Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1064

The pressure of Lingren\'s breath came from a distance.

"Roar! ~" the amazing roar, with extreme anger, seemed that the whole cave was about to collapse.

Wing tried his best to resist. At every moment, countless winged insects rushed up like death squads, moths to the fire, but they only blocked Qiu Ze\'s half step. If it had not been for the great improvement of wing strength after integration, it would not have been able to resist for so long.

Even if Qiu Ze was seriously injured, even if he was seriously injured in the first war with Lin Feng.

But he is a holy beast after all!

As the saying goes, a thin camel is bigger than a horse. In terms of strength, there is always a world difference between Saint level and star domain level. The wing can\'t be compared with qiuze. It\'s rare to block it for so long.

"Jiong!" the fire was boiling, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a burning color.

I have no choice.

The flame instantly wrapped the budding \'qiuze\'.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly and his heart pounded. For a moment, the whole person trembled violently and was greatly surprised. Inside the body, the Phoenix chart is now fully shining, and the earth chart flashes like a hungry person seeing water.

"Sure enough!" Lin Feng held his fists tightly and was very excited.

Although this is a budding \'chuze\', although he has no breath of life, but

He also has the earth life chart!

Exactly like Qiu Qiu as like as two peas!

Although the earth life chart is in its infancy, although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs.

The smell of earth is very strong. It\'s enough to light up your earth life chart!

"It\'s you!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

There is no hesitation, nor need to hesitate.

Wing, red silk and hundred poison color Python have paid so much for this moment.


"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, and there was no fear of the roar of anger outside.

Since we have reached this point, there is no need to give in. Even if we return this budding "chuze", we can\'t escape death. It\'s better to simply absorb him and fight! We must not let Yi and Hongling waste their efforts.

"Hiss ~ ~" flows in a clear stream, swinging in the body.

The limbs are full of rich earth breath, and the energy of earth life astrolabe spreads to the body.

Lin Feng instantly closed his eyes. Although the cave was in chaos at the moment, the surrounding breath was extremely disordered, like a mountain avalanche. But at this moment, all the riots seemed to stop, the time also stopped at that second, and the surrounding space was completely static.

All that is left is one\'s own heart.

Peng! Peng! The light and bright beating, the feeling of Lin Feng\'s heart, has never been clear.

"乆! ~" the loud cry rang in my ears. With the lighting of the last earth life chart in the five earth life chart, the body seems to be on fire. In the mind, there is a huge phoenix flying high, and the huge wings covering the sky are burning like a raging flame. The familiar swallowing fire and rebirth fire are wrapped around, and the smell of the Phoenix——


High above, like the existence of the emperor.

"Wow!" "Wow! ~" there are six bright spots in the seven light spots of the Phoenix chart.

With the delicate and clear eyes at the head of Feng, like the eyes that can break everything, Lin Feng\'s eyes radiate a bright look. The air flow spreads like blood, making the eyes change rapidly. The light is brighter than before.

But this is only a small part.

Pop! Pop! The body seems to burst and change visible to the naked eye.

The cells in the body are constantly differentiated at the moment. With the blood matching with the Phoenix\'s life chart, it feels like fusion and assimilation. If Lin Feng had only a trace of Phoenix\'s blood before, then with the passage of time and continuous cultivation, this drop of Phoenix\'s blood has already covered the whole body, just like a seed sprouting in the body.

Now, it\'s harvest time.

"How strong!"

"What a familiar power."


Lin Feng\'s heart was soft and he felt his strength rising.

All of the earth\'s life chart is bright, like a phoenix spreading its wings and boiling. Finally, it grows up and matures. The blood of the divine beast completely wakes up at this moment. Unlike the awakening of ordinary divine beasts, the awakening at this moment is not only the body, but also the "heart".

"This is..." Lin Feng was surprised.

The golden life astrolabe shows the ferocious appearance of thunder, with thunder roaring.

The fire life astrolabe, the fire of swallowing, rises with the phoenix rising into the sky, showing amazing power and luster.

A huge tree in the sky thrives, with luxuriant branches and leaves. In the light swing with the wind, there is a strong "way of time".

Water life chart, light and moist water drops form huge waterfalls. The elements of water form the existence of indigo, which makes people feel pure and smooth with water.

Earth life chart, a Qiu Ze curled up. With the initiation of the power of earth, his body slowly grew bigger and bigger!

One pay, one harvest!

Different from the growth of Phoenix, the improvement of Lin Feng\'s strength and the lighting of the earth\'s life chart have too many hardships and miracles.

And now, finally harvest!

"Wow!" "Wow!" a clear stream flows through his mind. Lin Feng\'s pupils are completely enlarged. With the transformation of the whole body, he feels incredible. But I didn\'t expect that the lighting of the earth life chart would make such amazing changes.

Earth\'s chart, all lit up!

Connect and reflect each other to form a complete whole, which makes the Phoenix chart open for the first time.

In the cave.

"Roar!!" the angry roar shocked the world.

Chutzer was already crazy at this time. He felt the disappearance of his only breath and was exhausted. This is a "destruction" for him. Any beast, even the ancient beast "thunder ferocity", has only one chance to "inherit".

And this time, chuze fell short!

"Roar!" "roar!" the roar of anger, accompanied by the strong power of the earth, broke out completely.

The annoying branches and black beetles in front of him made chuze hysterical and angry. If it hadn\'t been for these annoying things, he would have broken into the cave.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" the earth element is like a cloud light bullet. Although chuze is not good at attacking, it doesn\'t mean he won\'t attack. The existence of holy level is by no means ordinary. Even if his attack power is far from being compared with defense, his current wing can\'t be compared with the peak!

Boom! Boom!

The sound of violent explosion continued to ring through.

The attack of the earth ring, accompanied by the earth cloud bomb, completely destroys the defense of the wing.

The wing, which had not recovered long ago, was hit hard again. In the face of the angry and irrational Qiu Ze, the wing completely lost its resistance. Tens of thousands of black beetles, moths and flaming attacks, wings do their best to resist, but

But it\'s losing!

"Boom!!!" like a meteorite falling from the sky, crazy earth elements once again condensed into cloud bombs and ejected.

Thousands of attacks destroyed the defense of the wings, and the branches completely collapsed. The wing breath is weaker and weaker. On the contrary, Qiu Ze\'s attack is more and more fierce. His ferocious and twisted face is not holy. At the moment, he seems to be incarnated into a fierce beast!

They are at a great disadvantage and seriously injured.

If all the earth photoelastic shells hit again, I\'m afraid the wings will not die or be damaged.


In this moment——

"Jiong!" an amazing flame rose all over the sky.

Right in front of the wing, it rises like the flame of the curtain of heaven, swallowing everything.

Qiu Ze\'s face changed suddenly, but at the moment he couldn\'t allow him to pause. In the void, there was a starry image of the phoenix spreading its wings, and a strong flame wrapped around the Phoenix. Loud and clear cry, accompanied by the emergence of a black figure, Qiu Ze\'s eyes became ferocious and distorted!

He will never forget that face!

It\'s him!

Lin Feng finally appeared.

Although not all integration has been completed, complete transformation.

However, time is too late.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s left eye and eyebrow flashed, and recalled the wing at the moment of appearance.

"Thank you, wing." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and whispered. This time I was able to complete the absorption and transformation, and the wing took great credit. Without his obstruction and his desperate efforts to buy time for myself, I couldn\'t be so "lucky" this time.

I owe him a lot.

"At that time, I will give it back to you." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and smiled calmly.

At present, we must solve this big problem first!

"Roar!" when Qiu Ze saw the enemy coming, he was very angry. The attack did not stop at all, but increased to the extreme. New hatred and old hatred rise up together. All his anger turns into an attack and goes straight to Lin Feng. He is determined to break this hateful human body into thousands of pieces to vent his hatred.


"If you can pass the first day of junior high school, you can\'t pass the fifteenth day."

"I couldn\'t kill you last time. This time, I see how you hide!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and stand tall, but his momentum is completely different.

The body is full of refined and strong feeling, and the eyes are full of deep light, just like a black hole. With the integration of the earth\'s life astrolabe, the great energy directly raises the double pupil to a full level, spanning from the fifth level to the sixth level!

Now Lin Feng, just his pupils, has completely reached the holy level.

Top pupil, sixth floor!

"Magic!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and Yu Miao moved gently.

The illusions in the former self state could not play any role in chuze, but now the same holy power is not the same.

Moreover, not only do they become stronger, but also they become weaker.

One rise and one fall, the gap has already been leveled, or even——

Even more!

"Boom!" chuze\'s head boomed, completely dull.

This is a real holy attack! Although his defense is strong, it is physical defense.

Moreover, in order to "reproduce" itself is a great loss of vitality. Today\'s Qiu Ze\'s soul has long been extremely weak.

And this

Just the beginning.

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The fire of phagocytosis rises completely, not only the strength is fully restored, but also a hundred feet of progress. It condenses the extreme flame of the Phoenix. Behind Lin Feng, a huge Phoenix spreads its wings and soars. The flame rises into the sky and condenses the holy brilliance. In Lin Feng\'s body, the fire life chart is completely bright.

Its power is far better than the devouring fire of the first World War.

today we are no longer as we have been!

"Jiong!" the fire was dazzling and boiling, swallowing the whole cave.

In the face of Qiu Ze, who was at the end of the crossbow, the fire of swallowing showed its hegemonic and terrible power. With the hysterical roar, it became more and more subtle and disappeared. The cave collapse sound was emptied, and the whole space was only left with the figure of the fire, and

An indifferent black figure with eyes as bright as stars.

Lin Feng, big breakthrough!