Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1436

The cloud bear locked Yang Ping, showed a ferocious smile and said, "I didn\'t expect a good mole ant to jump out. I thought it was boring this time. As long as you can take my three knives, I\'ll spare your dog\'s life."

Yang Ping\'s face was indifferent.

Pinecone elder narrowly escaped death and said gratefully, "thank you."

What else to say.

He pretended to force in front of the crowd. Unexpectedly, he couldn\'t even beat a little brother of others. This time, he didn\'t have the face to see anyone. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible and advised: "little brother, you should be careful. They are all very powerful, as if they came from a place called the cloud world."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "it\'s all right."

Others looked at Yang Ping\'s eyes, full of strangeness.

I yelled at him before. Now I want to come, people are unwilling to care about it. They are hot on their faces and dare not look at each other. However, in the face of a strong enemy, they can\'t help but rely on Yang Ping and place their hope on him.

"What\'s your name!"

The cloud bear\'s face was gloomy and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t kill nobody."

Yang Ping sighed. There are many rights and wrongs in Tianmu. Where there are no rules, it is easiest to get involved in rights and wrongs. He wants to be clean, but he provokes a group of experts. But he was not afraid. Instead, he was curious about the experts from the cloud world.

The cloud world is a wonderful place.

I remember the part of the supreme giant killed by the green mountain man seems to come from the cloud, so where is the cloud?

"Are you from the cloud?"

Yang Ping stood up and asked.

The cloud bear smiled and said, "I didn\'t expect that there are mole ants. Remember the cloud world. Yes, we come from the cloud world. Are we afraid?"

"I don\'t know."

Yang Ping shook his head and said seriously that he was really unfamiliar.

"How dare you defile the cloud?"

The cloud Bear looked cold and said in a cold voice, "you\'re dead."

"People in the cloud can kill people at will?" Yang Ping asked.

The cloud bear was stunned, then laughed and hummed, "you ants in the lower world, I\'ll kill them if I want. Even if they are the strongest, they will kneel down and surrender to us. Remember, the cloud world is your ancestor."


Yang Ping looked at the cloud bear like an idiot and said, "if it\'s all right, I don\'t want to kill."

The cloud bear squinted and said, "I\'m afraid to die?"

"You are so wordy."

Yang Ping sighed.


The cloud bear shouted loudly and jumped at Yang Ping. Because the speed was too fast, a pair of wings grew behind him. They were the wings of the wind. The speed could be increased several times. He came to the front in an instant. The pinecone elder couldn\'t see each other\'s movements clearly. He was shocked secretly. What a terrible speed.

Immediately, pinecone elder began to worry about Yang Ping.

In the face of these terrible strong men, only a few holy places in the legend can compete.


The wind\'s wings split the void, swept the yellow sand all over the sky, and instantly split into Yang Ping\'s head. There was almost no trace. With Tao rhyme, although the cloud bear was arrogant, its means emerged one after another. Obviously, it was only the realm of great sage, but its combat effectiveness was even close to the realm of heaven.

This is a group of terrible experts who challenge beyond the level.

Others are desperate. Is there any hope of living?

Everyone around Yunfeng talks and laughs freely. It seems that they are not killing people, but come to the theatre. Indeed, they are qualified to see the theatre and look down on all Chinese experts, because there are several heavenly kings in the cloud realm alone. They come from the supreme giant family. The ancestor of yunxiong is a heavenly king with the origin of wind attribute. He once separated the heavens and ruled for one term.

As a descendant of the wind ancestor, the cloud bear is naturally friendly to the wind attribute. When it makes a move, it is the wind and cloud thunder wing.

Wind and cloud thunder wings!

Splitting the void will kill Yang Ping.

"I thought it was so powerful. It\'s just a clown." a girl around Yunfeng sneered and said, "yunxiong is just a fool. What expert can the lower world use to press the bottom of the box. His talent is small. Brother Feng, what do you say?"

The crowd was obviously led by Yunfeng.

They all come from the same family, descendants of Fengzu. Yunfeng is one of the top talents of this generation. He is known as an expert who can be promoted to Tianyuan realm. He has infinite potential and is naturally followed by many people.

"Yunxia, there are many experts in the world. You can\'t take it lightly." Yunfeng warned.

The others nodded hurriedly, showing a serious expression.

Although Yunfeng was admonishing, his words were indifferent and arrogant. As for the battle of yunxiong, he was not interested at all. Instead, he was a little interested in Yang Ping.

"How many moves do you think cloud bear can kill his opponent?" Yunxia said with a smile.

"A move," said a dark man.

"You are too tall to see the cloud bear. He is the weakest among us. I think that man has good speed and should be able to withstand two moves." Yunxia said.

"Three moves." another tall and thin man said, looking at Yunxia, full of infatuation.

Yunxia frowned. She didn\'t like the eyes of tall and thin men. She smiled coldly and didn\'t turn her head.

The tall man smiled and scratched his head.

Yunfeng showed encouraging eyes, indicating that he was brave to pursue his own happiness.

Everyone thought that the cloud bear would win. After all, the earthly resources are too small. Few people can defeat the cloud bear. There are few experts in the sky tomb. But a scream made Yunfeng frown. Yunxia looked ugly, and her apricot eyes showed surprise.


Cloud bear covered his arm and looked at Yang Ping angrily. One arm fell to the ground, bleeding and looked very miserable. He just made a move and didn\'t fight out. It was a great shame to be cut off by someone.

"How does it feel to be cut off?"

Yang Ping smiled faintly and said, "you people who think you are high above, sometimes they are regarded as mole ants."

The cloud bear roared and wanted to attack.

Yunfeng said, "yunxiong, come back. You are not his opponent."

Cloud bear hesitated, but he honestly came to Yunfeng, stared at Yang Ping\'s eyes, full of resentment, and said, "I was accidentally fooled. This man is too cunning. I\'ll kill him."

Yunfeng said faintly, "your skills are not as good as others. Step back."

The cloud bear wanted to stop talking, but finally bowed his head and dared not make a mistake in front of the boss\'s coercion.

Yunfeng looked at Yang Ping with an interested expression and said, "I didn\'t expect an expert like you to appear on earth. I\'m suddenly interested in you. Are you willing to follow me?"

The cloud bear turned pale.

Others are incredible.

Yunfeng is the most arrogant person. It\'s rare that he should take the initiative to invite others. Even in the cloud world, there is no such situation. It can be seen that Yunfeng attaches great importance to Yang Ping and even surpasses them.

"Boy, you\'re lucky. You\'re favored by brother Feng. Come and kneel down and submit. Your fate will change in the future. You\'re no longer a common mole ant." Yunxiao gnawed his teeth and said. Someone cut off an arm. You can\'t take revenge. He was oppressed in his heart.

The two looked at each other.

Yunfeng said with a smile: "how?"

Others showed envy.

Even the old pinecone was excited. These people have mysterious origins and terrible inheritance. They can get opportunities. Isn\'t that why these people enter the heavenly tomb.

"Not rare."

But Yang Ping\'s next answer made everyone present look dull.

The smile on his face is stiff, Yunfeng squints and the corners of his mouth bend.

Yunxia\'s secret way is bad. Yunfeng is angry.