Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1385

Previously, only spiritual skills could be used, and the damage caused by attack power to the saint level was very limited. If the people of Cihang Jingzhai saw Yang Ping\'s more moves beyond spiritual skills here, the Holy Spirit will be surprised.

After changing and using more powerful power, Yang Ping\'s Holy Spirit skill has just been released, which makes Mengshan fall into a kind of fear between heaven and earth.

Although the saint was conceited, he felt the breath of the nine Heavenly God thunder, turned pale and shouted, "impossible, how can you have the power of the divine level." the nine Heavenly God thunder was at least one level stronger than the lightning he summoned, and its attack power was naturally too poor. His attack was swallowed up by the nine Heavenly God thunder and went straight for the Holy One.

The two paladins\' indifferent pupils showed a frightened color, their bodies were shaky, and they couldn\'t hold on.

"Demon, you are a demon!"

What does the saint remember? Before he came to China, the Pope once mentioned that gods and Demons appeared in the dragon city of China. If you encounter them, you must be careful. I didn\'t expect to encounter them just after climbing the mountain.

Raise the scepter and burst out amazing light energy, which turns into layers of defense. A six pointed star shield is known as absolute defense to meet the nine Heavenly God thunder. The Holy One is hard headed and has no time to avoid. He can only hope that the scepter can block it.

The nine day Thor fell on the six pointed star shield.


The holy one had not had time to be happy. He saw cracks in the shield, his face turned crazy, clenched his teeth and injected all the power of light, so that the shield began to recover. However, the attack power of the nine Heavenly God thunder was too terrible, and the destructive power was far more than the recovery ability of the power of light.


The nine Heavenly God thunder finally broke the absolute defense and hit the saint severely.

The body of the Holy One smashed into the soil and splashed out a large amount of dust.

Yang Ping\'s face was cold, as if he had done a trivial thing and turned away. The door of the heavenly tomb was about to open. He had no time to play with the saints. When he left, the two Paladins were almost paralyzed on the ground.

There was a huge pit on the ground. The saint\'s body was embedded in the soil. Two Paladins dug the soil and finally brought the saint up. The saint was blackened and his Scepter was broken in two. They couldn\'t help taking a breath.

If lightning strikes two people, they know they will die.

"Gods and demons!"

The saint was seriously injured. His eyes were filled with hatred. He clenched his teeth and said, "if you don\'t repay this revenge, I won\'t be a saint. Next time I won\'t give you a chance." he took a Pearl Pill from his bag and swallowed it. His breath slowly recovered.

After a long time, the saint got up and recovered from the wound, but he was distressed. The medicine I just took was condensed with the purest power of light. There are not many drugs in the Holy See dedicated to the renewal of life at the highest level. There are not many saints. I brought three to China this time. I used one before I entered the heavenly tomb.

"If you dare to blaspheme, no one can save you."

The saint\'s face was gloomy and cried, "what are you doing cold? Hurry up."

A seemingly fierce battle turned out to be one-sided. The holy men of the Holy See were vulnerable in front of Yang Ping. Almost died on the hillside. After the three left, Nicholas took back his eyes in a secret forest. His snow-white eyebrows danced and said in a secret way. His strength was far beyond imagination. He didn\'t expect to easily defeat the saint. Although the saint didn\'t exert his best, he had used the holy weapons of the Holy See, but he still lost in a mess. It seems that you have to change your strategy to enter the heavenly tomb.

When his eyes turned, the wise man said, "let\'s not fight against Yang Ping. There are many experts who have enemies with Yang Ping this time. Let\'s follow behind and make a profit."

"I see." the nine wise men looked dignified. Before, some people shouted to kill Yang Ping first and avenge their companions. Now it seems that if there was no Nicholas, they would not be their opponents.

"Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon in the Dragon City, I feel some very terrible breath. It\'s better to be careful after entering. Don\'t do anything. Come out immediately and save your strength." the wise leader ordered.

Those who pay attention to the battle between the saints and Yang Ping are not only the wise, but also others.

If you don\'t really realize the horror of the nine Heavenly God thunder, you don\'t know the horror of Yang Ping.

The saint led the two Paladins up and met a group of experts from ancient India. Ancient India and China are the same four ancient countries. There are many gurus, who are known as the people closest to the gods. India has too many sects and complex beliefs. Only a few surnames control the country. Brahman is the most powerful first surname.

A dozen people came to ancient India. They came to Longcheng to join the fun.

They are as thin and black as monkeys, but their eyes burst with fine light, their lower abdomen sank in between breathing, and they practice ancient Indian yoga to the greatest extent all the time. Their flexibility and explosive power are very terrible.

"Get out of the way!"

The saint\'s face was not good-looking. He saw more than a dozen people in the way, especially looking like a thin monkey. He was very disgusted and impatiently said, "do you hear me, or I\'ll purify you demons directly."

The master of ancient India was very angry. The old man led by him came forward and said, "Dear Holy See, we have no grievances and no hatred. Why insult us?"

The saint was in a bad mood and hummed, "you were originally an evil devil cursed by the gods. At that time, India had hope at the notice of the gods, but you didn\'t cherish it enough. What else do you want? It\'s a joke."

The saints feel that everyone is evil except gods. This is especially true in India. Compared with China, the saints think that India is composed of some waste and is a garbage pool.

"No matter how powerful the holy see is, it can\'t insult us at will."

The old man headed by said coldly.

Originally, they wanted to have a good relationship with the saints and enter the heavenly tomb together, but they didn\'t expect a hot face and a cold ass, and they were angry.


The saint can\'t beat Yang Ping, which doesn\'t mean that he is not strong. On the contrary, he is very powerful and is also a senior combat force in the Holy See. He said coldly, "I want to purify you, alien." he pointed to the void, with a bright breath in the sky, gathered into a divine general and jumped at more than a dozen ancient Indian masters.

The head of the old man sneered, his dark arm stretched out, and then the air flow around him flowed violently. Finally, his body was like an ape, swish, fast as lightning, pierced the God general and fell to the ground.

God will disappear.

The attack of the Holy One is invalid.

His face was ugly. He was beaten by Yang Ping and didn\'t know his mother before. Now even the waste of ancient India came to bully people. If he moved the real fire, he would summon the strongest force to purify these idiots.


The sky crossed a mountain top, and a palace appeared on the top of Mengshan mountain.

The palace was so huge that it almost covered the whole sky.

The great breath dispersed and everyone trembled.

Anyone who has a sense of it, at the moment when he sees the palace, his soul trembles, and those whose strength is under the great saint, kneel directly on the ground and dare not breathe.

What a terrible palace.

The saint\'s face changed wildly and his body was shaky. He reluctantly insisted. But all the paladins and ancient Indian masters around them knelt on the ground and were shocked. The saint only persisted for a few minutes, but he could not bear the pressure from the palace and knelt on the ground.

His face was ferocious and oppressive, but there was nothing he could do.

The heavenly tomb finally appeared.