Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1063

A bright halo.

The rich earth energy completely covers the whole cave.

In the aura, there was a clear luster. It was an unformed "chuze", which was no better than the one who had fought with him before. There are faint signs of life, but there is no sense of \'wisdom\', just in the bud.

"His breath..." Lin Feng\'s pupils widened.

The same "as like as two peas", which is fighting against itself.

No wonder I feel very familiar.

The only difference is that the breath of this "qiuze" is quite weak, and the bright aura condenses a strong defense force, which is the defense forged by the power of that "qiuze". Both... In their own feeling, they are like separate bodies, formed by the same pulse!

"No, it\'s not separation." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

At present, this\' qiuze \'shrouded in a halo has no wisdom, but

He has power!

Similar to \'chuze\', but not yet grown up!

"This..." Lin Feng was shocked and stared at the bright halo. A strange idea suddenly popped up in his mind, "shouldn\'t it be like the \'inheritance\' given by Lei ferocious, or the \'yuan species\' in the coiled wood continent..."

Divine beasts, of course, can\'t mate and reproduce.

However, when the door is closed, a window is bound to open.

Just like Lei ferocious elder, he can give the only inheritance and pass on the power; Like a wood, all the essence will be condensed on the "Yuan species" to reproduce the next generation. This is not true reproduction, just like cutting meat to feed an eagle. In some form, it is similar to separation, but it is slightly different.

Because this is a new life giving and birth!

At present, the "chuze" in this aura is very similar.

"Yes, very much!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

No wonder before he was unconscious, he saw Qiu Ze so powerful and majestic.

But then he saw "chuze" again, but he looked weak. After the war, he couldn\'t find where he was hurt.

Now, I finally understand!

"It hurts the vitality and the foundation."

"As I expected, yes, he should have made himself so weak in order to inherit future generations."

"That\'s why he gave up his plan to kill me, because now this\' qiuze \'is only in its infancy, and it will be doomed if it is careless. For\' qiuze \', such inheritance should be very difficult, even if..."

"He is a divine beast!"

The thoughts in my mind are completely clear.

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with fine luster and his heart moved greatly.

At this time, Qiu Ze came in a hurry. His crazy roar showed how angry he was. It was like madness.


Lin Feng was stunned.

"This budding \'chuze\' is inherited from the chuze outside."

"Will he also have an earth life chart?"

The heart was shocked, and Lin Feng felt dry mouth in an instant.

Very likely!

If your guess is correct, the "qiuze" outside cuts meat and feeds the eagle. The "qiuze" in this aura is likely to have a part of the "earth life astrolabe". Like the yuan species of panmu in the panmu continent, although it is not as good as the main body, the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs.

Like a seed, it sprouts slowly.

And the subject of this seed has real value.

"Jiong!" the fire was full of colors.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright, and the fire of rebirth is boiling.

"No, what a strong defense." Lin Feng was shocked and frowned. The defense forged by this aura was better than the outside of the cave. Obviously, chutzer is well prepared for his own inheritance. Judging from his attention to it, we can see that it is general!

This is definitely a \'baby\'.

"Wings, red silk, hundred poison color Python!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were red.

At present, regardless of anything else, with the flashing of the eyebrow in the left eye and the wing as the head, the three appeared in time.

There is no need for any verbal communication at all. Wing instantly assumes all responsibilities, and runs away from the cave together with red damask and hundred poison color python. Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright. In an instant, two bright star fruits appeared in his hand, and one "fruit in a dish" exploded star power; The other one is the "soul returning fruit"!

This time, I fought my life.

Opportunities come to you, but you can\'t do it again.

Although the \'qiuze\' outside can\'t win, he only needs time!

As long as you delay enough time, you can absorb everything in this aura. In your estimation, there is at least a 60% chance——

He, there is an earth life chart!


Lin Feng, spell it.

This time, it\'s a great opportunity.

"Fast!" "fast!!" it\'s almost the ultimate fire of Valley regeneration. Like the earth barrier outside the cave just now, the aura defense here also has considerable energy. Without Qiu Ze\'s protection, only the energy remains, and he is fully capable of cracking it.

The key is time!

"Hold on, everybody."

"It\'s up to you this time."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows tightened together, and he was also worried.

Although I have been raising troops for thousands of days for a while, I have continuously improved the strength of red damask and hundred poison color Python in the thousand snake cave in order to achieve this moment. However, they spend more time with each other. Unconsciously, they are like partners. They don\'t want anything to happen to them.

In particular, Hongling doesn\'t have the same strong defense and control as wing, nor does he have the "immortal body" as baipoison color python.

His battle is very dangerous!

Although it is a star domain peak, but this time the opponent——

It is the Holy Earth animal "qiuze".

Moreover, he is still an angry chuze!

"Boom!!!" the earth shaking explosion. Lin Feng can see the battle outside through the vision of the winged insect. It opens in an instant. Wing is really worthy of being his best helper. The first attack is to go all out and kill with all the strength.

What wing has to do is not only delay, but also attack, attack again!

Only by really threatening chuze\'s attack and provoking him can he stop.

Among the three, only wing can do it.


Very tragic.

"Let\'s hold on for a while!" Lin Feng\'s face was blue and his heart was like angina pectoris.

The normal "chutzer" is strong enough, and now the crazy "chutzer" is even more terrible. Before, he was not his opponent with wings, red damask and hundred poison color python, let alone now?

Defeat like a mountain!

The wing threat is the biggest, the force is the most, and the injury is the heaviest!

The second is the hundred poison color python, and the red Ling is the least injured because of her winged care, but all three are having a hard time right now.

Chuze, too strong!

Even if he was seriously injured before, the rich earth element here gives him strong recovery ability.

As long as you can\'t die, your recovery is amazing!

Attack, it is quite terrible!

"Peng!!!" there was another violent explosion of earth rings. The whole earth seemed to be quiet. Lin Feng closed his eyes and closed his lips. At the moment of explosion, he took back the red Ling. Only for a moment, the wing was seriously injured again, and the hundred poison color Python turned into ashes and returned to the colorful staff.

"Come back, Wing!" Lin Fengshen drank.

In front, the aura is extremely dim, but it is still a little short.

Even so, I don\'t intend to let wing take risks. Wing has paid too much for myself.

Different from the hundred poison color python, he has only one life.


"I\'m fine, boss!" wing returned to the cave, but refused to call.

Although he was seriously injured, but Yi didn\'t want to give up at all. Lin Feng was stunned. Suddenly, the branches of Yi seemed to spread around like a vine. One by one, the insects spread like locusts, and Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

I don\'t need to communicate. I know what to do next.


"Thank you, wing." the heart whispered softly, and Lin Feng concentrated again.

The fire of rebirth rises crazily. The ferocious flame of the fire is particularly dazzling in this free cave, completely covering up the smell of earth. With the fire burning, there was a roar of anger outside the cave, but in an instant——

"Boom!" "boom!! ~ ~" it\'s like a mountain avalanche, ground crack and cave collapse.

The thousands of winged insects give full play to their real advantages. This cave is not too big, only enough for qiuze to get in and out normally. At this time, large rocks fell down one after another, blocking the hole, even if it was only half, but it had become a huge obstacle for qiuze.

If you can\'t defeat the enemy, you should be wise.

Wing, quite cunning, no, it should be said to be smart.

Lin Feng made a slight stroke at the corner of his mouth. He knew what the nature of the wing was. The consciousness of the first integration determined the character after the wing, which was like setting 80 at the age of three. The slippery and cunning of wings will become quite clever if they are used on the right way.

For martial artists above the star level, intelligence is a very important talent.

Whether in battle or cultivation!

"Wow!" "Wow! ~" the fire was boiling.

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened again and released the red silk in an instant.

Among the three, red damask is the least injured. As a fire fighting snake, red damask\'s attack power is extremely powerful, even better than wing. For a moment, the fire lights up the whole cave, with the addition of red Ling, Lin Feng\'s lips are tight, and his eyes are brighter and brighter.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Halo, like cracking, the light has long been dim and dissipated.

Outside the cave, the roaring voice and angry attack seemed to tear down the whole cave. Qiu Ze\'s violent breath broke out completely and was getting closer and closer. The delay of the wings also reached the limit. Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster. He could almost feel Qiu Ze\'s huge figure in front of him!

He is coming.


"You\'re too late." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed brightly.

Boom!! The violent explosion sounded, and with the last light of fire, the whole aura fell apart and disappeared. The disappearance of the aura means that all defenses are destroyed. I feel the strong smell of wood, and the forest wind is like suffocation.

The budding "qiuze" is close at hand.

"It\'s you!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.