Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1388

The two walked side by side. Before that, their expression was quite casual. After all, Yang Ping had an invincible way. He was as calm as iron. In the face of anyone, even the son of chaos, he was expected to compete twice. But this time, he was surprised to find that the smoke around him kept pace with him.

This is a terrible thing.

Yang Ping\'s speed is not fast. When the heavenly tomb was opened, his steps of mountaineering surpassed most saints at will. Now he took out 45% of his strength. It is estimated that the great saints will catch up with him, but he is quiet, like fog, like wind and smoke.

Surprised, Ruyan said with a smile, "I used to like climbing mountains. Over time, the speed will be very fast. If I don\'t meet the master\'s requirements, I will be punished. So far, I haven\'t met the master\'s requirements."

Yang Ping thought that Ruyan\'s master must be a very strict person. Otherwise, she would have surpassed many masters with the speed shown by Ruyan, but she still didn\'t satisfy her master.

It can be seen that the smoke like master is not simple.

The heavenly tomb opens.

Streamer lasing.

Those masters who want to enter the heaven tomb quickly have unbearable faith. They can find the prefecture level peak ancient martial arts outside. After entering, they may get the heaven level ancient martial arts. A Tianji ancient martial arts can be regarded as the treasure of a second-class holy land.

There was a scream.

Yang Ping looked up and frowned.

The mountain top was covered with blood mist. I don\'t know who touched the prohibition of the heavenly tomb. A colorful light flashed at the door and cut off the three Yasheng level masters stuck under the door to become cannon fodder.

At this moment, the others were frightened to stop and wondered.

There are many experts at the door, which is crowded. Waiting for a long time, there was no colorful light, and someone entered it again. This time it was very safe, but just entered a dozen people, the colorful light immediately appeared again and killed one person.

Gradually, everyone found out the law. Without half a minute apart, a colorful light would appear at the mouth of the cave. Whoever was unlucky to encounter it, even in the great saint realm, it was estimated that he would die miserably. What Yang Ping saw was not the appearance, but a wisp of white light overflowing from the body after the tragic death of those masters, which was swallowed up by the heavenly tomb.

Soul devour?

Yang Ping\'s heart was awe inspiring. At the moment, the heavenly tomb towered into the sky. He hesitated. An ancient great beast opened his mouth and waited for prey to enter it. Others didn\'t notice it, but thought it should be. After all, Tianmu is known as one of the most mysterious places in China. There are countless treasures. How can it be safe.

But people die for wealth and birds die for food.

In order to get advanced ancient martial arts and weapons, or further, the adventure is worth it.

Similarly, Ruyan looked at the heavenly tomb, sighed and said, "the prosperity of the world is a passing language after all. Why pay too much attention to things outside the body. Possession is sin. The greater the original sin, the higher the mortality."

Yang Ping was shocked. Unexpectedly, Ruyan saw through the essence of the heavenly tomb at a glance. It was the mysterious anger that devoured the soul. She became more and more curious about her identity. She is definitely not as simple as a small reporter. She must belong to the disciple of an unknown old monster.

Come to the tomb of heaven.

They stopped. Yang Ping said, "you and I can separate here."

Ruyan asked with a smile, "I\'m very curious about the heavenly tomb. I just want to explore it. Don\'t worry, I won\'t compete with you for treasures."

Yang Ping shook his head and said seriously, "I have too many enemies. After entering, I will face a lot of attacks. If you follow me, it will affect you. There is no relationship between you and me. If you are involved, the gain is not worth the loss."

Ruyan showed a playful expression and said, "the more dangers you face, the more material my news will have."

Yang Ping stared at Ruyan\'s eyes and found that she was so calm. It was a little outrageous. Whoever entered the heavenly tomb, even the old monster would be nervous, but he could not see awe in Ruyan\'s eyes. It was like wandering in the street to buy clothes without any danger.

Ruyan is either innocent and doesn\'t know that Tianmu is a man eating monster, or he has great dependence and can come and go freely in Tianmu. Yang Ping believes in the former. After all, people who can come and go freely in the heavenly tomb are so young that there are few in the world.

Yang Ping dare not say that he will not encounter a crisis.

"Are you worried about me?"

Asked Ruyan.

Yang Ping was silent and admitted.

Ruyan said with a smile, "don\'t worry. If I really encounter danger, I will retreat. I still know myself about going deep into the heavenly tomb."

Yang Ping said helplessly, "in that case, let\'s go together. It is said that the heavenly tomb has 18 floors, and every three floors belong to one level. The deeper it goes, the higher the risk coefficient. Even if it is the realm of heavenly reverence, it will fall into it."

"We have reached an agreement?" Ruyan wanted to go in for a long time. He didn\'t seem to be afraid of Yang Ping\'s warning.

In desperation, Yang Ping had to step into the first floor of the heavenly tomb with Ruyan.


When they stepped into the first floor of the heavenly tomb, Yang Ping only felt that heaven and earth changed. It was cloudy and rainy outside the heavenly tomb, but after they came in, they felt the fragrance of birds and flowers. It\'s a paradise in front of you. Giant trees are towering, all kinds of miraculous drugs are everywhere, and the richness of aura is at least hundreds of times higher than that of the outside world. If one cultivates at the first level, his strength will improve very quickly. If you live on the first floor for a long time, people\'s physique will be greatly enhanced.

What a blessed land.

Yang Ping breathed the space on the first floor of the heavenly tomb. He completely didn\'t think that the dangerous place rumored was so beautiful. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. There is no crisis. Instead, it\'s like coming to the virgin forest and experiencing another world.

In contrast to the extremely developed external world, the first floor of the heavenly tomb looks like a paradise.

"Ha ha, I feel so comfortable. I didn\'t expect the tomb to be so interesting. This is Centennial wild ginseng. There are lots of wild ginseng. My God, if I take it out, I don\'t know how much I can sell!"

A man in Jiupin realm was about 30 years old. It was estimated that he was not rich in the family. When he came in for the first time, he was frightened by the wild ginseng. Surprised and happy, he hurried to collect medicine.

"Human Polygonum multiflorum, what a big Polygonum multiflorum!"

Not far away, someone exclaimed and couldn\'t help shouting: "this is a fairyland. Even if it\'s not deep, relying on these herbs, you will become a rich man after you go out!"

Most of the experts in the Jianghu are under the second sage. They can\'t see the magic medicine and start picking in a large area. However, some powerful experts, in the realm of Yasheng, quickly passed through the elixir forest and continued to go deep. Their purpose is not a panacea, but something deeper.

Yang Ping as like as two peas in the soft grass, and the same way is true.

But he found that the smoke in his eyes did not hide his disgust, as if these miraculous drugs and fresh air were so uncomfortable, as if they were the source of sin. What the hell is going on?

Don\'t Ruyan like Dongtianfudi?


Yang Ping soon noticed something wrong.

The space on the first floor of the heavenly tomb is very strange. If you don\'t observe it carefully, there will be no gap. But Yang Ping keenly feels that the so-called air in the blessed land is spiritual. After inhaling it, it will produce a strong feeling of drowsiness.


Yang Ping was shocked. Her pupils flashed golden and saw a disgusting scene.