Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1389

Rich aura, piles of elixirs, and the blessed land of the cave are the practice places that all martial arts practitioners in the world want. In the blessed land of the cave, they can fight steadily and move towards the realm of saints step by step.

Originally, the cave on the first floor of the heavenly tomb was excellent, but Yang Ping opened Jin Tong and was shocked to find that all this was completely opposite to the surface.

The space is gray, not to mention aura. It shows that it is flying dust. Countless poisonous insects swim in the flying dust. These poisonous insects get into the body and devour the blood and flesh of the warrior, and hide in the body. With the increase of time, the warrior\'s essence and spirit will be swallowed up.

The ground was covered with black soil, white bones everywhere, and some corpses that had not been corroded. The corpses were full of maggots and wriggled on them. The martial artists even took maggots as a panacea, held them in their hands, and even smelled them with their noses, showing an expression of great enjoyment.

Yang Ping was very angry when he watched the martial artists below the Yasheng realm treat disgusting things as treasures. The heavenly tomb is indeed worthy of being a place where thousands of boundaries can be buried. If the strength and concentration of the first floor are not enough, it may fall into a place of eternal disaster. Yang Ping is well aware of the terrible of those poisonous insects in the air. There are also some poisonous insects in his body. However, because of his absolute strength, he crushed the poisonous insects directly to death.

But those weak warriors are not so lucky.

Ruyan\'s face was calm. She looked at the warrior dominated by desire and showed pity. She wanted to change, but she had no choice but to shake her head. She thought about coming forward to persuade, but when she thought of the result, she was nothing more than being hostile. How could those martial artists who thought they had picked the elixir believe Ruyan\'s words and think it was envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Desire makes people can\'t see the reality clearly. They are immersed in fantasy and can\'t extricate themselves." Yang Ping said in a deep voice.

Ruyan said, "you found it, too?"

Yang Ping nodded and sneered: "I thought the first floor of the heavenly tomb would not be evil, but I was wrong. The heavenly tomb is an evil thing. I want to devour all the energy and spirit of the experts who enter it. Every time I open it, it must need a lot of expert souls. Ironically, these people thought they had found the treasure."

Ruyan said, "this is just the beginning. The deeper it goes, the more it tests people\'s hearts."

Yang Ping moved his mind and asked curiously, "do you know the situation under the heavenly tomb?"

Ruyan smiled and said, "my master told me that the heavenly tomb tests the human heart. Right and wrong lies in a thought. There is a devil in your heart, so what you see is the abyss of sin. If your heart turns to light, there is heaven everywhere."

Yang Ping muttered, "it\'s a pity that your master doesn\'t do marketing. However, even if I\'m in the hell of all living beings, I\'ll break it with one punch."

The tone hides the domineering arrogance of egoism.

Ruyan smiled and said, "do you want to save these people?"

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "people have their own lives. Even if they saved them on the first floor, what about the second and third floors? People\'s hearts are insufficient. Snakes swallow elephants. Since they can fall into illusion on the first floor, it shows that their inner desire is extremely strong and will not change because of other people\'s reminders. Let\'s go."

Follow your footsteps like smoke.

"Do you want to do it?" Yang Ping had an idea and asked, "do you have a way to get rid of the illusion?"

Ruyan said, "yes, neither."

Yang Ping was shocked. He had no better way to break the illusion for the time being. Of course, under his golden pupil, any vanity can be broken, but it is difficult to break the environment of others\' spiritual world.

I didn\'t expect that there was a smoke.

"But listening to you, I have a better understanding of the people\'s heart. It\'s better to indulge than force. Life and death are disillusioned. It depends on how powerful the devil in one\'s heart is."

Yang Ping was thoughtful.

But no further investigation.

The two continued to move forward. The deeper they went, the worse the environment was. The poisonous insects in the air were much larger than those outside. Some even floated in the air, the size of tail fingers, and directly penetrated through the nostrils of the warrior to devour blood.

The gray soil on the ground is full of strange dark red, indicating that it has been obviously dyed red. After the precipitation of time, it has become what it is now.

"Mountain essence!"

Suddenly, someone shouted and said excitedly, "I didn\'t expect to meet the mountain essence. My God, it\'s said that eating the mountain essence can directly become a saint. Catch him quickly."

Mountain essence is indeed a strange thing. It is a ghost that condenses the essence of heaven and earth. There is something in the body that bears the mark of heaven and earth. After eating, after digestion, it will become its own road mark and break the barrier of saints.

Mountain essence can also change fate. In Southeast Asia, some people worship imps and can change their lives against the sky. Mountain essence is a more terrible thing than imps. After worship, it is to absorb the Tao traces leaked by mountain essence. If ordinary people can\'t bear the great blessing, and finally their families are broken and people die, only those who have a hard life and strong physical quality may suffer.

The appearance of mountain essence is so fast that it flies in the forest.

A group of experts rushed at the mountain spirit and wanted to catch it. However, the mountain essence is very flexible. It seems to leave. In fact, it is still spinning in place, deliberately attracting the attention of experts. Shan Jing was thin and dark, like a charred thin monkey, but his eyes were full of strange red light. Ripples spread from his body and affected the people around him.

Yang Ping shook her head and only pointed to the mountain essence, who was running away, and stabbed it into the center of the mountain essence\'s eyebrows. The mountain spirit lost his ability, fell to the ground and struggled. Those people rushed up with their eyes shining.

"It\'s mine, I found it first!" a warrior howled.

"Seeing you, I saw your wife. Is your wife mine?" the other sneered and did not give in.

Others are more. No matter how you argue, whoever gets it is who.

Soon, around the mountain essence, everyone killed. In the small world on the first floor of Tianmu, there is no etiquette, righteousness and shame at all. It is like returning to the primitive society and the brutal killing of chiguoguo.


A man accidentally cut off his head, fell to the ground, stared and died in peace.

Then there was more bloodshed.

Ruyan warned, "good things do bad things."

Yang Ping said with a bitter smile, "I didn\'t expect that before I explained, they began to kill each other." so he came forward and released the pressure. The space was unstable at that time, which made the competing people stop and look suspicious.

Walking forward, Yang Ping said coldly, "this thing is mine."

"Master..." one hesitated and wanted to say that he saw it first, but his soul was trembling from the threat he had just sensed. It was obvious that Yang Ping was a master who could not be provoked.

"Do you really think he is a mountain spirit?" Yang Ping asked coldly.

The crowd nodded quickly.

Yang Ping sighed, "look at it!" then, the pupil flashed and a ray of golden light injected into the mountain essence. Something strange happened. The mountain essence\'s body changed and finally became a huge tentacle, breaking out of the ground. It was fixed by Yang Ping\'s power and couldn\'t get away.

Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly when he saw the real body of the mountain spirit clearly. He didn\'t expect that the so-called mountain spirit was the shot of a monster. What does this mean? It shows that there is an extremely powerful monster hidden around him. He is good at tempting martial artists to throw themselves into the net.

"You are a liar!"

Yang Ping thought that people would recognize the reality after they saw the true face of the mountain essence, but they didn\'t know who stood up, stared at Yang Ping with a ferocious face and shouted, "senior, that\'s the mountain essence, but you confused us in order to swallow the so-called alone, didn\'t you?"

Yang Ping was stunned, and then his face didn\'t look good.

"Look, I knew that everyone should not be afraid. If we join hands, are we still afraid of him?" the man sneered and hummed.

Yang Ping was very angry and wanted to fight.

Ruyan advised, "forget it."

Yang Ping takes a deep breath and doesn\'t bother to explain. Anyway, the purpose of coming in is to save Zhu Xi. The life and death of others has nothing to do with him.

Leave angrily.

Yang Ping is very upset.

Ruyan said with a smile, "the front is the entrance on the second floor. If it\'s a little difficult."


A sad cry came from behind.