Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 966

A darkness appeared in front of Yang Ping\'s eyes. In the darkness, a black sun hung in the air, as if death\'s pale pupils locked Yang Ping.

AI Shen showed a strange smile.

"You will soon know how miserable the fate of those who blaspheme the dark family is." Ai Shen sighed and said in a compassionate tone, "Yang Ping, I admit you are a difficult person, but you don\'t seem to understand the gap between us."

Yang Ping stood in the study and knew it was still a study, but the feeling around him was a dark world. It is very real, which shows that AI God can affect his senses. Pay attention to the strength of AI God\'s field and the terror of spiritual power.

Yang Ping has never seen any of his peers surpass AI God in spiritual power.

AI Shen\'s cold smile and the cold of the dark sun hovered above his head, lingering. The killing opportunity in the dark invaded his body and was ready to control his spiritual world.

Dark boundless!

This is the blood talent in AI God\'s body, and it is also the only leader of the younger generation to stimulate such a field. Even saints encounter darkness and boundlessness, they will encounter great trouble, because AI God is a natural saint, and his realm has reached the peak of Asia saint, and his strength even exceeds that of ordinary saints.

An extremely difficult opponent.

Will Yang Ping be afraid?

Obviously not. A faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. If it was other abilities, it might be troublesome, but compared with the field and dark forces, Yang Ping was never afraid.

Stretch out a finger, the index finger of the left hand, and a golden flame ignites on the fingertip. When the flame burns, it is like the light in the dark, guiding the direction of progress.

Therefore, the dark boundless power, which makes people in the realm of peers despair, is vulnerable in front of Yang Ping. The golden light pierced the darkness and the study appeared in front of us.

Yang Ping came to AI God with a stunned face and said, "it\'s my turn."

Nine Yang divine fist, three Yang brings peace.

Yang Ping seems to have opened up a kind of boxing with limited physical ability. Before his fist arrives, the air flow around AI Shen is seriously affected and distorted. The small flowers on the table mysteriously bloom and bloom.

AI Shen felt the horror of his fist and said, "good boxing."


AI Shen was punched and his body floated out.

Yang Ping frowned, because when his fist hit his opponent, it seemed to hit the air. In other words, the AI God in front of him was not real, but an illusion.

Are you still in the dark boundless?

Yang Ping was awe inspiring. It seems that he was careless. He re explored and finally felt something wrong. The dark boundless can not only confuse people\'s five senses, but also create an imaginary world exactly like the outside world, giving his opponent the illusion that he was connected to the outside world. In fact, it was just a dream in a dream.

Since the weakness was found, the six nodes in Yang Ping\'s body broke out, pierced the dark boundless and came out.

At the foot is the window.

Yang Ping is standing on the window. If he takes another step, he will fall directly. At the height of dozens of floors, even Yang Ping will die miserably if he is not prepared.

that was close.

Yang Ping\'s vigilance towards AI God is even higher. Such a terrible opponent is his own opposite. It\'s not a good thing, and his enemy is more than AI God.

AI Shen didn\'t expect that the dark boundless couldn\'t defeat Yang Ping, revealing a rare dignity. He said, "although I only use the first layer of the dark boundless fantasy, I can easily come out unless it is the realm of saints. I didn\'t expect you."

make love!

AI Shen clapped and praised, "it\'s really good. Your strength is beyond my imagination," he said with a strange smile. "You\'re worthy to be my cousin husband."

Yang Ping said coldly, "if you want to deal with your cousin, I think you\'d better forget it, because anyone who wants to deal with Zhu Xi is dead."

AI Shen cried out and asked, "are you sure you killed me?"

Yang Ping sneered, "some people are as confident as you, but they died in the end."

AI Shen tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut.

High heels sounded outside.

Zhu Xi hurried to the assistant office and happened to see AI Shen in pain. Yang Ping stood beside him with a cold face, much like a murderer.

"Yang Ping, how can you bully your cousin? He just came to Longcheng. Please apologize quickly!" Zhu Xi only believed what she saw in front of her. There was a wound on AI Shen\'s forehead and a face of pain, but Yang Ping was unharmed. Obviously, Yang Ping is bullying AI Shen\'s cousin.

"Yang Ping, apologize!"

Seeing Yang Ping standing motionless, Zhu Xi not only said angrily, "my big cousin came all the way to Longcheng to see me. As a landlord, you don\'t like it and can\'t beat people."

Yang Ping said, "even if the people in Longcheng die, your big cousin will be fine. Zhu Xi, do you believe me or your big cousin?"

Zhu Xi didn\'t have a good way: "I don\'t believe both of them. I only believe what I saw with my own eyes."


AI Shen sat on the ground with a painful face and said, "cousin, don\'t embarrass Yang Ping. I know Yang Ping likes assistant Yang, and assistant Yang likes me, so Yang Ping hates me. It doesn\'t matter. I\'ll be beaten once. It\'s a little fun."

Zhu Xijiao\'s body was shocked and her eyes stared at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping frowned and said shamelessly.

"Assistant Yang can testify. Assistant Yang fell in love with me at first sight, but after Yang Ping had you, he dared to hook up with your assistant, my girlfriend. I really couldn\'t stand it. He beat me."

Yang Ping was angry and said in a cold voice, "is this interesting?"

It\'s shameless to be born a saint and lie to others. Usually, this kind of thing is to deal with others by yourself. Now it\'s the opposite, and you can\'t say anything.

AI Shen is really insidious.

Zhu Xi\'s face was ugly. She called Yang Yuxin and asked, "assistant Yang, is my big cousin\'s words true?"

Yang Yuxin was scared to death.

She didn\'t want to come over at all, especially when she saw AI God. She couldn\'t help but fear, but Yang Ping gave her hope. Facing Zhu Xi\'s questioning, she fell into a dilemma.

Yang Ping calmly looked at Yang Yuxin and said in his heart, Yuxin, this is your last chance. Do you want to live under his shadow and control forever?

Yang Yuxin felt Yang Ping\'s thinking and blushed.

Yes, Yang Ping is a savior. If you can really leave my family? Follow the master and be frightened all the time. You may die at any time.

What shall I do?

But AI Shen just looked at her. Yang Yuxin was like falling into an ice cellar and didn\'t dare to resist. He said in a trembling voice, "Dong Zhu, I... Actually like AI Shen long ago, but Yang Ping has been pestering me and flirting with me!"

AI Shen showed a strange smile.

Yang Ping was extremely disappointed.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were full of incredible, and she felt cheated. Didn\'t she say she was single-minded and protected me forever? She even got involved with my assistant.

Zhu Xi felt that she was a joke.


Zhu Xi slapped Yang Ping in the face and scolded, "shameless, hooligan!"

With that, Zhu Xi left in tears.

Yang Yuxin bowed her head in shame.

Yang Ping stared at Ai Shen, his eyes were very calm, and suddenly smiled.