Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 991

Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan are all ears. They know that there must be a story inside. From Yang Ping\'s tone, Zhuang Guanghui has done great things to hurt Yang Ping.

"Five years ago, my brothers and I joined the peacekeeping force and robbed the sun moon star in the Middle East. The sun moon star is a meteorite falling from the sky and has great scientific research value. It is said that the material of the sixth generation fighter is similar to that of the sun moon star, and the country wants it."

Yang Guoyong\'s face changed slightly and became serious.

From Yang Ping\'s low tone, he felt the atmosphere of killing. Five years ago, the Middle East was very chaotic and human life was like grass. Many countries around the world sent experts to war-torn areas for scientific research.

Where is the best scientific research and experiment base?

War zone, of course.

Because human life is worthless.

A large American medical institution and other arms dealers could make war money, so they supported the American invasion of Middle East countries. At that time, China could not stand by and send Yanhuang team to destroy.

But human beings know their smallness in the face of war. No one will fight with you fairly, and no one will care about your life and death. Only living is the most important.

Yang Ping saw with his own eyes that two people killed in order to compete for a green vegetable, and the local police are common, which is chilling. This is also the direct reason for triggering Yang Ping\'s biggest stain in the army.

The experts hurried to do bad things locally. The dark experts in the United States had strong desires and lost their humanity. When they saw the women in the war area, they caught them and forced them to have a relationship against the will of women.

There are still many antiques in the war area. An island yin-yang teacher took a fancy to an antique. The other party was willing to exchange valuable antiques for a bag of rice and vegetables, but the yin-yang teacher directly killed the whole family and stole the antiques.

In the eyes of Chinese soldiers, many brothers want to stop it, but because of the above order, it is absolutely forbidden to conflict with the peacekeeping forces of other countries.

This is an [email protected] ^^$

The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders!

Yang Ping personally suppressed the anger of his brothers and wanted to finish the task and leave here as soon as possible, but cruel things happened around him and almost lost his mind.

The Chinese military is unpopular in the world because of its overall backward military strength and different national ideologies.

Brothers did not forget the order, did not have the same experience as foreign experts, and continued to act. But in the battle for the sun and moon star, a brother was secretly attacked, and the attacker was the first generation of strengthened soldiers in the United States.

Yang Ping was so angry that he directly killed all the experts in the United States and island countries. In that war, Yang Ping killed them all, and the scene was very bloody and terrible.! $*!

It shocked the whole world.

The US and island governments demanded the surrender of Yang Ping and threatened to interrupt all cooperation. The us directly opened the aircraft carrier to make a combat posture. At that time, the international situation was very tense, and almost everyone agreed to hand over Yang Ping.

Yang Ping encountered the biggest crisis in his life, but he did not regret it, because those people were not human, indiscriminately killed innocent people and deserved to die.

Yan Huang\'s brothers all supported Yang Ping, but their strength was weak and they had no right to speak. At that time, Yang Ping returned home with special merit from the sun and moon star, and the treatment was confinement for seven days.

No hero was treated like this when he returned home. All Yanhuang soldiers were discouraged and wanted to force the top to compromise with their retirement. It was a pity that Yanhuang was not called an equal dialogue figure.

The whole Yanhuang team was removed from the special merit, which caused an uproar in the military at that time.

The people of Yanhuang team wanted to rescue Yang Ping, but they were hit hard. They were confiscated all their equipment. They couldn\'t know where Yang Ping was detained, so they found the wrong place and went to a laboratory.

Five people went in and all died.

It was only when Yang Ping came out of the closed door that he heard about it. At that time, if Mu Lao didn\'t come forward, Yang Ping had been sent to a military court and lost his qualification as a soldier forever.

But he came out late.

The five brothers were killed on the spot because they broke into the military forbidden area, and the murderer was an expert from the holy magic gate, named Bi Guanghui.

Yang Ping has been looking for him for five years, but this man is not only fine, but also appears in front of him. If Bi Guanghui is not a fool, the person who sent him is a fool.

He inquired about Bi Guanghui\'s background. He is one of the 18 Vajra Dharma protectors of the demon gate. He has a very high status and is protected by the demon gate. No one in the world can move him. He has done too many outrageous things, but he can still get away with it because of his identity as a demon sect.

Yang Ping\'s eyes twinkled and said coldly, "this time, I will personally avenge my brothers."

Yang Guoyong recovered from the shock and hurriedly said, "Yang Ping, don\'t be impulsive. Now Longcheng is very chaotic. If you do it again, you may destroy the balance."

Yang Ping smiled, his eyes were deep and incomparable, shook his head and said, "how can I watch my dead brother die in peace. You should not know this."

Yang Guoyong sighed in his heart. Knowing that Yang Ping had made up his mind and couldn\'t persuade him, he changed the topic and said, "we\'ve heard about Zhu Xi, but you don\'t know the current situation."

Yang Ping frowned.

Yang Guoyong can only smile bitterly and doesn\'t know how to explain it.

He Zhennan came forward and said, "Yang Ping, now the municipal Party committee team has changed a lot, and Duan Fei\'s background strength is very strong. After Wenfeng\'s fall, people who used to take refuge in Wenfeng now take refuge in Duan Fei, which makes Duan Fei\'s power unprecedentedly strong and one more vote than Secretary Yang."

Yang Ping looked surprised.

In just one month, Duan Fei showed signs of controlling the dragon city. It seems that this person is really not simple. This person was not killed last time, leaving a disaster.

"The Wang family and Duan Fei want to bring down the Zhu family. Duanfei needs the support of the Wang family. The Wang family needs Duanfei\'s rights, so they hit it off at once. Many of our policies were rejected and could not be promoted. The original agreement was also..."

He Zhennan sighed, and Yang Ping knew what he meant.

It seems that Zhu Xi will be very difficult this time. The provincial Party committee of Yunnan Province can\'t intervene in many things. Zhu Xi\'s interpersonal relationship is very strong, but the Wang family is not bad, and the Duan family is even more powerful. The combination of the two is far more powerful than Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi is certainly not the murderer of Wang Lun, but Zhu Xi\'s things were found in the office and car, so Zhu Xi is the biggest suspect.

Even if Zhu Xi proves her innocence in the future, the loss of reputation cannot be recovered.

The other party is interested in this and wants to discredit China Airlines Group in order to get the development right of the old city development zone. After Duan Fei controls power, many big forces will unite with him. How could Duan Fei have had such a good chance.

"We can try." Yang Guoyong\'s face was positive. "No matter how much it costs, I will not let Duan Fei carry out black box operation on Zhu Xi\'s case."

Feeling Yang Guoyong\'s determination, Yang Ping nodded secretly and finally saw the right person. Yang Guoyong is a person who really wants to do practical things. Although he is sometimes selfish, he won\'t admit counsellor at the critical time.

"Thank you, Secretary Yang. As long as you control public opinion, I\'ll do other things."

Yang Ping relaxed his tone, showed a cold smile and said, "I Yang Ping have never been in politics. Some people seem to forget that I don\'t lack allies."

He took out the phone and dialed a number that had not been used for a long time. This person is his life and death friend. He seldom contacts at ordinary times, but he will try his best to help him in times of difficulty.

"Minister Guo!"

Yang Ping said.

Yang Guoyong frowned with he Zhennan. He didn\'t know who minister Guo was and what he could do in this matter, but soon he Zhennan thought of a person and showed an incredible color.

Huaxia\'s current executive vice minister of public security seems to be surnamed Guo