Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1005

The surging and violent clanging of breath.

Suddenly, a huge force appeared on the Amethyst gun. The terrible force was familiar, and Lin Feng himself was a little stunned. All of a sudden, it was the power given to him by his predecessors.

That\'s a touch of holy power!

I seem to forget that in addition to opening the door, this energy can still be used at other times.

The war snake envoy, who is also a "demon blue war snake", has no Xuanyu.

"Good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

If you die, you will die happily!

In the face of an unprecedented terrorist enemy, the state of marksmanship broke out completely, directly entering the fourth level of "entering marksmanship", and then increased by Amethyst gun. However, even the fifth level of "entering the gun" was of little use to Kui Zheng.

That\'s a real saint!

Lin Feng just "borrowed" holy power.

He didn\'t dodge. Kui Zheng didn\'t want to avoid Lin Feng\'s attack at all. If he even dodges the attack of mole ants

It\'s embarrassing.

"Overestimate one\'s strength." Lengleng said four words. Kui Zheng\'s thin wings cut through the space like cicada wings, like a sharp arrow, and collided with Lin Feng\'s Amethyst gun in an instant. The power of terror tore everything up. Kui Zheng didn\'t use all his strength, but at the moment... He was surprised.

"What?!" the double claw thunder shook and felt an amazing burst of power.

"How could he have holy power?"


Although Kui Zheng didn\'t believe it, he aroused animal nature and hostility.

The flame of terror is strengthened again, and the overwhelming power erupts into unparalleled power, distorting the whole space.

"Go to hell!!!" Kui Zheng\'s eyes showed their fierce light.

If he despised Lin Feng before, now he feels a threat.

Such a human being has never been seen before! Now you have such strength before you reach the peak of star level. If you become a saint level in the future

It will be a great trouble.

This person must be removed!

Totally irresistible.

In a word, the mantis is the cart.

Even if you "borrow" a part of the strength of the Yu scale, it is only "borrow".

There is a huge gap between Lin Feng and Kui Zheng in terms of body, strength, perception and strength. What\'s more, Yu Lin is the best in the holy level.

"Is this the real strength of \'holy class\'?"

"So strong, really strong."

Lin Feng felt a deep shock.

Only when we really face the power of Saint level can we know how big the power gap is.

It is an existence like "Tianwei". It is the top power in the real fighting spirit world, enough to destroy everything.

"Holy level, this is holy level." Lin Feng was involved in the twisted space and looked a little confused. In this moment between life and death, I seem to understand a lot and understand a lot. The holy level, which was originally high above, gradually opened the mysterious mask and felt

One step closer.

But what\'s the use?

I can\'t escape this disaster.

The twisted and terrible power of space will soon tear itself to pieces, completely lose consciousness in both hands, and the Amethyst gun has long disappeared. The fire of swallowing, which he is proud of, was swallowed up by the power of space and disappeared without a trace.

The huge strength gap can not be erased at all.

In front of this towering force, I don\'t even have any hope of life.

"Are you dying?"

"It\'s all over..."

Lin Feng\'s heart was tightly screwed up and felt the confusion of consciousness.

Into that twisted space, the power of terror completely crushed his body.

In his mind, scenes and scenes of the past came to mind, recalling his arduous journey step by step. Father, mother, brother, sister... Ziyao, Qianqian, Yumo... Figures turned page by page like a book, and Lin Feng felt deeply guilty.

I owe them too much.

"Sorry." said three words, and Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Consciousness is on the verge of collapse. That terrible force is like a fierce beast opening its mouth and swallowing itself!

And now——

"Peng! ~" an incredible power suddenly appeared, golden and full of sacred and inviolable feeling. It is a pentagonal star, shining with rich golden light, converging into a solid mask to completely wrap the body.

"What\'s going on?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Just now that destructive force, the force that distorts the whole space, time seems to disappear.

In an instant, Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Is it

"It?!" the huge earthquake in Lin Feng\'s heart.

The pentagonal star suspended in front of me is the "golden" congenital treasure I obtained in the hundred waterfalls that day.

The "ordinary" congenital treasure, which looks ordinary and can\'t even fuse with a drop of blood, now has an "inexplicable" trigger ability to form a strong protective layer to resist this fatal blow and save his life!

That\'s holy attack!

Can it stop it?

Moreover, the bright golden light outside his body still seems to have a residual force, not broken.

However, defense is only defense after all.

How many times can you stop it?

Not only was Lin Feng shocked, but Kui Zheng also stared at the tiger at this time. He couldn\'t believe it.

He could even hurt the saint level strong man, but he was blocked by the humble mole ant in front of him?

This mole ant is still alive!

"Roar!!" he roared angrily. Kui Zheng was really angry.

Who is he?

It is in the blood tiger family that they are well-known. Now they can\'t even kill a small star level mole ant. If this matter is spread, how can we save face! Zi~ Zizi~ The smell of terror completely spread over the whole area.

Peng Ran\'s anger completely broke out Kui Zheng\'s strength, and the word "King" on his forehead was clear and glittering.

He, no longer hide his strength!

The smell of terror spread all over tianwu.

All human beings hiding in the shelter can feel the devil like terror. It is a huge blood light, condensing a deep blood fog, and their eyes are full of strong killing intention. Not only human beings, all the strong men of the blood tiger family stopped in an instant and looked solemn.

Their king, angry!


"It\'s really interesting."

On the contrary, kuitu smiled thoughtfully, and his eyes changed.

"A mere human at the star level can block this fatal blow."

"There are many secrets hidden in him."

"More and more interesting."

Kuitu thought to himself that the more chaotic the situation, the better.

He most hoped that Kui Zheng would be killed, which was wonderful.


Is it possible?

No way.

Lin Feng\'s strength, let alone kill Kui Zheng, is to resist another attack. There is nothing he can do.

"Zizi! ~ Zizi! ~" the golden light was bright and full of sacred breath. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. Although he was injured, he was only slightly injured. The fatal blow was completely offset and absorbed by the golden treasure. However, at present, he is only "delaying" death.

That terrible force has completely shrouded itself at this time.

Amazing breath, accompanied by space distortion, this time I have no way to escape.

With the remaining golden power, can you block one blow or two?

Death is certain!

"What a pity." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and clenched his fist.

The "Holy Level" power given to him by Master Yu Lin still exists, but it does not belong to him.

Can not play the real power of this force, otherwise, I may not be able to fight with it. In the distance, the terrible force came madly. It can be predicted that in an instant, he will "die" again. Lin Feng took a deep breath, but suddenly his heart was shocked.


I can\'t compete with the terrible Holy Level in front of me, but it doesn\'t mean that others can\'t!

Frown deeply, Lin Feng reacted instantly and his eyes flashed, "even if you offend, you have to do it once. I hope you don\'t be surprised!"

In an instant——

"Pa Da! ~" Lin Feng gathered his hands together and the amazing holy power flashed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a space crack was independent of the distorted space and coagulated in an instant. It was like an eye crack opening a little. The flashing space energy shone like the light of hope, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were completely bright.

This is the way back to the thousand snake cave!

I can\'t compete with the terrible Saint level strong in front of me, but

There are countless holy levels in the war snake city!

"Hope comes soon." Lin Feng frowned.


This is the only chance.

Kui Zheng was already wide eyed, completely angry, and suffocated by the power of terror.

"Space transfer!"

"Hateful human, even want to escape!"

His anger attacks his heart. For Kui Zheng, if Lin Feng runs away one-on-one, he may not want to look up again. This will become a deep shame. Face is at stake, which will affect his future in the blood tiger family. How can he not allow this failure!

"Don\'t want to run, human!" Kui Zheng\'s strength burst out madly.

The blood red pupils are shining with the word "Wang".

The terrible blow went straight to the forest wind, but only a short distance and a moment of time, the result was completely different.

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s body hid into the space crack.

Kui Zheng\'s attack passed by, smashed the shadow of the forest wind, and roared straight to the huge lake in the distance

"Peng!" the earth shaking sound of explosion, the endless lake was destroyed and evaporated by the power of terror in an instant, and even half a drop of water was left. Kui Zheng opened his eyes wide, his body trembled slightly, and suddenly roared wildly. At present, the space channel like an eye seam gradually closed. Kui Zheng clenched his teeth and suddenly——

"Whoosh!" Kui Zheng entered, completely ignoring the others.

For him, everything at present can\'t compare with killing that humble human!


Don\'t try to escape!!!

"Pa! ~" the space crack disappeared and disappeared at the same time with the breath of Lin Feng and Kui Zheng.

All the strong men of the blood tiger family were stunned.

What\'s going on?