Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1428

Everyone did not expect that the battle of the younger generation would attract the attention of the cloud. Li zhishou resisted the impulse to rush up and suppress, secretly saying that now is not the time. He needs to wait. At the same time, he is looking forward to what kind of reaction Yang Ping can cause next.

Li zhishou has been waiting for many years. He has never met a person who can attract the attention of the cloud in the realm of saints. Yang Ping is the only one. It is rumored that there are many geniuses of demons and invincible figures, but the cloud has always remained silent. Even in the golden age, when the end comes, the cloud is still high.

However, Li zhishou was very clear that it was not Yang Ping who attracted the attention of the cloud world, but the totem on Yang Ping who attracted the attention of the cloud world and triggered the unique killing opportunity of the cloud world.

Wujialing, the only force that can compete with the cloud world, disappeared overnight. Many people speculated that it was done by the cloud world, but there was no evidence. Li zhishou also suspected the cloud world, but although the cloud world is powerful, it can\'t let wujialing disappear silently. You know that wujialing has the existence of the realm of heavenly king, which is placed in the cloud world, They are the highest combat effectiveness and can\'t be silent.

The power of the totem to devour the magic gun is like a hungry person who has been supplemented with food, radiated new energy and disappeared into Yang Ping\'s body again.

Li zhishou wanted to see through Yang Ping, but he was intercepted by a mysterious force. This force seems to surpass the king of heaven, lead to the endless depths of the universe, and return to the beginning of the universe. At the moment of the chaotic big bang, everything can be erased.

Not only Li zhishou, but also the vegetarian Lord who doesn\'t know where Yunshen is, he is also confused in his heart.

The beautiful face could not see the traces of years. In his eyes, he was puzzled. The vegetarian Lord sighed and said, "the world has deviated from the track, and no one can see the future. I don\'t know what you\'re thinking."

The palace just flashed away.

Most people do not see it clearly. It is not a real existence, but a world in the spiritual world of peerless characters. The cloud world is not what ordinary people can see or touch, but exists in an independent spiritual world. Only when you reach a certain level can you find it.

So far, Li zhishou doesn\'t know what happened in the cloud world. He looks at it quietly.

A purple and gold lightning fell.

Time and space stopped working.

Even outside Mengshan, a hundred miles away, fell into a strange silence, which could affect the magnetic field of the satellite. It erupted again, making Mengshan fall into an absolute shielding state. Even Li zhishou and others suddenly found that Tianmu had lost contact, and their eyes were intercepted.

Yang Ping looked up and saw a light.

The light fell.

Purple gold, full of the breath of destruction.

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of crisis emerged in Yang Ping\'s heart. In front of this force, he couldn\'t resist at all, because thunder robbery is too powerful to kill all the world. Even the realm of longevity is not worth mentioning in front of thunder robbery.

Yang Ping\'s whole body was stiff and his spiritual world was at a standstill.

This is the divine punishment of the cloud.

We are invincible without seeing or urging.

A peerless figure who specializes in punishing the world\'s demons, dares to contend with the way of heaven, and dares to disrupt the world order.


Leifa landed on him, shrouded in thunder and lightning, and a purple gold flame appeared at his feet, burning the soul and body. There was no pleasure, but life was slowly passing, and the soul was slowly disappearing.

Everything is calm.

It\'s like after the big bang, everything goes back to zero.

Yang Ping looked at the sky as if he could not detect the flame under his feet and fell into a daze.

Fight heaven and earth, because of the so-called fear.

When a force far beyond imagination appeared in front of him, Yang Ping had not even seen such a terrible thunder robbery. I\'m afraid it was no less than the long river of time and space of the northern heavenly king. The northern Heavenly King separately sacrificed the long river of time and space, as if running through the ancient and modern future, which is an invincible symbol.

But the thunder coming from the clouds has a destructive power different from the long river of time and space.

No one can escape the punishment of the will of the cloud.

Yang Ping can even see his next state, which will be purified into a wisp of air and disappear forever.

A killer.

Nothing to hide.

"Is my road over?"

Yang Ping is unwilling to face the thunder robbery from the cloud, but he has no choice. The invincible land is not shit in front of the will of the cloud. A thunder robbery in the cloud makes him see the gap.

The gap between heaven and earth.

"But what about Zhu Xi?"

When it was vague, Yang Ping was depressed and wanted to give up, because he felt that even if all the forces broke out, he didn\'t do anything to fight the thunder robbery, so he gave up the idea of resistance.

The will of the cloud world is so strong that even a person with invincible faith can have infinite frustration.

earth crumbles.

In the surrounding space, the rules of the third floor of Tianmu are not resistant to thunder robbery. In other words, Tianmu doesn\'t want to help Yang Ping fight thunder robbery, because the loss is too big to be worth it.

Layers of space collapse.

Yang Ping lowered his head and looked down. He saw a pair of cold eyes, full of schadenfreude, and saw countless eyes from those masters who had long been lurking in the sky tomb and entered a deeper level, and even felt the eyes from the outside world.

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

Peach Blossom Island.



Sword Pavilion.


Countless superpowers showed regretful eyes, because this represents the power they can\'t resist. How can Yang Ping escape the unparalleled murder.

I\'m finished?

Yang Ping felt so at this moment.

But he saw a figure, drifting with the tide, looking for a way out in the endless darkness. At the same time, he saw the moment when the figure turned and looked back, full of worried eyes.

Zhu Xi!

Yang Ping saw Zhu Xi for the first time in the depth of the heavenly tomb, and Zhu Xi was still in the state of soul. He was in great pain and shouted, "Zhu Xi!"

In the dark.

Zhu Xi struggles for the flow in confusion, abandons herself and escapes into the darkness, just to find a way to remind Yang Ping not to go deep, but she is confused, because the darkness of the heavenly tomb is not transferred by personal will, not because you have a strong obsession.

If you take a wrong step, you will be doomed.

But when Zhu Xi was in despair, he heard a voice, a familiar voice from above. When he looked up, he saw a long lost figure between the collapse of heaven and earth. He couldn\'t help but be surprised and said, "Yang Ping!"

Four eyes are opposite.

Although separated by countless space barriers, I really see each other.

This moment.

Zhu Xi shed tears, because she felt that Yang Ping was about to die. The unique killing opportunity was far away, but it was a deterrent to heaven and earth. Yang Ping is at the core of the peerless killing machine. If you want to avoid it, you can\'t.

Zhu Xi wanted to rush up to stop him, but she couldn\'t help it.

Crack closure.

The heavenly tomb is repairing itself.

Their eyes were cut off with the restoration of the space of the heavenly tomb.

Yang Ping shouted, but Zhu Xi\'s figure gradually disappeared. Zhu Xi thought Yang Ping was dying. She was very anxious. Her eyes burst out endless anger. The darkness around her was aroused by her strength, and she retreated one after another.

Zhu Xi burst out of all her potential, burning her soul and wanted to rush over.

But after all, it was an interception that could not break the sky tomb.

"If you dare to stop me, one day I will make you ashes!"

Zhu Xi cursed angrily, hating heaven and hating heaven\'s tomb, but heaven\'s tomb was ruthless, as if she could not feel the anger from Zhu Xi, isolating them from each other.

Yang Ping suddenly burst into terrible Qi in the face of the peerless killing opportunity of the will of the cloud.

A golden light came from the center of the eyebrow.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, five thousand worlds suspended behind, and then the golden light filled the air, colliding with the peerless killing machine of the will of the cloud.

Yang Ping\'s earth shaking anger finally ignited the power hidden in his body.

This is the energy lurking in the blood.

A golden light seemed to be summoned. From the endless depths, it instantly pierced the barrier of the heavenly tomb and came to the front.

An unprecedented powerful force filled the body.

Yang Ping opened his eyes and shot out a towering flame.

Five element divine needle, come!