Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 965

When Yang Yuxin saw the visitor, she trembled like chaff and didn\'t dare to look at him, because the man at the door was the master she feared most.

AI Shen didn\'t have any dangerous breath. Standing at the door was like a spring breeze, but it was so. Yang Yuxin was afraid.

"You\'re not good now." Ai Shen came over, provoked Yang Yuxin\'s chin, as if he didn\'t see the goose bumps on her skin and the despair in her eyes, shook his head and said, "what I asked you to do has not been completed yet. Isn\'t my kindness as a kind master enough?"

Yang Yuxin begged: "master, I didn\'t mean it. I really can\'t help Zhu Xi, because Yang Ping has been protecting and can\'t find a chance to start."

AI Shen stared into Yang Yuxin\'s eyes, went deep into his inner world, grinned and said, "it\'s so beautiful. I can\'t bear to let you use your body to get close to Yang Pingxin."

Yang Yuxin\'s delicate body trembled, and despair grew in her heart.

She knew that she could never escape the control of her master, not only because of Mita, but also because her relatives were in the hands of AI God. Her brother was cursed and could die at any time.

AI Shen touched Yang Yuxin\'s face and said, "it\'s so beautiful. I really can\'t bear it?"

Yang Yuxin trembled and said, "master, if you want... I can..." her best and worst plan is to exchange her body for the master\'s trust and get a chance to live.

AI Shen smiled and didn\'t do it.

Yang Yuxin saw that the master had not acted for a long time and felt that she had escaped, but the master\'s next action made her fall into fear again.


AI Shen removed Yang Yuxin\'s clothes, smashed his white shirt and revealed his perfect upper body. It was the best. No matter how firm a man was, he couldn\'t help seeing it.

Yang Yuxin exclaimed, subconsciously covering his chest and showing begging eyes.

AI Shen smiled and said, "darling, don\'t move. Let me appreciate your beauty. Why on earth can you seduce Yang Ping?"

Yang Yuxin didn\'t dare to move. She was gloomy, but she had to pretend to smile reluctantly and said, "master, I\'m all yours, all yours..."

AI Shen relaxed, smiled happily, took Yang Yuxin\'s hand away, looked down from the full place, passed through the flat lower abdomen, passed by the slender jade legs, and finally put it on the exquisite feet.

"Take off your shoes," Ai Shen ordered.

Yang Yuxin trembled all over and dared not disobey AI Shen\'s order. She took off her high-heeled shoes and silk stockings. Just when she took off, she had a sharp pain in her thumb. She looked down and almost fainted.

AI Shen bit Yang Yuxin\'s thumb with his mouth and showed an expression of enjoyment. His eyes gradually became crazy. Yang Yuxin felt extremely disgusted. The seemingly dignified owner turned out to be a man with strange habits.

Blood flowed out of his thumb, fell to the ground and dyed AI God\'s mouth red. He looked up, looked at Yang Yuxin selflessly and said vaguely, "how can such beautiful feet be given to others."

Yang Yuxin endured the sharp pain, frowned and removed the disgust and nausea in her heart. Instead, she pretended to be very comfortable and cooperated with AI Shen\'s actions.

AI Shen got up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Yang Yuxin couldn\'t stand in pain. She had to lean against the table. She was afraid that AI Shen would do other disgusting things next. AI Shen smiled and whispered, "I just like you like this. It\'s so cute."

"Take off all your clothes!"

AI Shen\'s pupil flashed, revealing the dark light and murmured.

Yang Yuxin was stunned, then turned pale and begged, "master, this is China Airlines Group. The president\'s office is not far away. If it is found, it will be bad for the plan." she didn\'t want to be here because she felt ashamed.

The smile on AI Shen\'s face disappeared.

Yang Yuxin immediately felt trapped in the cold darkness and cried in horror.

AI Shen said, "don\'t you want to?"

Yang Yuxin felt the master\'s killing opportunity and said with fear: "I... Am willing to give everything for the master, including my body."

AI Shen said, "kneel down."

Yang Yuxin knelt down without hesitation, because she knew that once she hesitated, the master would kill. The master was a crazy man and could do anything.

AI Shen said, "lie on the ground."

Yang Yuxin lay on the ground, showing her upturned ass. although she was wearing a black uniform skirt, the temptation was amazing. As long as it was a man, she couldn\'t resist it.

AI Shen then showed a satisfied smile and stared at a place, hehe kept.

Yang Yuxin only felt hot and uncomfortable. She was stared at by her master as if she were stared at by a beast. The unspeakable fear and helplessness were clearer than any moment.

She knows that the next thing is that her first time in this office may be brutally seized by her master. She fantasizes that her first time should be in a place with flowers and a bed full of Mita fragrance

But the gap between reality and ideal is too big.

Yang Yuxin closed her eyes, tears came out unconsciously, biting her teeth, ready to meet the severe pain and the next bleak and miserable life.

Footsteps from outside saved Yang Yuxin.

She immediately picked up her skirt, then quickly went to her position, put on a brand-new dress and looked at the door in panic. On this floor, only Zhu Xi can walk freely.

If Zhu Xi found her with AI Shen, she didn\'t know what she would think?

AI Shen dispersed the darkness in her pupils and turned to look at the door. Yang Yuxin became nervous and thanked the person who suddenly appeared. No matter who it was, at least let her escape from the clutches temporarily.

"Oh, you\'re both here."

When Yang Yuxin saw Yang Ping appear, the whole person almost sat down and couldn\'t speak with excitement. I don\'t know why, Yang Ping appeared at this time, and his figure was particularly tall.

AI Shen didn\'t expect Yang Ping to appear, but he didn\'t take it to heart. He shrugged and said, "I like a woman of assistant Yang\'s grade. Why are you interested?"

Yang Ping smiled and said, "it\'s direct enough, but it doesn\'t seem very good for you to pick up your cousin\'s assistant."

AI Shen hehe said, "men and women pay attention to free love, right? Assistant Yang?"

Yang Yuxin was startled and said in panic, "yes... Yes."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "I have something to do with assistant Yang. It\'s better to leave if I have nothing to do."

AI Shen stared at Yang Ping and kept staring. The atmosphere in the office became tense. Yang Yuxin\'s heart pounded and wanted Yang Ping to kill AI Shen, but he didn\'t know it, because AI Shen was a great master who was more terrible than the Dragon God sect, and he was almost invincible.

"The chairman is looking for you." Yang Ping smiled at Yang Yuxin and said.

Yang Yuxin hurried to tidy up her clothes. She didn\'t dare to stay for a long time. She left the office almost to escape.

Yang Ping and AI Shen are left in the office.

"Are you sure you want to play with me here?" Ai Shen smiled and shook his head. "Yang Ping, I don\'t like playing games, because I will die when I play games."

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed and played with the taste: "I haven\'t killed the people of the dark family."

AI Shen narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath and opened it again. Infinite fear and darkness enveloped the assistant office. The darkness that blocked out the sun emerged in front of Yang Ping.