Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1055

Sharp consumption!

Soul power, passing.

Lin Feng had already slowed down at this time, from the initial galloping to the subsequent fast running. At present, it is difficult to walk step by step, walking slowly step by step, and restoring the previous rhythm again. But there\'s nothing I can do. Even if I compete with the self state of the fifth layer, I can\'t bear it.

This pressure is really terrible!

But, clenching his teeth, Lin Feng didn\'t give up at all.

Since the beginning, I must stick to it.


"Right ahead!"


The heart kept talking to himself. Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, just like the stars in the night.

Stubborn, never admit defeat!

The consumption of soul power turns into forward power. The light in Lin Feng\'s eyes is getting darker and darker. Even if the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil are advanced, the existence of soul force is limited, not endless, and the strength of the body is slowly disappearing. Lin Feng feels a deep fatigue.

His face was pale and his spirit was slightly depressed.

Biting the tip of his tongue, the blood had a bitter taste, and Lin Feng clenched his fists again.

Step by step, step by step!

However, there is still darkness ahead.

It feels like walking at the end of the day, there is no end.

Crystal Palace.

"Hold on! You must hold on!" King GUI showed his eyes and exposed his green tendons, but he was more nervous than Lin Feng.

However, his voice naturally could not reach Lin Feng\'s ears. It was just an emotional vent.

"It\'s a pity." Yan Wang shook his head and his eyes were bright. "This son has quite strong willpower. Although he is only five layers of pupils, his performance is better than that of the first six layers of pupils." after a pause, Yan Wang said again, "and he\'s lucky. He consumed a lot of soul power before, but then just broke through. His eyes are not only advanced, but also completely restored his soul power."

"However, this road is always too difficult to walk, and Lin Feng\'s soul power is very little left." Yan Wang\'s eyes are deep. "At most half a incense burning time, he will surely fall down."

"I\'m so angry, it\'s almost that!" the king\'s eyebrows tightened together.

The king of inflammation can see it, and he can also see it.

I hate to admit it, but

Lin Feng advances at such a pace. I\'m afraid it\'s only a little way from the end.

Quite depressed!

I\'m afraid it\'s only a short distance.

However, one son\'s difference is enough to destroy the whole game.

Although they feel helpless, they also know that many things are doomed.

You can\'t force it.

Inside the passage, it was dark.

Lin Feng is even more dizzy, and the whole person is about to pass out.

The advanced pupils are almost exhausted. However, the road ahead is still long and has no meaning of reaching the end. This time, others must have been desperate, but Lin Feng still walked tirelessly and stumbled, even if he had already reached the limit.

Did you lose?

"No!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were red.

Although I can\'t see it, I can really feel it!

It\'s quite close to the end.

Beat? Or not?

Myself, and the last trump card!

However, once you open this card, you really have no way back. Once there is no end ahead, I\'m afraid the one waiting for me will be

Great disaster!

"Lose, lose!"

"What if you lose the rosefinch challenge!"

"As long as you can\'t die!"

As soon as Lin Feng gritted his teeth, he immediately made a decision.

The worst case is to exhaust soul power and pass out. This channel will not take people\'s lives. Strong coercion is an attack on consciousness and spirit. At that time, if you still can\'t reach the end, exhaust soul power and pass out, the coercion will lose the target of attack and you won\'t be in danger of life.

But serious injuries are certain.

But it\'s worth fighting!

If you can\'t find the earth beast, you will never be able to break through and become a saint.

This is more terrible than death!

Without strength, how can I master my destiny, how can I save my father, find ziyao and save a lot!

The most important thing is that at present, I have no other way to find the "earth god beast", or find the existence that can absorb the original energy of water like hundred waterfalls. In front of my eyes, there is and only this road, even if there is only half hope

Give yourself a try!

"Start, devour the ring!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were red.

For a moment, the middle finger of his right hand was shining, and the ring of devouring the devil burst into incomparable brilliance. The blood of Lin Feng\'s body seemed to burn.

"Soul devouring skill!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth and drank heavily.

Heat flows gathered from the limbs, and the originally dark eyes lit up instantaneously.

Clenching his fists, Lin Feng suddenly drank violently.

The instant enhancement of soul power makes your body seem to have enough energy. Fatigue and malaise weakened in an instant. The huge pressure around him seemed to be suppressed. He stepped forward and Lin Feng jogged forward without hesitation!

Just enhance a little, restore a little!

However, it is enough.

For myself, what I lack is really just a little power!

"You can win!"

"If you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!"

When Lin Feng ran, his fingernails fell deeply into the palm of his hand. The overloaded soul force made Lin Feng stick to it. His face was blue and white. He still stumbled, but he did what he couldn\'t do before. The end in front seems to be

Getting closer!

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng stumbled and staggered.

But he raised his head and looked at the faint light in front of him. His eyes were completely bright and showed a weak smile.

I finally see the end!

Right ahead!

In the Crystal Palace.

King Yan and King GUI stared.

They stared at the crystal wall, and the atmosphere was quiet and suffocating. They didn\'t expect that Lin Feng could insist on seeing the end. Of course, it has a lot to do with the congenital treasure, but the most important thing is strength!

Treasure is only an increase in one\'s own strength.

Clenching his right fist, King GUI showed his eyes, and his forehead was full of green veins, which was much more nervous than Lin Feng.

That is, the king of inflammation is pursing his lips and undulating his chest at the moment.

Lin Feng, almost create a miracle!

Turn the impossible into the possible.

Use up the last point!

Lin Feng, now he can see the front, where the light converges.

The incomparably strong earth element force sensing, I can clearly feel it, and the light in front seems to be close at hand. The unyielding faith in the heart supports the body and runs all the way. The magic ring on the middle finger of the right hand releases the last force and turns into the driving force to move forward!

"Right ahead!"

"There\'s one last step!"


Lin Feng\'s eyes were completely bright, and his right foot took the lead in taking that step.

With the crossing of his left foot, his whole body entered the extreme brilliance, and his consciousness seemed hazy and blurred.

The pressure disappeared completely in an instant.

The whole person becomes very relaxed, as light as a feather.

Floating in the air, it seems to be integrated with the world. The surrounding breath induction is becoming blurred. The overdraft power of the limit has long been the end of a powerful crossbow and unsustainable. The heart is tired and the spirit is extremely depressed, but at the moment, an extremely powerful force seems to wrap itself.

"What a strong power of earth."

"Here is..."

With the feeling of fainting, Lin Feng opened his eyes tired.

In front of me is a earthy yellow world, full of a strong smell of earth. I seem to enter a new space and a new world.

Here, there is no crisis, let your heart be stable.

"I can\'t hold it."


Lin Feng\'s consciousness gradually blurred.

Fortunately, there seems to be no danger here. It doesn\'t matter if you run out of strength and faint now.

Moreover, the fire of rebirth itself is self protective.

Unless the holy level exists, if not

You have nothing to fear.

The consciousness was hazy, and Lin Feng\'s eyes gradually closed, but at this time, a huge body shape in front of him was like a shadow. If it appeared in front of him, the amazing breath spread to the extreme and wrapped everything around. Lin Feng\'s sight was blurred. Opening it forcibly made his will fall into the edge of collapse.

A huge body, like a sand dune.

The strong smell of earth, strange appearance and body shape, but with an amazing breath of power!

Isn\'t this

"Earth beast, Qiu Ze?!" Lin Feng suddenly thought in his mind, and his heart was shocked.

I have done research and investigation on all earth gods and beasts, and keep them in mind!

Although the consciousness is hazy, I will never read it wrong!

"Holy Level..."

The last thought came to mind.

But he could no longer support it. Lin Feng\'s head exploded and his consciousness completely collapsed.

I passed out in a few minutes.


What a miracle!

In the crystal hall, King Yan and King GUI were stunned and speechless.

If they hadn\'t seen it with their own eyes, neither of them would have believed that Lin Feng could really create miracles. They stubbornly survived the ordeal with their will, broke through the third most difficult barrier of the ancient ruins of the "earth clam" and entered the ancient forbidden area "the heart of the earth".

It\'s incredible!

it is beyond logic and above reason.

However, the fact is in front of us. Lin Feng has really entered it!

This can be seen only from the number on Lin Feng\'s left hand that the "ancient Cup" can\'t flash.

Lin Feng\'s score soared when he passed the third pass of the ancient relic \'earth clam\'! The third level, no one to assist, no one to share the pressure, Lin Feng is completely completed alone, all 1.6 million points, all won!


In the territory of rosefinch, people are crazy.

One by one, they stared at the ranking list and the names of the top ten, as if holding their breath.

In an instant, there was a roaring sound like thunder.

"My God, is this true?"

"1709000, master Lin Feng soared 1.6 million points."

"It\'s terrible!"



No one wants it. Lin Feng drops a heavy shell again!

Originally, it was squeezed out of thousands, but its ranking kept falling. Now it is a one-time soaring score, not only into the top 100, but also into the top 10 and the top three! Squeeze out "orange like a dream", which has been ranked second before, and rank second in the whole ranking list!

Second only to the first "thousand love emperor"!

Lin Feng is once again famous in the realm of rosefinch.