his brain, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

After a long time, he nodded slightly.

"This is the \'real body of Gallo\'?" Lin Feng was satisfied.

After practicing for a long time, I finally took the first step. Although I still can\'t show the true meaning of the mystery, it\'s crucial to prove that I can understand the \'true body of Galileo\'. It\'s like people who practice martial arts prove that they can practice martial arts and have "qualifications".

For the rest, it is a matter of time to understand and display the mystery.

As long as you are willing to practice and work hard, there will always be a day.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

However, he was stunned for a moment, but he was puzzled, "strange, this time he obviously took a step, but it didn\'t take as much effort as before?" he pondered, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were light, and he couldn\'t help shaking his head. There is no answer to what you think. Is it difficult... Just a coincidence?

But does this happen to be a little "regular"?

Thinking for a long time, there is no answer.

Lin Feng shrugged and immediately gave up, sat cross legged, and then entered cultivation.

Since I have realized the existence of the "real body of Gallo" and clearly took the first step, what I have to do now is to consolidate the induction at this level, and see if there can be a breakthrough, or... Find the reason for the sudden "loss of strength" just now.

The second floor of the bird King prison, the realm of kings.

A young man in a gray martial suit sat cross legged and practiced hard.

Jin Ji!

He is the fifth warrior to arrive after the thousand love emperor, Lin Feng, Zeng Ren and orange like a dream. However, the thousand love emperor fights with Lin Feng and Zeng Ren fights with orange like a dream. To enter the realm of the king, you must go through a severe battle before the winner can enter it.

Jin Ji has not waited for his opponent for half a month.

Fortunately, cultivating here also gets twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, it\'s a waste of time.

Pop! Jin Ji opened his eyes and flashed a brilliant light.

"The bird King\'s prison trip was really lucky. He not only got the congenital treasure, but also made great progress in strength." Jin Ji stood up and looked around, but he had no choice but to sigh, "but it seems that the kingdom of Kings needs an opponent to enter."

His eyes flickered, and Lin Feng appeared in Jin Ji\'s mind, floating a sense of war.

"Although he has become much stronger."

"But I also gained a lot in the bird King prison."

"I wish... It was him."

Jin Ji thought.

Somehow, he always felt that the opponent of this war would be Lin Feng.

With an uproar smile, Jin Ji shook his head and was about to continue his cultivation. Suddenly, the space shook slightly, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him almost in an instant.

"Lin Feng?" Jin Ji looked not far away and couldn\'t help but be stunned.

Isn\'t that a coincidence?

It\'s Lin Feng!

Lin Feng did not continue to practice because he consolidated his sense of the \'real body of Gallo\'.

Opening the door to the "Kingdom of kings" with flame feathers, Lin Feng\'s understanding of star technology came to an end temporarily, and Lin Feng entered the kingdom of kings for the second time. Now the seven main stars are completely full and have a wide range of star skills. If you continue to practice, it will be of little benefit to yourself.

It\'s better to explore the bird King\'s prison again!

"Jin Ji?" Lin Feng was also stunned.

But I didn\'t expect to meet him again here, as if it was destined.

The first time I came to the rosefinch territory, I saw him and moved my heart. However, I met several times later, but I just fought side by side, and there has never been a war.

I can\'t imagine now

Four eyes are opposite, and their eyes are bright.

They all know a lot about their own strength. They are full of war. Lin Feng clenched his fist and a faint smile came from the corners of his mouth.

"Jin Ji seems to have made a lot of progress."

"It\'s a good opponent. Try me now..."

"How strong is it!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled with confidence.

At this time, the familiar war drum sounded in my mind, as if to ignite the war, and the battle was imminent.

But instantaneous time——

Peng! Peng! Peng! Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster and his face changed suddenly.

What\'s going on?

This light twist of the heart is like a feeling of danger. I\'m too familiar with it!


"Wow!" his back was cold. Lin Feng\'s eyes changed dramatically. He almost entered his own state in an instant. He turned around fiercely and his face changed greatly.

Behind him, there was a terrible smell!