Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 992

Yang Guoyong was not sure before, but when he Zhennan said, he immediately remembered that Guo Yangcheng, executive vice minister of the Ministry of public security, was surnamed Guo.

The relationship Yang Ping is looking for will certainly not be the Longcheng Public Security Bureau, because Duan Fei is the number one leader or the Secretary of the political and Legal Commission, almost covering the sky with one hand. The relationship between Yunsheng and the Duan family is not good. The Duan family is the first family in Yunsheng, and the second person in Yunsheng is the Duan family. Only by finding a stronger relationship than the Standing Committee of Yunnan Province can we solve the problem.

"Minister Guo, I\'m sorry to bother you with this little thing." Yang Ping smiled.

"Well, my girlfriend was framed and the situation is urgent... I\'d better call you minister Guo. You\'re a ministerial cadre now, and then you\'re a vice state. How dare I call you brother Guo... Er... Well, I\'d better call you as before. Brother Guo, all right."

Looking at Yang Ping talking and laughing with Minister Guo, Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan were scared to death.

Nima, if he Zhennan is in a high position, he is still terrified to get close contact with the big leaders at the vice national level. Guo Yangcheng is a real power man and was also the leader in Yunnan Province in those years.

More importantly, the Minister of public security will push on this year. Guo Yangcheng is the most vocal, which is almost certain. Moreover, the Minister of public security will also serve as state councilor, belonging to the real leadership of the country.

"Yang Ping, just now it was..." he Zhennan asked carefully.

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "you said Brother Guo, it\'s Guo Yangcheng. We had tea together before, and then became friends. I did a favor by the way."

He Zhennan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a bitter smile, "Yang Ping, you have such a big relationship. If it was minister Guo, you don\'t have to worry about Zhu Xi at all."

Yang Ping secretly laughed. A Guo Yang achieved this. If they knew that his real relationship was Mu Lao, they would be scared to death. Mu Lao was once the core of the leader. Guo Yangcheng was a child of dentistry in front of him.

Of course, Yang Ping will not deliberately show off his relationship. He just tells Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan that although they don\'t show too much, no one can tell when they are really critical. This time, they are reassured.

"Secretary Yang, what else do you think you need? If you need help with the reconstruction project of the old city of Longcheng, I have a good brother in the national development and Reform Commission. The level is similar to that of Brother Guo. I should be able to talk."

Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan haven\'t calmed down yet. It\'s a little hoodwinked to hear such a great God again. Lying trough, you know great gods in all fields. Why didn\'t you say it earlier? I almost couldn\'t go to the hospital for treatment.

"No, we can handle the reconstruction of the old city," Yang Guoyong said hurriedly. "Yang Ping, don\'t worry. As long as I have one breath, I won\'t let Duanfei fool."

"I\'m here to thank Secretary Yang and mayor he. If I\'m okay, I\'ll go first." Yang Ping got up and said.

Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan sent Yang Ping out of the teahouse, looked at his distant back, looked at each other, and showed a bitter smile. Yang Guoyong said reluctantly, "this Yang Ping, I knew it was deep and didn\'t leak. I didn\'t expect it to be so deep."

He Zhennan felt the same way and said, "real people don\'t show their faces. Secretary Yang, what should we do next?"

Yang Guoyong sneered and hummed: "some time ago, we tolerated and let Duanfei jump up and down. We really thought we were the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. Yang Ping\'s relationship must be more than that. If we want to go further, we must hold this big tree well. Zhu Xi\'s problem must not give way."

He Zhennan nodded and said in a deep voice, "it seems that you can use a few cards."

Yang Guoyong\'s eyes were deep and said faintly, "what are some cards broken? Duan Fei has one more vote than me now, but he suddenly fell down and two standing committee members?"

He Zhennan sneered.


Under the perception of spiritual power, Zhu Xi did not receive special treatment. Yang Ping could only do his own things before ensuring that Zhu Xi came out.

Bi Guanghui is still in Longcheng. Yang Ping can feel that although this person is promoted to a saint, it is only the early stage of a saint, and he still relies on special means, otherwise he will not have unstable foundation and impetuous breath. Others can\'t feel it, but Yang Ping knows it very well. Now he is in the middle stage of Yasheng. He can kill the sage without using the power of the dragon city.

It is impossible for Yang Ping not to avenge his brothers.

Now is the best chance, but the only trouble is that Bi Guanghui\'s identity is not simple. He is one of the eighteen Vajra Dharma protectors of the demon sect. Because of this identity, other big forces dare not touch him.

One Zhai and two gates are the top holy places in China, standing at the top overlooking all living beings. These three holy places have artifact seats, and no one dares to provoke them.

The unparalleled artifact hidden in Longcheng affects the whole Chinese mind. Taoist Zun, such a terrible figure, should also play all kinds of tricks to obtain an artifact.

Visible artifact terror.

Moreover, the artifact still has a ranking. There is no double hook. It was the weapon of the Tianmu old man in those years. After the Tianmu old man left, it became an ownerless thing. How can it not be precious that even the Tianzun was jealous.

But the emergence of unparalleled artifact will inevitably lead to bloody cases.

Longcheng is in chaos.

Yang Ping thought about how to deal with the next situation. Walking on the road, there were few pedestrians. Occasionally, they passed by and didn\'t go back to pay attention to him.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people around. Finally, Yang Ping found that there was no human shadow in the whole street.

He shrugged and noticed something wrong.

In broad daylight, how can there be no one on the street? Someone must use great magic powers to avoid their eyes and ears and create a new environment. People at this level can\'t deal with themselves.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified and understood that he might be the strongest expert he met this time. With his current state, the middle state of Yasheng, even in the late state of sage, he can fight.

But the other party can silently pull him into the dreamland. What a terrible magic power it must be.

Yang Ping stopped and stared at the front.

Because there is a beautiful shadow ahead.

When Yang Ping saw this beautiful shadow, she couldn\'t describe it in words, because she was too beautiful to eat fireworks. She couldn\'t see the veil clearly. It was like the nine day Xuannv came down to earth. She had incredible charm and made people subconsciously worship.

How can there be such a beautiful and moving beauty in the world?

Yang Ping had only such an idea in his mind that the women he cared about before, no matter who, were not worth mentioning in front of the women in front of him.

Her appearance seemed to bring another world, and Yang Ping felt different rules.

Suddenly, Yang Ping\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

This person can never be a great saint, because the fishing old man is also a great saint, but although the fishing old man is very powerful, it gives people a boundless feeling, but the person in front of him is completely different, as if he had entered another world.

That is to say, this person creates a new world.

This is the most terrible.

Is it heaven?

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and sighed his bad luck. Unexpectedly, he met a God in the street of Longcheng. No, it is likely to be more terrible than his own guess.

Because on the other side, Yang Ping had instinctive awe.