Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 981

A coffin came out of the square. It was still bloody and naturally attracted people\'s attention. Many people gathered around. Although they were afraid of the coffin, they pointed out in broad daylight. Especially some white-collar workers and atheists think there is a good play to see.

The square was covered with blood, and the smell filled the air, so that the onlookers covered their noses and soon dispersed, leaving about half of them.

When Zhu Xi came to the square and saw the scarlet coffin, she felt dizzy and startled. She seemed to see the coffin become transparent and the body inside smiled at her.

Shaking her head, Zhu Xi calmed her mind. When she looked again, the coffin would look the same.

"Dong Zhu, whose prank is this? It can\'t be the bastards of Wang Group." Ma Li, the new assistant to the president, is a middle-aged woman wearing high foot glasses. Her hair is combed meticulously, showing her serious character. She looks at least five years old in an honest uniform. She used to be the director of the creative department and was transferred to the president. Zhu Xi stayed because she did a good job.

Yang Yuxin has left China Airlines Group. At the beginning, Zhu Xi was very uncomfortable because Yang Yuxin helped deal with many things. After Yang Yuxin left, Zhu Xi knew that the president who lacked an assistant was a tiger who lacked claws and teeth, and the efficiency decreased a lot.

Zhu Xi knew that Yang Yuxin\'s value was not only measurable.

But what?

Thinking back to reality, Zhu Xi glanced at the red coffin and thought about Ma Li\'s words. Although the attack of Wang\'s group was suppressed, it could continue to jump. She didn\'t know what medicine she took recently, which was more violent than before.

"Is there any evidence?" asked Zhu Xi.

Mary hesitated, shook her head and said, "Mr. Zhu, there is no evidence for the time being, but it is impossible for a coffin to appear for no reason. Only companies hostile to us can do such things. Mr. Zhu, you go up first and I will deal with the rest."

Mary is an atheist. It\'s OK to scare others with such things as blood coffin. It\'s impossible to scare herself.

Zhu Xi also thought there was no problem, so she left the scene.

Mary asked the security department to start handling the coffin. The four security guards, five big and three rough, are usually vigorous, but they show their fear in the face of the coffin.

"What are you afraid of? It\'s just a coffin." Mary said discontentedly when she saw the timid security guard. "It\'s really not good. You leave your job and let those who dare to do things come up."

The security guards looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and went to carry the coffin.

After all, the security treatment of China Airlines Group is very good. It is impossible for other places to give the security guard 3500 wages and five insurances and one fund. Four security guards grabbed the coffin. Strangely, the coffin was clearly floating on the ground, but they couldn\'t carry it with their milk strength.

Mary scolded, "didn\'t you four eat?"

A security guard grimaced and said, "assistant Ma, it\'s not that we don\'t help, but that the coffin is very heavy. If you don\'t believe it, you can try with an excavator."

Mary said secretly, it\'s just a coffin. It\'s more than 200 kilograms. The four people can\'t carry it. They must not want to do anything. Write down the faces of the four people in their hearts and drive them away when they go back.

Soon, the excavator came to the square and Mary was in charge of the command.


Something strange happened. Mary could hardly believe her eyes. The excavator couldn\'t dig the coffin. At this time, Mary felt something was wrong.

As an atheist, seeing the scene in front of her, she almost shook her faith. Mary was so frightened that she turned pale and hurriedly retreated for a long distance. She suddenly found that her eyes were full of contempt. She was angry and said, "one can\'t do it, three more!"

Soon, the company transferred three excavators and began to work on the coffin.

More and more people are watching the excitement in the square.


At this time, Yang Ping just returned to the medical center and felt the evil spirit rising to the sky. He was surprised. He wondered how there could be such a strong evil spirit. When he saw the coffin, he thought of the countless coffins in the mirror of the underground small world of cangbaoxuan.

But Yang Ping\'s stop was late. Three excavators finally dug out the coffin. Ma Li laughed and scolded, "there\'s nothing to install and play tricks."

There was no body in the coffin, but there was a smell in it, which filled the air. The onlookers felt relaxed and happy. The smell was pleasant, aftertaste and intoxicated.

Mary is the same, as if all the suffering she has experienced over the years, her husband cheating, her children\'s car accident, her parents dying, all the suffering is nothing.

Yang Ping\'s face was gloomy. He stared at the coffin, sealed his hands and shouted, "spiritual skill, Emperor\'s coffin!"


The coffin was trapped by the emperor\'s coffin. It was supposed to explode, but it was sealed. Yang Ping found that even if the emperor\'s coffin was used, he still couldn\'t erase the coffin. He was surprised. It seems that the coffin is a little strange, which represents ominous. Anyone who comes into contact will have problems.

"What are you doing?"

Mary saw a man approaching the coffin and shouted, "this is evidence. You can\'t move freely. Get out of the way."

Yang Ping ignored Ma Li\'s cry and stared at the coffin. His tentacles were cold, like countless desperate cries, full of resentment. If ordinary people touch them, they will become crazy. Fortunately, he sealed it in time. It would be very dangerous if Mary and others touched it.

"Don\'t touch anything."

Ma Li rushed over, waved her teeth and claws at Yang Ping and shouted, "pull him away quickly. Come on."

Yang Ping ignored it and said coldly, "it\'s all scattered. It\'s dangerous here."

Ma Li and others found that they could not get close to Yang Ping, and thought that the coffin was evidence that Wang\'s group framed China Airlines Group. Yang Ping must not be destroyed. They wanted to call the police, but someone found Yang Ping\'s identity and hurried forward to whisper to Ma Li.

Ma Li\'s face changed slightly and shouted, "Yang Ping, don\'t move. Wait until Dong Zhu comes down."

Yang Ping turned a deaf ear and stared at the coffin. She went in and found nothing. It was empty, and there was a ray of bad luck on the forehead of the people around. It was obvious that she was poisoned. If she didn\'t deal with it, she would die.

Mary, in particular, has purple lips and white face, like a zombie. Strangely, she didn\'t feel the crisis. Instead, she was energetic and better than ever.

Zhu Xi came to the square.

When seeing Yang Ping, Zhu Xi\'s eyes flashed a complex, but soon became indifferent. Mary saw her master and wailed, "Dong Zhu, we found evidence that someone else framed China Airlines, but this man wants to stop it. Do you want to call the police and catch him?"

Mali villain sued Yang Ping first and said it was unbearable.

Zhu Xi frowned and said, "assistant Ma, don\'t talk first." looking at Xianghong\'s coffin, she couldn\'t help asking, "is there a problem?"

"Most people will die."

Yang Ping sighed and said in a quiet way.

Zhu Xi\'s heart jumped wildly and her slender hand couldn\'t help shaking. Although she deliberately caused such heartlessness, she absolutely believed Yang Ping\'s judgment and asked, "is the key to the problem in the coffin?"

Yang Ping nodded and was about to speak.

At this time, a black business Mercedes Benz came, and a handsome young man came down, holding a Bible and looking pious.