Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1427

Yang Ping is not recognized by the five elements divine needle. Therefore, facing the divine weapon of the Heavenly Kingdom traversing the cosmic dimension, the Heavenly Kingdom divine gun, unless he takes out the ghost King\'s sword of the magic gate and the flying wing sword of Cihang Jingzhai, he may be able to fight, but he doesn\'t have, or even can\'t borrow more divine weapon power.

This is why many people are interested in how Yang Ping fights against the magic gun.

Of course, another meaning is that those people want to see if there are wujialing people behind Yang Ping. If their descendants are killed, will there be real experts to save them.

And Tianting scholar is a touchstone.

rub one\'s eyes and wait.

The crowd could not help but hold their breath and waited silently.

Even some people began to get excited, as if they wanted to untie the most mysterious veil in the world and see the people in wujialing appear. It was an eternal mystery. Decades ago, it suddenly disappeared silently. You know, it was a holy land above Cihang Jingzhai, known as the king of holy land, a sacred place far away from a certain place on the earth. How could it disappear overnight?

It must involve the power level competition that even they fear.

The Hunyuan gun has been formed. The Tianting scholar holds a magic gun and is invincible. It is estimated that the arrival of the Tianzun realm can not withstand the divine power of a gun. This gun can penetrate the soul of the Tianzun realm, pierce the dimensional barrier, go deep into another dimension and kill his opponent.

Tianting scholar is invincible in his heart.


"See how you resist? I\'m the strongest!"

Tianting scholar roared and watched Yang Ping fall into the attack range of Hunyuan shot.

The result is [email protected] ^^$

There is no doubt that Yang Ping will die.

but deep clouds set me wondering where

Zhai Lord looked calm and did not panic, because he had confidence in Yang Ping.

But an imperceptible worry flashed in his eyes. In the face of the magic gun, I\'m afraid his apprentice, Ruyan, needs to be taken seriously, not to mention Yang Ping without artifact protection. Why can he resist?

She\'s ready to do it.! $*!

Anyway, Yang Ping, we still need protection.

Peach Blossom Island.

Li zhishou stared at the magic gun and exclaimed, "the perfect integration is no less than my integration with the sword of the underworld. He is an ancient wizard and has a place in the golden world. The old madman really chooses to pass on."

The Ming King nodded and said, "although crazy Lin is crazy, you and I can\'t choose disciples. This time, his successor is afraid to shock the world. The princess of the demon gate doesn\'t know whether she can resist. The celestial tomb hasn\'t been opened this time. Will there be a spark compared with the one surnamed Wu?"

The smile is self-evident. The king of Ming said that the princess of the magic gate wanted a beauty trick to seduce the one who suddenly appeared in Wu Jialing. So far, there are only two places to inquire about the secret of Wu Jialing, one is Yang Ping and the other is the person of Wu Jialing accompanied by the princess of the magic gate.

"She just follows her heart. If she can have results, it will be good, but I don\'t think the descendant of the magic door, even the descendant of Wu Jialing, is worthy of it. Unless Lei Feng\'s descendant is born, it\'s almost the same, but I observe that he is not the descendant of Wu Jialing at all, but he can be just a disciple of Wu Jialing."

"Even ordinary disciples are people of higher level." the Ming king said with envy.

Li zhishou said lightly, "all beings are equal. Except for a few people, wujialing is waste."

Ming Wang was surprised. Only Li zhishou dared to say that about Wu Jialing in the world. Of course, he was qualified, but he didn\'t dare to say that. He was well aware of the horror of Wu Jialing, especially the group of people standing at the top of the mountain, which was almost invincible.

The strongest man in the starry sky has never left wujialing.

"I\'m afraid Yang Ping is dying."

When no one from wujialing came, the king shook his head and said. His judgment is very accurate. Without the intervention of Wu Jialing or other stronger existence, the Tianting scholar\'s shot will certainly kill Yang Ping.

Li zhishou was silent and his eyes twinkled.


Li Zhi shot a golden light in his eyes and almost lost his mind. He was surprised and said, "no, it\'s on him!"

The Ming king looked at it and his face changed dramatically.

On a mysterious level of Tianmu, in the endless darkness, a pair of eyes appeared, cold and ruthless, colder than the way of heaven, representing destruction and despair. The owner of indifferent eyes, as if he were the core of darkness, exuded terrible pressure, making the darkness avoid one after another, forming a vacuum.

"It\'s a little interesting."

The owner of the eyes opened his eyes and said ruthlessly, "I hope you don\'t disappoint me. In the depths, I\'ll wait for you."


A lightning flash in the dark, as if to vent the supreme punishment. Lightning is like a breath of life, sweeping the darkness. All darkness dare not provoke lightning, and countless innocent souls scream in the darkness.

"A mere thunder robbery also wants to kill me, but it\'s just a level nine divine thunder."


A big hand grabbed the thunder and lightning. The thunder turned into a robbery and wanted to avoid it, but under the terrible pressure of the big hand, he was directly caught and exploded.

The dark world returned to silence.

But lightning lit up the darkness and reflected a figure. He sat in the dark void with his eyes like electricity. The void gave birth to thunder. The thunder in his body was more terrible than the Ninth level divine thunder.


He didn\'t die, and he had already gone deep into the heavenly tomb to prepare a great conspiracy.

The unparalleled artifact is suspended above the head and gives off a dark and yellow Qi. It seems that the integration of Taoist Zun and unparalleled artifact has reached a new level and is no longer the superficial use of power before.

"I\'m afraid even the old man of Tianmu didn\'t expect that I could get the recognition of the double hook of life and death." Taoist Zun smiled coldly and hummed, "you people think you are high and can control other people\'s destiny, but no matter how weak the mole ants are, they will be strong one day. I will break my destiny and become an existence above you."

Many super forces look at the third floor of the heavenly tomb.

This is the third floor. There was a World War I. The descendant of Tianting showed his strongest strength and fought with Yang Ping. Yang Ping is also unwilling to show weakness and fearless.

Wujialing\'s Totem jumped out.

Sudden change.

Even the Tianting scholar can\'t imagine that his opponent can create miracles without artifact protection. This time, he was really shocked, and his pupils released a murderous spirit.


Three broken words in a row show Tianting scholar\'s determination to kill.

Even seeing the emergence of wujialing totem, Tianting scholars still maintain great confidence in their attacks. The world is so big that only artifact can resist divine gun attacks.

The moment when wujialing totem emerged.

The heavens shook.

Tianmu seemed to feel a force above heaven and earth. It unexpectedly reopened its defense and dared not meet it. Over the heavenly tomb, an incomparably huge mountain emerged, which is not only the epitome of wujialing, but also a symbol of dimension and even the symbol of the strongest power.

The attack of Tianting magic gun was blocked by the totem of wujialing, then swallowed and destroyed.


Yang Ping resisted the attack of the divine gun and was not happy in time. A strong warning came out in his heart. He looked at the sky in horror. He didn\'t know when a robbery cloud appeared on his head, and an incomparably brilliant golden palace floated in the sky.

Peach Blossom Island.

The moment Li zhishou saw the palace, the overwhelming sense of war erupted from him.


Li zhishou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I didn\'t expect Yang Ping\'s battle to attract the attention of the cloud world."