Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 982

With a silver cross around his neck and a pious look on his handsome face, the young man came to the coffin and said, "Almighty Lord, please bless your people. Your people are innocent."

With that, the young man took out a bottle of holy water and sprinkled it on the coffin.

Yang Ping frowned, waved his hand, swept away the holy water and said coldly, "China doesn\'t believe in Europe and America. China has no lord and no saints."

The young man shook his head, showed compassionate eyes and sighed, "you will be punished by the Lord for blaspheming the Almighty Lord."

Zhu Xi felt that the young man was not simple and asked, "do you know what this is?" if the young man can solve the problem, why need Yang Ping\'s help.

The young man nodded and said, "this is the devil of hell. The Almighty Lord let me purify. Dear Miss, if you allow me, please let me come."

Yang Ping said displeased: "playing tricks is not a devil at all..."

"I didn\'t let you talk." Zhu Xi smiled coldly and hummed, "and this is my territory. I don\'t need you to do anything. Yang Ping, we\'ve cut off our relationship. Please don\'t bother me again."

Yang Ping was stunned and looked at Zhu Xi and NIMA in surprise. Is this still human? How many times has brother helped you? Now he has crossed the river and torn down the bridge. Moreover, Zhu Xi doesn\'t know the horror of coffins. In the small underground world of treasure Pavilion, he saw countless identical coffins, representing another world. It\'s incredible.

"Zhu Xi, you\'re crazy!" Yang Ping shouted. "I don\'t want to quarrel with you, and I won\'t harass you for an excuse. This coffin is strange, and many people may die."


After hearing this, Mary disdained to say, "Yang Ping, I know your story. It\'s just because I have a grudge and want to take the opportunity to get close to Dong Zhu. I tell you, with me, I won\'t let you succeed."

After listening, others showed a sudden color.

In particular, many employees of the company know Yang Ping and have heard of him. Now it seems that they want to harass the chairman, just as Ma Li said.

Women do not agree, men do not agree.

So the male employees at all levels came forward, surrounded Yang Ping and threatened, "stay away from the chairman, or you\'ll be impolite." the four security guards came up bravely and shouted, "come on, you\'re not welcome here."

Yang Ping said angrily, "Zhu Xi, don\'t play. You\'ll really die."


The young man didn\'t know when to add a kind of medicine powder. When he sprinkled it on the coffin, a fire dragon appeared in front of him, covering the coffin and burning.


When someone saw the young man\'s magic, he couldn\'t help shouting. This is the master. If you don\'t understand it, you can use the magic. The young man\'s behavior immediately made everyone\'s confidants, and Zhu Xi\'s eyes were suspicious.

"It\'s very dangerous here. I hope you stay away from the coffin and let me deal with it." the young man said in a deep voice, "the devil of hell will run out of the meeting and may be attacked within 100 meters."

After hearing this, they were scared and hurried to evacuate a hundred meters away.

Mary is more direct. She even runs away with high heels. She looks at the young man nervously with small stars in her eyes. She obviously admires the young man very much.

Yang Ping didn\'t leave and advised: "Zhu Xi, believe me, just give me the coffin, or it will lead to great disaster. This coffin is very evil."

Zhu Xi asked, "do you know what it is?"

Yang Ping tried to stop talking, but just think about it, because no one would believe everything in the underground world and would only confuse the public with lies.

"I don\'t know." Yang Ping shook his head.

Mary laughed and said sarcastically, "look, I know I deliberately find an excuse to approach the chairman. I don\'t have the ability to pretend to be a big tail wolf."

In the past, when Yang Ping was close to Zhu Xi, people in the company would him very polite and even flatter, but since Yang Ping was driven out of China Airlines Group, his attitude was quite the opposite.

Mary is the most direct because she is the President Assistant around Zhu Xi.

"You don\'t care about my affairs." Zhu Xi pretended to be impatient.

Yang Ping was angry and secretly said that he kindly reminded you that he was ungrateful and satirized me. Buddha also had a temper. He shook his head and said, "don\'t look for me then."

Then he turned and left.

Zhu Xi was tangled in her heart and wanted to leave Yang Ping, because the coffin was really strange, but when she remembered her commitment and the agreement with the old fisherman, she hardened her heart, endured the pain and let Yang Ping leave.

"What\'s the matter? Who do you think you are?" Mary saw that Zhu Xi didn\'t leave. In order to show that she shared weal and woe, she hurried to her side and whispered, "Dong Zhu, I\'ll ask someone to clean up Yang Ping and let him have a long memory."

Zhu Xi was unhappy and looked at Mary coldly.

Although she doesn\'t deal with Yang Ping, she will never let her subordinates look down on Yang Ping. Zhu Xi is very unhappy and wants to change an assistant tomorrow.

Compared with Yang Yuxin, Ma Li is too far away.

"I\'m going to start." the young people chanted, then took out a large bottle of holy water from their bag, and the surrounding people watched nervously. Because it was broad daylight, the coffin didn\'t look so terrible.


The flame soared into the air, and the young man took a breath. There was a sea of fire in front of him. Someone screamed. The coffin was wrapped by the flame and burned.

"Well, you are worthy of being a master. People with ability are different." someone began to touch and flatter the young people.

The young man showed a proud look in his eyes and looked at Zhu Xi. He found that the girl was really beautiful. If he could, he would develop her into a believer.

A believer is a person who gives everything, property and body.

Imagining Zhu Xi\'s body, the young man showed a strange smile and his heart itched. Zhu Xi frowned and was uncomfortable with the young man\'s eyes, because evil was hidden in them.

The coffin burned for a long time, and the function of holy water gradually dissipated. When the prototype was exposed, the people watching the good play took a breath.

The coffin is fine.

The young man\'s face changed slightly. He thought it was just a coffin. How could he not burn it? It must have been specially treated to isolate the flame.

"Don\'t worry," the young man shouted, "because the devil from hell is very powerful, my holy water has been temporarily suppressed, but the hidden danger has been eliminated. Please rest assured. Next, I will spend three days to purify the devil\'s body to ensure everyone\'s safety."

I don\'t know why, in today\'s society, the people present are basically undergraduates and should be atheists, but at this time, they actually believe the words of young people without too dialectical thinking.

Except Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi doesn\'t believe in young people very much, but she has to rely on young people. In fact, she really wants to ask Yang Ping for help. Unfortunately, she can\'t.

"Dear Miss, I need three days. Can you provide me with some conditions to facilitate my practice?" the young man rubbed over and kept a modest gentleman\'s smile.

Zhu Xi didn\'t want to.

Mary shouted, "no problem. Our chairman is very enthusiastic. Chairman, I\'ll arrange it. It\'s just a small thing."

Zhu Xi can\'t wait to scold Ma Li to death. People show that it\'s cheating money. You have to be fooled. Don\'t you need your brain?

"I..." before Zhu Xi spoke, Mary took the young man to find a place to stay. As she walked, she said that the young man kept turning back and smiling at Zhu Xi to show her strong male charm.

Zhu Xi\'s face was expressionless.

"Let the dead horse be the living horse doctor." Zhu Xi sighed and understood that there was no other way for the time being. It was not a big thing to entertain a person, so she was ready to go back to the office to deal with things.

At this time, a red Ferrari stopped at the door of Yang\'s small medical school, and then a tall, ugly girl got off and got into the small medical school.

Zhu Xi\'s pretty face changed slightly, showing jealous eyes.

"How long have we been separated? I\'m looking for another lover!"

Zhu Xi secretly hated and was sad at the same time. Although she was ruthless first, Yang Ping was too fast to find a woman.