Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1026

Like a thunderclap on the ground!

In the twinkling of an eye, ten figures rushed out of the crowd.

It\'s not too far from cube space. It can be reached in an instant. The final round is indeed as Wang Shi said, quite fair, but there is always speed. The gap in a moment is unparalleled. Even if it is just a little faster, it has a huge advantage!

"Wow!" the light flickered in the cube space, and everyone\'s eyes were bright.

Lin Feng!

Lin Feng again!

When other refiners were more than half a distance away from the cube, Lin Feng stood out like a cheetah. Like lightning and thunder clouds, the speed of Lin Feng surprised and shocked people.

"My God!"

"My God, what speed is this?"

"Master Lin Feng is so perverted. Shake lady Nangong, who is at the peak of Xingyu level, several times away!"


The same is the star level peak, but the gap is great.

More than several times!

If you start at full speed, Lin Feng is enough to throw everyone away. But at present, the distance is very short after all, which can far surpass the outstanding people. Lin Feng relies on the terrible explosive force. After entering the cube space, the speed cannot break out with all its strength. After all, it is not a straight line.

"First, yellow catfish!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened. Although among the 37 refining materials, yellow catfish is not the nearest, but it is the most precious!

Yellow catfish is one of the two commonly used coolants. It is named for its catfish like shape. When Xingbao is refined and molded, coolant is essential. Although the price of yellow catfish is not expensive in Jiuzhou, it is worth thousands of gold in the current rules!

Pop! Lin Feng took the yellow catfish and drew the second "main star" in his mind.

"Intermediary metal, Haojin." Lin Feng\'s body is like an illusion, his steps move abruptly, but he changes direction in a fast speed, just like a blink, galloping towards Haojin. The terrible body method speed caused a scream, and all the onlookers stared!

"What a fast speed." Wang Shi\'s eyes were bright.

"I\'m afraid this martial artist is very powerful." Ouyang Kuo said positively.

"It\'s unbelievable that he can take into account both refining tools and strength. This son must have a bright future." Wang Shi sighed.

"What the president said is very true." Ouyang Kuo nodded.

"Sure enough," said the young man in gray with sparkling eyes and a strong sense of war.

"Before reaching the holy level, you have mastered the mysteries and really have a good understanding." the old man Bai Xu appreciated it.

"Lao Hu, do you think he is better or I am better?" the young man in gray asked quickly.

The white beard old man smiled, "young master is modest. Although this son is strong, he is still much inferior to the young master. With the strength of the young master, he is fearless in the face of saints. Looking at the whole human world, the young master is definitely one of the strongest peaks in the star region!"

"Just one, old Hu." the young man in Gray said faintly, with bright eyes.

"This......" the old man with white beard twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth. "I don\'t mean that. Don\'t misunderstand me, young master."

With an indifferent smile, the young man in gray slowly said, "there are people outside people and people outside the sky. This is what my father often says."

"Yes, that\'s what I mean." the old man with white beard nodded.

"This rosefinch challenge is really not simple, Lin Feng..." the young man in gray flashed his eyes, whispered the name and smiled calmly. "I\'m afraid he is also one of the strongest peaks in the human world and star domain."

"Can\'t you?" the old man with white beard said, "how do you know, master Jin?"

The young man in gray smiled, "intuition."

"Great!" Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed and his crisp chest fluctuated slightly.

Very nervous!

Now she is more nervous than Lin Feng.

In fact, she was not the only one. Lin Zhen and Lin Yan tightened their faces and stared at the cube space. After Lin Feng obtained the coolant "yellow catfish" and the intermediate metal "Haojin", the second refiner also entered.

Not Mrs. Nangong or master Ouyang!

It\'s Wang Bo in the palace.

Although his speed is far less than Lin Feng, he can rank second among the people.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng got the coolant "yellow catfish". He saw it. At this time, he went straight to another commonly used coolant "lvsha". Master Ouyang, Cheng Jin, Bai Yunfei and others behind Wang Bo all changed their faces.

Losing coolant is equal to losing first class!

The vast majority of Xingbao are inseparable from the two commonly used coolants, yellow catfish and green Sha. Although they are insignificant, they are indispensable.

Only lady Nangong and master Ouyang looked unchanged. They seemed to have expected for a long time.

Although they are not the strongest in terms of strength, they are not the best in terms of refining technology——

No one was there, no one could match two.

The bottom of the ten is not others, but panghui!

His complexion was very ugly. Although panghui tried his best, his strength was not comparable to his weapon refining technology. As the patriarch of the Pang family, he should not only focus on refining weapons, but also take care of the whole family. Even if panghui has three heads and six arms, he has no time to practice.

Like Lin Yan, his strength is very "weak.".

Strength is not the most important thing for a tool refiner, but right now

But it has great constraints.

"Damn it!"

"It\'s too late."

Panghui frowned and was deeply unwilling.

WOW! Into the cube space, but it is the last one.

Seeing Lin Feng take the lead with his own eyes, Pang Hui was extremely unwilling to take seven pieces of materials, including yellow catfish, Haojin, magnetic ring stone and so on. He can\'t control others, but Lin Feng belongs to the Lin family and is the most direct competitor of the Ponzi family!

How can he let Lin Feng specialize in beauty.

"Crocodile stabilizes zinc, coal is evil, Kongyu, this is..."

"Shutter shuttle?"

Panghui\'s eyes brightened and he was no stranger.

He is proficient in many star treasure refining, not to mention being in competition with the Lin family all year round. He knows Lin Zhen\'s roller shutter shuttle.

"Very clever."

"It\'s much easier to take \'precious\' materials first and then those."

Pang Hui flashed a fine light in his eyes and scratched slightly at the corners of his mouth, "but I\'m sorry, even if it\'s not benevolent, I\'ll do it once."

"Even if I fail, I will pull you into the water!"

"Never let your Lin family shine!"

Whoosh! Pang will flash away.

"The nineteenth, crazy hammer silver."

"The twentieth, rain cocoon."

"The twenty-first, min fire mine heart."


Lin Feng\'s eyes are as bright as stars.

The haze cloud steps and moves, and the figure changes like a blink. One material after another falls into the hands, which is completely effortless.

Common precious materials, I have already got them first.

Later, these materials are "rare".

Should, no one will rob themselves.


But it\'s just "should".

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng suddenly appeared and whispered, "the twenty second, worship flute stone."

The star map in my mind is now connected with a full 21 main stars. More than half of them are left, and there are only the last 16!

However, the right hand crossed a curve, but caught an empty.

"What?!" Lin Feng was stunned.

In the right place, I did not find the existence of "flute worship stone".

"Impossible!" Lin Feng looked around with bright eyes and undulating chest, "it\'s right here, but where\'s the Baidi stone?"

I have no reason to remember wrong!

100% here, but why not?

Baidi stone is not excellent and commonly used materials such as yellow catfish, Haojin and magnetic ring stone. It is reasonable to say that it is rarely used. In a short moment, there is no reason to be robbed.

"Looking for this?" a pleasant voice sounded behind him, and Lin Feng\'s pupils lit up immediately.

Suddenly turned his head and saw a familiar face, with a faint smile, holding an insignificant stone in his hand. But this humble little stone is a completely indispensable existence for refining the \'roller shutter shuttle\'!

Baidi stone!

"Damn it!"

"I\'m so angry!"

"Pang Hui, this bastard, is despicable!"

Lin Zhen and others scolded, but they didn\'t care about the image. Lin Yumo and other good tempered people bit their lips and were very angry.

Because Pang Hui did it on purpose!

Others didn\'t know, but Lin Zhen saw it with her own eyes. Pang Hui took nothing and went straight to the humble existence of "Baidi stone". Then, he waited for Lin Feng\'s arrival with a proud face, ready to ridicule Lin Feng and attack his morale.

"Alas! ~" Lin Yan sighed, "it fell short."

"This bad old man!" Lin Zhanqi gnashed his teeth. "Grandma, find a chance to see if I don\'t beat him up!"

"It\'s troublesome." Lin Zhen closed her eyes and shook her head.

As far as he knows, Lin Feng knows nothing about the refining of Xingbao except "rolling shuttles"!

"I knew to teach him more star treasures." Lin Zhen clenched her fists and regretted it.

But is it useful now?

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha! ~"

In the crowd, a man in a black cloak laughed and was overjoyed.

The ugly face hidden in the black cloak, smiling forward and backward, felt refreshed.

It is the forest land.

"Good, very good!"

"Pang Hui, this old man is really bad."

"Jade and stone are burning. Lin Feng doesn\'t want to eat it!"

"It\'s so interesting, ha ha!"

However, Lin Feng was not as angry as everyone expected.

In fact, looking at Pang Hui, Lin Feng didn\'t have any waves in his heart. Although he was a little disappointed, but

This is in the worst plan.

With an indifferent smile at panghui, Lin Feng disappeared and didn\'t communicate with panghui at all. Leaving panghui holding the flute worship stone, he was as stupid as a stone carving. In his ears, there was a voice disdained by many martial artists around, but his old face was blue and white.

Although Lin Feng was dragged into the water, he obviously lost face in full view of the public.

It is at the expense of others.

At this time, Lin Feng was also disrupted.

"Baidi stone..."

"What can replace it?"

Lin Feng tightened his eyebrows and closed his eyes, showing the position and function of all materials in his brain.

My heart is very calm. Since things have happened, it\'s better to think about whether there is a remedy than to be angry and impulsive.