Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1386

The huge palace was born in the sky, drowning the clouds and blocking out the sun. A door, there is a tall Mengshan mountain, and all sentient beings seem to be ants in front of him. Is it the heavenly tomb known as burying the world?

Everyone looked up and saw the moment when the palace appeared. No matter how proud they were, they should also put down their dignity and worship.

More than a dozen gurus in ancient India knelt on the ground and were very excited. They seemed to see miracles and feel the breath of gods. The old man with white hair trembled and said, "all this is the guidance of the gods."

Nicholas showed his intoxicated color, as if he had returned to the heyday of Maya. The fine light in his pupil twinkled and said secretly, is this the heavenly Tomb of China? It\'s amazing.

The saints sneer, talk secretly and play tricks. In front of the great Lord God, the heavenly tomb is a different kind. One day, the LORD God will lead us to settle heresy and let the world enter the embrace of the LORD God.

The two Paladins were shocked. As the guardian of the Holy See, I have seen many miracles, but when I really face the legendary heavenly tomb, I really realize the gap between gods and mortals. They even suspected that there were gods sleeping in the heavenly tomb.

The forces of other parties, with their minds in mind, have not acted for a long time, waiting for the door of the heavenly tomb to open.

The heavenly tomb has not been opened yet.

Need to wait for an opportunity.

But it will open soon, because the color of the sky has changed, and the boundless universe seems to emit colorful light, shining on the universe and falling on the earth, making the huge palace more mysterious and awesome.


A Jianghu expert died in the realm of saints. He belongs to casual cultivation. He wants to take the opportunity to go in and win the first chance. His idea is good, but the reality is extremely cruel. At the moment of rushing into the palace, colorful lights flickered. He didn\'t have time to scream and turned into fly ash.

Mengshan is silent.

Those experts who were ready to move were scared to death when they saw the man\'s tragic death. They stood where they were and dared not move.

Outsiders do not know that the opening of the heavenly tomb is also the most dangerous time. If anyone dares to rush in without fully opening it, it is tantamount to challenging the patience of the heavenly tomb. Being an enemy with the heavenly tomb can suppress the existence of the heavenly king. A few saints and great saints are not as good as mole ants when they die.

The saint\'s face finally changed, showing a look of horror. At the moment when the heavenly tomb killed the man, some great power in his body was stimulated, so scared that he dared not move and hid deeper. The Holy One is appalled that even the power belonging to the gods in his body is afraid of the heavenly tomb?

Isn\'t it said that the power of the heavenly tomb is still above the gods?

When the idea appeared, the saint no longer despised it, but more dignified and honest. Many people have come to the heavenly tomb, but too few have left alive. Once they can come out alive, it means that they get the ancient martial arts in the heavenly tomb, and are sheltered by some mysterious force. Their future achievements are unlimited.

It is said that the second-rate holy land, the master of the sword Pavilion, broke out from the tomb of heaven and got a mysterious sword skill that surpassed the ancient martial arts of heaven. Then he flew into the sky and became a descendant of the sword pavilion from an out of class disciple.

Of course, this is a rumor, but it further stimulates all experts in the Jianghu to come, because the temptation of Tianmu is so great that they risk their lives.


The palace rose and fell above the clouds and finally opened slowly.

A faint voice came from inside, but it was remembered in everyone\'s spiritual world, as if everyone\'s soul had expanded into a wonderful state, as if summoned by the heavenly tomb and walked slowly towards the top of the mountain.


It\'s like a fairyland surrounded by clouds.

The expert who stepped on the top of the mountain stepped empty and fell directly off the cliff, making a sad cry. Under the cliff, there was the roar of wild animals. The people who fell were not strong enough and were eaten by wild animals, at least dozens of them died.

In an instant, dozens of people died.

The heavenly tomb has not been opened yet, and the casualties are heavy.

Of course, those who are above the sage or have a firm will are not bewitched and still stay where they are. However, when they hear the scream, their backs are still cold. They think that if they were themselves, they might die miserably.

People\'s eyes at Tianmu changed, from the original fanatical worship to fear. There are many miracles in the heavenly tomb, but you also have to have life. This time, many people began to retreat.


Suddenly, arrogant laughter came from the top of the mountain. A child from the capital family didn\'t fall off the cliff. Then he saw a secret script on the ground and said excitedly, "it\'s a prefecture level peak ancient martial arts."

Everyone took a breath. You can see the prefecture level peak ancient martial arts on the ground?

Is there a mistake?

They didn\'t enter the heavenly tomb. When the disciples in the capital see the prefecture level peak ancient martial arts, if they succeed in cultivation, they must be in one-third of an acre of land in the capital. Their status will be rapidly improved and their glory and wealth will be readily available. The man took the ancient martial arts of the prefecture level peak and turned and left. He wanted to leave ten places. Isn\'t it for ancient martial arts to enter the heavenly tomb? Now there are more powerful than the strongest ancient martial arts in the family. What are you doing here.

He jumped a few times and wanted to go down the mountain.

But the result is doomed.

Before he went down the mountain, he was cut off by an expert hiding at the foot of the mountain. A cold Qi penetrated his heart. The man lay on the ground and watched the script taken away, muttering, "that\'s mine, give it to me..."

Leng hum, the snatcher left quickly, but he didn\'t leave far and was attacked.

A secret script that triggered a murder.

For some super power masters, although a local peak ancient martial arts is precious, they did not snatch it. Instead, they quietly looked at the gate of the heavenly tomb. Such a high-level secret script can be seen outside. They must get more precious after entering.

Miraculous medicine, secret script, is something that ordinary Jianghu people want to obtain.

However, the super holy land wants far more than these mundane things. They want the most core things. If they want to further improve, they need opportunities. Many people don\'t know that the heavenly tomb is not only burying the existence of the world, but also sublimating the existence of the world.

At the foot of the mountain.

Sitting alone in the pavilion, it seems that the quarrel outside has nothing to do with him.

His back looked lonely, lonely and full of sadness.

He is Yang Ping.

When he came to Mengshan, he went up and came down again. Yang Ping quietly tasted the ancient tea of Mengshan. His eyes were deep, as if he had seen through everything. He went in for different purposes. He went in to save people.

It seemed that someone deliberately sent out the breath in the heavenly tomb, which was very weak, but Yang Ping felt it for the first time.

That\'s the smell of Sophie, Mu Zihan and Xuanxuan.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm, but his heart was murderous.

Someone deliberately brought Sophie and others into the heavenly tomb, just to let him go deep into the heavenly tomb. This is obviously a conspiracy. Yang Ping vaguely heard Mu Zihan\'s cry. Don\'t come in. Coupled with a dream last night, Zhu Xi was also warning him.

But these are nothing.

The invincible way of cultivation.

Although it was a narrow escape, it was only broken with one punch.

Let you fall, I will move forward bravely.

get up.

Yang Ping climbed the mountain again.

"Brother, please stay!"

Behind him came a gasp, followed by a man in plain clothes, with a warm smile on his face.