Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1054

Macaque family, sun Dasheng!

The terrible momentum and fierce fighting spirit changed the faces of the demons.


"Good!" a pang ran breath, which was not inferior at all, soared in an instant. A huge bull star suddenly appeared in the void, holding a huge axe. A naked and hairy Tauren on the demon emperor Island shouted loudly. A pair of bull eyes stared like a copper bell, and amazing power appeared all over.

Bull clan, Bull Demon King!

Four eyes looked at each other and a strong sense of war flashed between them.

At this moment, the four royal families and five royal families of the demon family looked very ugly.

They are the purest and most powerful race of the demon family, but now they have been robbed of the limelight. The macaque family and the bull family are just twelve Guardian demon stars. Among the countless groups of demon families, only the third level exists.


At present, it is vaguely anti guest oriented!

Commander in chief!

Gather the four royal families, five royal families and twelve demon stars of the demon family, and launch a fierce double defeat elimination competition.

No stress, everything, speak with your fist!

The strong decide the fate.

The demon clan attaches most importance to strength and strength.

With the strength to shock the whole demon family, you deserve to command the whole demon family to compete with the human family. This command competition is an excellent touchstone, but obviously it is not a day or two to decide the outcome, and the demon family is not in a hurry at this moment.

They are in no hurry.

The real panic and worry are the three human races.

Of course, these have nothing to do with \'ordinary\' humans.

In fact, no matter the first Lich war or the second Lich war, human beings are just "cannon fodder".

Even Saint level humans are only "advanced cannon fodder", which cannot be changed. The reason why the witch people let go of human beings is not because of how strong human qualifications are. Among all races, human beings are the most mediocre, even less than wood spirits.

On the qualification of soul, human beings are inferior to the ancient family, and on the qualification of soul, human beings are inferior to the witch family.

The only advantage is the ability to "reproduce". This is precisely linked to human qualifications. The weaker the race, the easier it is to reproduce. God is fair. When you get something, you will lose something, and when you lose something, you will get something to make up for it.

One pay, one gain.

Just like the gains and losses of the ancient relic "earth clam".

Release Zhi\'s heart and get the reward of the first level; Jin Ji won the reward of the second level. Although the importance of breaking the pass is not as important as Lin Feng, Shi Zhixin and Jin Ji have paid a lot, especially Jin Ji. Without his help, Lin Feng can\'t enter the third pass at all.

Lin Feng, however, accumulated enough "character" to finally get an opportunity at the third level.


Star sky pupil and star dome pupil have already reached the fourth floor.

Before reaching the fifth floor, what is missing is only an opportunity, an opportunity to force people to break through this bottleneck.

Now, Lin Feng has a blessing in disguise.

"The way of confusing space..."

"The way of deceleration time..."

"So it is."

Constant pressure envelops the whole body, and the stimulation in the mind makes the pupils change constantly in the subconscious. Understanding, as if into a new world, a new world, a flash pierced my mind, in the starry sky, it seems that there is something involved in my heart and see through the world.

Very subtle, very mysterious.

An unspeakable feeling, as if standing between heaven and earth.

The whole person has a feeling of returning to nature. The peace of mind and the energy of space and time are intertwined in the body and integrated with himself. It seems to be the manifestation of Tao, a change and reproduction of heaven and earth energy in their own body.

Suddenly, hazy, I seem to understand.

However, it seems that it can\'t be pierced through a layer of yarn and a layer of paper.

In my memory, I knew the feeling of the breath in my last battle with the Holy One, and now I know it even better.


"Wow! ~" Lin Feng opened his eyes and took a minute of pure light.

Breath, completely changed.

Shuangtong has made a breakthrough. After more than a month of cultivation and understanding, he finally completed the advanced level from the fourth to the fifth level!

"Although there is still something missing, at least there is a breakthrough."

"I think... That unbreakable barrier should be the difference between the star domain level and the holy level."

"The last step!"

Lin Feng thought lightly and thought secretly.

I can\'t completely break through, probably because of the limitations of the Phoenix chart.

The "earth life chart" is still missing and has not been lit up.

"Go with fate." Lin Fengwei said, and immediately stood up.

Pop! Pop! Hold it with both hands, and the twinkle and instant fusion of the pupils will be even brighter, with a pleasant breath!

Top pupil, fifth floor!

"What a strong feeling."

"This power..."

Lin Feng felt a huge earthquake in his heart. It was incredible.

The advancement of double pupils is greatly improved with their own strength.

That kind of feeling seems to control everything, with their understanding and understanding of the \'domain\', which is not much different from the holy level! However, Lin Feng smiled from the bottom of his heart, but he didn\'t expect his strength to go further!

Feel, very good!

"Although we have not yet understood the way of the Holy One, the advancement of our pupils and the improvement of our power are real."

"Now, even compared with the elder Yu scale, I am no longer inferior."

I have the strength to fight!


And now

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng\'s pupils flashed and galloped forward.

Pressure, more than ten times less!

The feeling of the body is incomparably light, like an eagle spreading its wings and flying without hindrance!

It is not the weakening of the power of coercion, but——

Yourself, become stronger!

Crystal Palace.

"Old GUI, the master hasn\'t come back yet?" the burning King doubted.

"Yes, it seems that something really happened this time." the king of GUI said positively, "not only the master, but also the twelve human saints are gathered in the holy land of the witch nationality. I also heard that the ancient nationality is the same, and the three nationalities gather. I\'m afraid..." with a slight sigh, the king of GUI looked a little sad.

Peng! The burning King\'s heart was fried and his face was ugly.

This is the last news he wants to hear!

There is only one possibility for the three human races to gather and hold meetings for months——

The third Lich war is about to start!

"Forget it, these are doomed. There\'s no way to come." King GUI shrugged and smiled. "Anyway, I\'ve lived enough. It\'s worth my life to finally see the Lich war that shocked the fighting spirit world."

The state of mind is very good. It really doesn\'t matter to King GUI.

His age is much older than the king of inflammation. According to the age of ordinary people, he is ready to use wood.

This is also the reason why King GUI tried his best to find an apprentice.

He can\'t wait long.

"By the way, Lao Yan, how\'s Lin Feng\'s child?" suddenly thought of it. King GUI asked casually, but his eyes were floating around and soon fell to the crystal wall. His eyes lit up, "Oh, good boy, has broken through?"

"Just broke through soon, Lao GUI, you came back in time." Yan Wang smiled.

"Good, good!" King GUI smiled and nodded.

When bad news comes one after another, it\'s definitely good news.

Suddenly, King GUI looked at King Yan. "By the way, Lao Yan, I don\'t know what it would be to break through the third pass of the ancient relic \'earth clam\'?"

With deep eyes, Yan Wang said softly, "since I took over zhuquezhou, no martial artist has been able to pass the third level." after a slight pause, Yan Wang Xu said, "as long as you pass through this ancient relic \'earth clam\', you will be recognized and enter the \'domain of the center of the earth\'."

"The land of the center of the earth?" King GUI was slightly stunned, and his eyes suddenly brightened. "Shouldn\'t it be..."

"It\'s the ancient forbidden area." Yan Wang\'s eyes were deep.

His face changed greatly, and King GUI was delighted.

If Lin wind energy has an adventure, it is undoubtedly icing on the cake.

"Don\'t be happy too early, old GUI." Yan Wang said lightly, "the third level is difficult for ordinary Saint level strong people to pass."

"Won\'t it?" King GUI was stunned. "It\'s just a test of the star domain level."

"Not so." Yan Wang said slowly, "the opening of the ancient forbidden area needs the existence of" fate ", and Lin Feng belongs to" strong Chuang ", and his power is fundamentally incompatible with the ancient forbidden area" the domain of the center of the earth "

"Yes," King GUI nodded.

Lin Feng is a warrior of fire, but the ancient forbidden area "the land of the heart of the earth" is earth.

The two are quite different.

"If you break through, the difficulty will naturally increase greatly." Yan Wang said slowly. "According to records, there was once a strong warrior, whose strength was only one class lower than that of the thousand love emperor. He also had a first-class pupil on the sixth floor, but he failed in the end, and he was still far from the end."

"The first pupil on the sixth floor?" King GUI frowned slightly.

Lin Feng, it\'s only five floors.

Although the fifth floor and the sixth floor are one floor away, their strength is much worse.

Moreover, the warrior with six layers and one pupil on that day was not only a failure, but also far from the end.

What about Lin Feng?

I\'m afraid we lost even worse.

King GUI sighed lightly, but he felt powerless.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The forest wind shuttles like a sharp arrow and gallops quickly.

Clench your teeth, but you haven\'t relaxed for half a moment. The pressure hasn\'t weakened with the improvement of your strength. As always, it\'s huge and suffocating. In particular, the deeper the channel, the more amazing and terrible, attacking yourself all the time!


"There is no way back!"

"I can break through."

"Through this channel, there must be earth gods and beasts!"

Lin Feng has bright eyes and firm faith.

Even if you are not sure, you must adhere to the existence of a \'goal\' now.

And this goal is——

Earth beast!

Gallop as fast as possible.

Because the power of the soul is consumed all the time, and it is quite intense. Once you run out of soul power, but still can\'t break through this channel, you will be in a very dangerous situation. At that time, you will be in a dilemma and face a situation of near death.

But right now, I don\'t want to quit!

It must pass.