Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1435

Cloud experts come.

They landed, making the space on the fourth floor unstable, flying yellow sand all over the sky, and even making the rules retreat, releasing momentum that makes everyone pale. Yang Ping frowned and realized who Nicholas was calling. He was a group of experts.

A terrible group of experts.

Only real masters can feel their horror. Sage masters of other weak forces feel that these people are ordinary. Even if they suppress the rules, they can\'t feel it. So they just show a little surprise and don\'t care. Anyway, elder pinecone is here. Who dares to be presumptuous.

But the pinecone elder\'s face was dignified, and his heart was far from as relaxed as it seemed.

"Who called us here?"

A man in animal skin came forward and scolded.

The others looked at each other.

Who has nothing to call you to do.

The animal skin man looked at the pinecone elder with the highest level and shouted, "come and answer."

Pineal elders turn pale.

The people around him were unhappy and sneered: "who are you? You are so presumptuous in the heavenly tomb. Don\'t you know that no one knows when you die in the heavenly tomb? Elder pinecone is the great saint of the spirit vulture valley. Can you be called by those who don\'t have eyes!"


A small knife, like light, crossed the man\'s neck and then returned to the palm. The animal skin man grinned and said indifferently, "who still doubts now?"@^^$

The rest took a breath of air conditioning.

What a terrible knife. Before he could escape, the man died miserably. His head fell into the yellow sand, stained with dust and died in peace.

"Come here!"

The animal skin man pointed to the pinecone elder and sneered.

The pinecone elder\'s eyelids beat. He regretted pretending in front of others for the first time. The visitor was obviously very strong, especially the person who was the first. He didn\'t have a cold breath, but standing not far away was like a sky, which was very terrible.! $*!

Hardened his head, the pinecone elder came forward and said with a smile, "I don\'t know what you are looking for Laozao. Laozao has just come."

"Kneel down and talk!"

The animal skin man scolded.

The pinecone elder turned pale and stared at the beast skin man. He was angry. Although he was afraid of each other, he was at least an expert of the spirit vulture valley. He was very famous in the Jianghu. He was scolded by a young man and couldn\'t save his face.

"Little friend, I\'m the Dharma protector elder of the spirit vulture valley." elder pinecone said in a deep voice. He wanted to carry out the spirit vulture Valley and scare the other party away. Although lingjiu Valley is not as good as Cihang Jingzhai, it is not bad.

"Vulture Valley?" the animal skin man smiled.

"Exactly." pinecone elder hurriedly said.


The beast skin man shook his head and said in disdain, "don\'t mention the unknown place like lingjiu valley. It\'s your Cihang Jingzhai on earth. I\'m flat. It\'s your blessing to see us. Kneel down and talk immediately."

The pinecone elder said displeased, "little friend, don\'t deceive people too much. This is the tomb of heaven."


As soon as the beast skin man\'s face changed, he said in a cold voice, "old man, since you don\'t appreciate it, I\'ll let you be honest."


If you don\'t agree with each other, a light shoots out from the palm. You want to cut off the head of pinecone elder. It\'s faster than ordinary saints. Experts have it when you do it. Pinecone elder is a person who knows the goods. When you see the breath of heaven on each other\'s weapons, even the true disciples of lingjiu valley.

Pinecone elder shot immediately.

Big day startling palm!

The yellow sand danced all over the sky, rolled up an earthy yellow dragon, issued a powerful threat, and threw a claw at the animal skin man. The light was shining, and the knife was blocked. When he returned to the palm, the beast skin man\'s eyes flashed and said, "you have a little strength. No wonder you\'re so arrogant, but if you have only this strength, go to hell."

Destiny Sabre!

As soon as the animal skin man makes a move, he is a Tianji ancient martial arts, destiny divine knife, which is known to cut everything under the destiny. Once you reach the highest level of cultivation, you can cut off the galaxy. It\'s more than enough to deal with a pinecone elder in the holy realm.

Sure enough.

The pinecone elder felt the power of the divine sword and was shocked. This is the only person who can display the heaven level ancient martial arts at will. The heaven level ancient martial arts are placed in the spirit vulture Valley, but it is the most precious treasure of the town. He took it out at will.

Who the hell are these people?

Although the destiny divine sword is terrible, the pinecone elder is not jealous. His face turns red and condenses strong Qi strength. After completing his work in one battle, all Qi strength condenses into a big sun. It is red and can burn the void.

Da RI Jing Tian palm is a unique skill of Linggu. Its power is naturally very powerful. Although it is not as powerful as Tian level ancient martial arts, the pinecone elder can use it easily.

The sun was flying in the sky, emitting a strong momentum.

The expert standing on the pinecone side shouted excitedly, "pinecone elder looks good. Kill these people immediately and let them see the power of lingjiu valley."

"Kill him!"

Some people clenched their fists and wanted to vent their anger. As soon as the animal skin man appeared, he despised the people and dealt a serious blow to their self-esteem.

The animal skin man grinned, showing a dark smile and said, "I\'m also showing off my skills in front of me."

Destiny sabre, cut sky Sabre!

The animal skin man shouted, his hands closed, like two destiny lines merging and connecting into a void destiny body, and then the knife light cut off from the universe and broke the destiny. The knife that can cut the destiny fell from high altitude, and then Da RI was split in two.

Elder pinecone was affected, his face flushed and spewed a mouthful of blood.

The knife light is still.

Cut through the big day and came to the top of his head. The pinecone elder looked up and showed his horror. This knife is really terrible. It is definitely the weapon of the Heavenly Master. It even appears on a young man, and it is not the most powerful person.

An expert from the cloud world was happy to watch the beast skin man play. Someone mocked: "it takes so much time to deal with the people in the lower world. Cloud bear, are you a waste?"

The man called cloud bear stared round and shouted, "shut up and see how I can kill this mole ant."

Destiny sabre, cut!

The breath of the knife suddenly broke out, releasing the breath of the Heavenly Master, and then turned into a thunder light faster than lightning, cutting off the arm of the pinecone elder. Otherwise, the pinecone elder had a premonition of crisis and might be killed by a knife.

Blood dripping.

Pinecone elder\'s face was pale and looked at the group in horror.

The cloud bear frowned and looked very unhappy. He said, "one knife didn\'t kill you. Now you can catch my second knife. Die, mole ant!"


Seeing that one knife didn\'t kill his opponent, yunxiong was very upset and was ready to show his strongest ability.

"Are you from the cloud?"

At this time, a faint voice came.

Yunfeng fiercely opened his eyes, looked at the source of the sound, and then showed a subtle smile.

Yang Ping finally couldn\'t stand it and stood up.

The cloud bear smiled and said, "there are still people who dare to come out and die!"

Knife light.

Attack Yang Ping.

The power is even more terrible than that of the elder pinecone.

In a flash, Yang Ping left with pinecone elder. The cloud bear was stunned. Seeing that his hand failed, he bared his teeth and said, "yes, there is a good mole ant. It\'s interesting now. Don\'t rob any of you with me!"

Come forward, the cloud bear shouted, "come up and die."