Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1032

Top grade!

There was a sound of exclamation and praise.

You know, this is the second round of refining. The materials are uneven. It is rare and valuable to complete the refining, not to mention the top grade. However, it seemed to Mrs. Nangong that it was nothing at all. Until the refining was completed, Mrs. Nangong did not show any emotional fluctuation.

This is just normal play.

"There is no bottom." Wang Shi praised lightly.

"Every time she is getting stronger, her refining technology, let alone zhuquezhou, is the top presence in the whole southern region." Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes flashed a little admiration.

Wang Shi smiled and nodded. "It seems that I can unload the burden at ease."

Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes flashed, "under the leadership of Mrs. Nangong, zhuquezhou tool refiner alliance will have a new atmosphere and a new breakthrough."

"OK, Lao Kuo." Wang Shi stared, "do you mean I\'m useless?"

"No, no, I don\'t mean that, president." Ouyang Kuo covered his mouth and said, "I mean, yes..."

"Ha ha." Wang Shi smiled brightly, "I\'m just kidding you."

Ouyang Kuo looked a little slow and smiled bitterly.

799 points!

Nangong lady\'s second round of refining, the score is also very high.

Almost close to the full score of the top grade \'800\', which shows how satisfied Wang Shi is.

In fact, Mrs. Nangong\'s refining is indeed worthy of this amazing score. The earth level five star treasure is quite difficult, not to mention that Mrs. Nangong is refining in the absence of several materials. Xingbao is different from Xingbing and Xingjia. Even a little mistake may make the whole refining fall short, but

Mrs. Nangong, it\'s still perfect.

It was completed on the seventh floor of the fire ladder!

This is the strength, really incomparable refining technology.

Whether Wang Bo or master Ouyang, at this moment, they are just the thoughts of Nangong\'s dazzling star.

Multiplied by twice the coefficient, it is 1598 points.

Plus 1960 points in the first round, Mrs. Nangong\'s total score is 3555 points

be way ahead!

Lin Feng ranked second, with only 1550 points, a difference of 2005 points.

The gap is huge!

"Sure enough, the champion is Mrs. Nangong."

"It goes without saying that although master Lin Feng is powerful, Jiang is old and spicy after all."

"There\'s no chance. Even if master Lin Feng gets a full score, it\'s only 2000 points. He can\'t catch up with Mrs. Nangong at all."

"Oh, the champion of the 10th weapon refiner competition! After today, Mrs. Nangong will become the new president of zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance. It\'s great!"


There was a lot of noise around, full of praise.

The name of the first tool refiner in zhuquezhou belongs to Nangong lady. Together with Nangong aristocratic family, she is also energetic and ranks first among the three major tool refiners. But at the moment, Nangong\'s wife showed her eyebrows and looked around as if she was looking for something.

Lin Feng has not returned yet!

At this time, there is still more than an hour before the end of the game.

Although there was some doubt in her eyes, Mrs. Nangong didn\'t tangle for too long. After a little thinking, she entered the cube space again.

She doesn\'t want it to end.

"Ah? Does Mrs. Nangong want to refine?"

"Isn\'t this nonsense? The final is not a final decision. Of course, the higher the score, the better."

"Keep improving and constantly make breakthroughs. This is the real tool refiner!"


"She wants to surpass herself." Ouyang Kuo whispered softly.

Wang Shi smiled slightly, "her opponent has always been herself."

"Is it because of this\' greed \'that such a refined refining technology is created?" Ouyang Kuo was convinced.

Staring at Mrs. Nangong, Wang Shi\'s eyes were bright and said slowly, "this time, I think she should challenge the eighth floor of the fire ladder that has never been successfully refined so far in the zhuquezhou smelter competition!"

"Winning in stability is her character." Ouyang Kuo nodded.

"Yes." Wang Shi said, "first make sure the score is enough to win the championship, and then challenge to see if you can create another miracle." shaking his head, Wang Shi said positively, "but unfortunately, being cautious and steady can be an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage for the refiner."

"In the third round of refining, there is a lack of materials." Ouyang Kuo sighed.

If there are enough materials, they believe that it is really possible to complete refining on the eighth floor with Mrs. Nangong\'s technology.

But right now, neither time nor place is favorable.

The weapon smelter competition is in full swing.

At the moment, Lin Feng is also an electro-optic flint. He takes the time to understand it desperately.

"There is no problem in the whole process of refining tools."

"The key is the way of constellations."

Lin Feng frowned deeply and fell into deep thinking.

It\'s no problem to perfectly copy the whole refining process with your current ability, but

Just as in the first round of refining, this simple "reproduction" process is very dangerous. It\'s like stepping on a steel wire, and it\'s easy to step through it with one foot. In the last round, I was purely lucky to finish the refining by swallowing the flame, but will I be so lucky this time?

Not again!

It is a mistake in itself to leave one\'s destiny to heaven.

Although all the 40 kinds of materials exist when I leave, I will be missing when I leave this time and go back to the venue. If you want to make up for the difference in materials and complete the whole refining process, this time you must deeply understand the "way of constellations", so that you can have a chance!

"Within a limited time, I will understand!"


Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled deeply and maintained his self state.

Although the consumption is huge, it doesn\'t matter.

Only once.

Rapid understanding.

For ordinary martial artists, it may take too short a few years to understand the quadruple star technique.

But Lin Feng is not the same.

The star cultivation of the main stars of the special system has reached the peak of the star domain level. The constellation sensitivity is the first of the seven main stars. With the self state and the ability of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil, the understanding is twice the result with half the effort. And most importantly——

Whipping and pressure!

The pressure exists all the time, whipping Lin Feng to bite his teeth and understand.

People with weak minds can collapse under pressure; But people with strong faith and will can make continuous progress under pressure!

Lin Feng is one of them.

"Yes, that\'s it."

"Fengyi Tianxiang is actually a process of painting, perfect thickening."

"I understand something."

Continuous understanding, simulating refining in my mind.

It can be said that Lin Feng\'s understanding is carried out at two ends. He refined it again and again. He can\'t be cooked again.

The memory in my mind is clear and perfect. Every action and every detail are copied. The way of the whole constellation is like a picture. It shines slowly in my eyes, and gradually draws a huge flame Phoenix in my mind, spreading its wings and flying.

The gently floating wings shine the ultimate light of the flame, which is perfectly integrated with the rebirth fire.

Feeling, more and more skilled, more and more intense!

Lin Feng\'s understanding is getting better and better.

The weapon refiner competition is going on.

The later, the more difficult it is to refine. The two hours have long passed. Now, the passage of each minute is a heavy pressure on the contestants. Because there is no third person to complete two rounds of refining except Mrs. Nangong and master Ouyang.

The score is quite low.

Even if master Ouyang finished two rounds of refining, the total score was less than Lin Feng\'s score once.

It\'s hard to refine on the seventh floor of the fire ladder!

"It\'s been a quarter of an hour. Hasn\'t Mrs. Nangong refined it yet?"

"Stupid, that\'s the eighth floor of the fire ladder. It\'s said that the flame is close to the holy level intensity. Do you think it\'s so easy to refine?"

"You must first adapt to the flame of the eighth layer, otherwise you will fail."


People are not interested in who can win the championship in this weapon refiner competition.

Because no one can surpass Mrs. Nangong\'s score. The 3555 points above have already locked this champion. Even Lin Feng, who ranked second, had a full difference of 2005 points, an inaccessible score.

At this time, the people\'s eyes gathered and they were concerned about Nangong\'s wife——

Can you create another miracle!

Complete the refining of the eighth layer of the fire ladder.

It\'s hard.

The difficulty is no less than refining the "perfect grade" in the seventh layer.

Just looking at Mrs. Nangong\'s dignified expression, the faint light outside her body and the crazy flame can be seen. The flame here is ten times more terrible than the seventh floor. Mrs. Nangong is calm on the seventh floor, but here

But it was difficult.

Time passed, and everyone waited with bated breath.

Drop, drop, drop~ The sound of the hourglass is very light and crisp. In the big screen of the sky, the fifth hourglass flows all the sand, and the sixth hourglass starts timing!

The last half hour!

"Wow! ~" Mrs. Nangong opened her eyes, and the light outside her body suddenly increased several times. In an instant, she suppressed the crazy flame, but seeing the expression on Mrs. Nangong\'s face, we knew that it was not an easy thing.

In an instant, Mrs. Nangong began to refine. Her movements were as skilled as ever, but

But a little less fluid.


Only the Lin family looked left and right.

"Where the hell has brother Lin gone and hasn\'t he come back?" Lin Zhan looked around and whispered.

"Only the last half hour is left." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed lightly, but he didn\'t care as much as Lin Zhan. Anyway, there is no big difference between Lin Feng coming back and not coming back. With only the last half hour left, the ranking has basically settled. Although Lin Feng\'s advantage is weak, there is no problem in keeping the second place.

Even if you come back, can you shake Nangong\'s position?

Lin Zhen smiled slightly, but he didn\'t think about it. Now this achievement is good enough. He seems to be able to see the day when the Lin family shine and completely suppress the Ponzi family. I\'m kidding. Lin Feng, the second in the weapon refiner competition, has become a myth!

Only Lin Yumo has bright eyes and has been waiting.

She believes that Lin Feng will not give up!

Right now——

"Wow! ~" a breeze blew, and the people around were stunned. There seemed to be one more person in the meeting.

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes lit up and showed a happy smile.

Lin Feng, finally come back!