Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1027

The star map in my mind, broken!

But Lin Feng didn\'t give up and kept thinking about the solution. His body didn\'t stop at all.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! As if by lightning, the remaining materials for refining the \'roller shutter shuttle\' were obtained one by one. Almost in the blink of an eye, all 37 materials, except "Baidi stone", arrived. Facts have also proved that there are no mistakes in the previous plan.

However, because of the variables of the people\'s heart.

work not completed.

"The coolant can also be replaced by a more eccentric one. The effect is a little worse, but at least it can be successfully refined."

"But Baidi stone is an important part of the rolling shutter shuttle, and its characteristics are unique and difficult to replace. If it is replaced by \'Queen Mother stone\', it may not be able to integrate with \'Beixi\'; if it is replaced by \'curved meteorite\', the weight will double, and the next steps will be disordered..."

In my mind, rule out the possibility one by one.

Lin Feng is deeply helpless. To tell the truth, he still has too little "experience".

At the moment, if you were Mrs. Nangong, there would be a solution, but your understanding of the ore was only limited to writing, and the actual refining was almost zero.

"How to solve?" Lin Feng frowned and felt a headache.

Now, as time goes by, every moment is very important to yourself.

However, how to refine if you are not sure of yourself?

His eyes swept the whole cube space at random. At this time, many materials had been taken away. Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart. Suddenly, his eyes gathered a light sound, and his pupils widened slightly. I saw that there was a tool smelter on the sixth floor of the fire ladder.

Wang Bo!

"So fast?" Lin Feng was surprised.

I have just finished 36 kinds of materials. Wang Bo has no reason to be faster than himself.

"I see." suddenly, Lin Feng was suddenly.

"He took the refining material of star armor." Lin Feng nodded and thought lightly in his heart.

There are only a dozen kinds of materials for star armour refining. Naturally, it is much faster than the star treasure refiner to obtain all materials.


"How can I forget that besides the shuttles, I still have one thing that can be refined!" Lin Feng\'s eyes glowed, hoping to rise steeply.

Ground level one heavy star soldier, double dragon sword!

It was refined by Nangong lady in the first round of the first round.

Although I was late and missed the first round, I happened to witness Mrs. Nangong\'s refining with my own eyes. Although I have never refined any star soldiers, it is not difficult to complete the refining of star soldiers with my own fire control technology. The key is——

The whole refining process!

For others, this is undoubtedly an impossible task.

But before, I had simulated the refining process of "Shuanglong sword" for most of the time.

50% sure!

The problem is

"Material!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and looked around.

"Shuanglong sword only needs 12 materials, fog jade, yellow bile copper, fish eye tears..."

Quickly swept through the cube space and now the remaining materials, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"The twelve kinds of materials are still there, except the intermediary metal \'bell milk gold\'!" Lin Feng drew a smile at the corner of his mouth, and the coolant \'yellow catfish\' was the first one to obtain. It seems that it is doomed. When Heaven closes a door, it will open a window.

The refining of star soldiers and star armor is not as precise as Xingbao star ware.

What\'s more, the role of intermediary metals is just "intermediary", which has no great impact on the overall structure. They can completely replace them with others!

As early as the beginning, I have achieved one of the best intermediary metals.


"Although the effect may not be like \'clock milk gold\', the difference will not be too much!"

"Since the rolling shutter shuttle can\'t be refined, it\'s better to try the \'double dragon sword\'."

Lin Feng was determined in his heart and immediately stopped hesitating.

With eyes closed, another picture of the starry sky quickly emerged in my mind, with twelve main stars shining brightly.

Whoosh! The forest wind sped out.

"Neither humble nor arrogant, calm and calm." Wang Shi exclaimed.

"Indeed, this son\'s heart is completely inconsistent with his age." Ouyang Kuo was very satisfied.

"Alas, Pang Hui is afraid to be a villain this time." Wang Shi was disappointed, and his impression of Pang Hui was greatly reduced.

At the expense of others, panghui\'s "character" is worth considering.

"Well... What does Lin Feng want to refine, dragon black iron, fish eye tears, yellow gall copper?" Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes flickered and wondered.

"Qilong black iron is the main material for refining star soldiers. The little guy reacts quickly and thinks of the way so quickly." Wang Shi smiled. However, looking at the materials obtained by Lin Feng, he was more and more frightened, including Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes, as if suffocating.

Twenty seconds later

"This, isn\'t this the material for refining the \'double dragon sword\'?" Ouyang Kuo was stunned.

"Strange, I remember there is no star skill refined by double dragon sword in Phoenix constellation?" Wang Shi looked at Ouyang Kuo with uncertainty.

"Yes, the double dragon sword is really unique to nanmianzuo," Ouyang Kuo affirmed.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Shi Nan said, "twelve kinds of materials, eleven of which are the main materials for refining Shuanglong sword."

"I don\'t know," Ouyang Kuo wondered.

Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo don\'t know. The Lin family are also big eyed and small eyed.

"Yan Lao, can you see what Lin Feng wants to refine?" Lin Zhen looked at Lin Yan and wondered.

"I can\'t see, but... These are the materials for refining star soldiers. The patriarch should know better than me?" Lin Yan said lightly.

In the clan, Lin Zhen is the second in terms of star weapon refining technology. Who dares to be the first?

"Judging from the materials, it seems to be refining the \'double dragon sword\'." Lin Zhen muttered to himself, "but it\'s strange that the double dragon sword is not the Star Technology of Nanmian. How can Lin Feng refine it?"

"Double dragon sword?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised. "Is it the one made by Mrs. Nangong in the first round?"

The speaker is careless and the listener is intentional.

Suddenly, Lin Zhen\'s eyes lit up.

"Isn\'t it......" Lin Zhen\'s chest heaved and burst into laughter, "good boy, it\'s really bottomless!"

"I see." he gently covered his mouth, and Lin Yumo smiled.

Lin Yan and Lin Zhan looked at each other and didn\'t know why.

It\'s the refining of double dragon sword!

After Wang Bo and Nangong\'s wife, Lin Feng was the third to step on the fire ladder.

Seventh floor!

"Wow! ~" there was a lot of noise around.

"Master Lin Feng is really powerful. He stepped into the seventh layer for the first refining."

"It goes without saying that master Lin Feng wants to compete with Mrs. Nangong for the championship. Naturally, he is on an equal footing."

"Tut Tut, compared with Wang Bo, there are two people first-class."


At this time, Wang Bo, the three of the fire ladder, is on the sixth floor, but Lin Feng and Nangong\'s wife are on the seventh floor.

烀! 烀! 烀~ The fire is ferocious. The fire here is completely different from the sixth floor. It is crazy and burning, with a strong violent atmosphere. If the sixth floor is still a wild horse, then the seventh floor is a real horse. It\'s crazy!

"What a strong flame." Lin Feng frowned and his chest fluctuated sharply.

The sixth layer of fire is on the same level as your own rebirth fire, but the seventh layer

But it\'s completely beyond!

"No wonder only lady Nangong and master Ouyang entered the seventh floor in the last session."

"It\'s not easy for ordinary level refiners to stand still, not to mention refining on the seventh floor."

Lin Feng\'s heart was light and his eyes were bright.

The fire of rebirth spreads around the body and consumes very quickly.

However, the supplement is also very fast.

"The independent aggressiveness of the fire can\'t break the defense of my rebirth fire, but..."

"It\'s impossible to control it."

"If you want to refine in the seventh layer, you can only play your best under the disturbance of fire attack. I don\'t know whether you can successfully refine."

Lin Feng secretly said that he deeply admired Mrs. Nangong.

Under such circumstances, she was still the star treasure who refined the top-level products in the last session. It can be imagined how powerful she was.

You know, that\'s the top grade!

Her eyes flickered and Lin Feng glanced not far away. At this time, Mrs. Nangong did not start refining, but closed her eyes. There was a faint fire around her body, as if she was "adapting" to the environment here. Indeed, the fire on the seventh floor is a terrible flame close to the power of the holy level.

"There is more than enough time."

"I don\'t have to rush."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and was not in a hurry.

Although the refining of star soldiers takes time, it doesn\'t need three hours.

The important thing is that you have only one chance!

"It\'s the same top grade, but I have the increase of rebirth fire, and I can reach the perfect grade."

"At that time, the score will be better!"

Lin Fengwei smiled. Although he didn\'t care about winning or losing, he

I really want to compete with Mrs. Nangong.

Heart, very quiet.

Feeling the strong fire around, the forest wind breathes evenly and freely.

"The refining of star soldiers takes a long time. Therefore, although Wang Bo is proficient in star armor refining, he did not go to the seventh layer."

"To complete refining, we must withstand the constant interference of fire. We need not only strong fire control technology, but also strong enough strength."

"Madam Nangong, it\'s really powerful."

Lin Feng thought lightly that he dared to consume it because the fire of rebirth could not be consumed.

But Nangong\'s wife did not change her face at this time.

Obviously, there are also secrets.

"No matter how, do your best." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and sparkling with a little luster.

Instant, enter self state!

In my mind, lady Nangong\'s first round of refining, from the exercise of sword embryo to the creation of sword body, step by step, the control of flame and the perfection of details, every star soldier skill is perfect, just like a textbook.

"Wow!" "Wow! ~" in my mind, I kept repeating the simulation.

Lin Feng has completely entered his own state. There is more than enough time at present. There is no need to rush for a moment.

While adapting to the fire of the seventh layer, you can understand the refining of "double dragon sword".

It\'s not easy!

"Southern corona, the flame is extremely explosive, and my rebirth fire is relatively moderate."

"If I want to perfectly copy Mrs. Nangong\'s refining, I must change the rebirth fire and copy the explosive flame of nanmianzuo."


Lin Feng deeply felt and understood.

Time, minute by minute, and the simulation in my mind is repeated again and again.


"Pa!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and burst into bright light.