Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1383

Countless figures fell at the foot of the mountain. Fortunately, the dark clouds pressed the city, otherwise the tourists at the foot of the mountain would be frightened. At the foot of the mountain stood people in all kinds of strange clothes. They each formed a circle, vigilant to each other, and looked at Mengshan with hot eyes.

When the heavenly tomb opens, the opportunity is rare.

The security guard in charge of guarding the gate of Mengshan scenic spot was surprised to find many people at the foot of the mountain. He hurried forward to check. He wondered why so many people wanted to climb the mountain in the disastrous weather. This is not allowed by the regulations of the scenic spot. He wanted to dissuade them.

Standing at the door was a pair of men and women dressed in ethnic minority clothes. They were about 40 years old and had dark skin. They seemed to be working in the field all year round and tanned by the sun. They were carrying bamboo baskets, covered with a layer of black cloth, and could not see what was inside, except for the buzzing insects and the strange cold released from their bodies.

The security guard fought a cold war and said, "mountaineering is forbidden in rainy days. Why do you come up? Come back when it\'s sunny."

A few middle-aged women in civilian funded clothes smiled at the security guard and said, "brother, we were standing at the foot of the mountain and didn\'t go up."

The security guard wanted to stop talking, shook his head and said, "this won\'t work. You\'d better leave."

The middle-aged man in ethnic minority clothes had a straight face and showed the killing opportunity. A tiny bug flew out of the bamboo basket and wanted to get into the mouth of the security guard, but the middle-aged woman shook her hand and grabbed the bug back, shook her head at her husband and said, "we don\'t have to be responsible."

The security guard sighed, "you can\'t see that you still like adventure at this age. Many tourists used to have the same idea, but they died after entering Mengshan. I didn\'t scare you. Mengshan is very dangerous in this weather."

But they didn\'t listen to dissuasion. The security guard wanted to call.


The security guard fainted to the ground, but he didn\'t die.

The middle-aged man said coldly, "it\'s like an ant. Why don\'t you let me kill him. It\'s too much in the way."

The woman complained, "we haven\'t left the Miao stronghold for 60 years. This time we came out for the chance. You kill people casually. In case of attracting attention, we lose more than we gain. There are too many experts entering the heavenly tomb this time, and there are many who have enemies with us in Miao Jiang. Experts from the Chinese military may also come back."@^^$

The middle-aged man sneered and disdained: "if the old man of the military God didn\'t bully the young with more, the master wouldn\'t be seriously injured. He hasn\'t settled this account yet. If the military dares to come, come and I\'ll kill one."

The middle-aged woman quickly scolded, "don\'t talk nonsense before you enter. This is not miaojiang. Wait until you enter the heavenly tomb."

The middle-aged man was obviously afraid of his wife and bowed his head.

The strange couple stood on the Mountaineering Road. Strangely, there was no one else around. Because black insects paint a forbidden area of ten feet. Whoever dares to come in will bear the attack of poisonous insects. They are from Miao area and are the descendants of the Gu king. The Gu skill is so powerful that ordinary people dare not provoke them.

At the foot of Mengshan mountain, there is not a passage. Experts are standing at all other openings.! $*!

Miao couple just occupy this path.

A row of Cadillacs drove in from the street at the foot of Mount Meng and stopped at the largest climbing passage. Lights illuminate the dark Mengshan mountain. At the moment, Mengshan is in the dark and enters the night ahead of time.

Bald heads in white robes came down from the car, and a full nine people acted in a neat and uniform manner. Their breath is very strong, just a little weaker than the leader killed by Yang Ping before. A full nine wise masters gathered into a killing force, so that the rain falling from the sky could not fall on the ground and was volatilized by a powerful spiritual force.

After nine people got off, they stood side by side in the rain, as if waiting for someone.

"It\'s rare to see the heavenly tomb open. Indeed, it\'s one of the most mysterious places in China. The electromagnetic field alone can reject all exploration equipment, and this force is close to gods." an old man finally got down from the car. Instead of bald head, he had luxuriant white hair, full beard, eyes like electricity, leaned on a crutch, knocked on the floor and walked forward.


Nine bowed.

The strong breath spread, making the experts in the surrounding streets scared. They are also experts. They hide in the hotel, but they feel the horror of the wise men, and their hearts burst out with gurgling cold. The power of this wise man is enough to level a third rate holy land. Moreover, the leading elders, whose strength is unfathomable, are integrated with nature and can command nature.

This is the strongest existence of the wise.

Absolute leader.

The wise men in the United States are a strange kind of human beings. They are born with strong mental power, blue blood and no long hair. Once you grow hair, you will jump out of the life vitality of the wise and achieve another level of life. The leaders of wise men should also be graded. Although the leaders killed by Yang Ping before were very strong, they were only the lowest leaders in the wise group, and the white haired old man in front of them was the real high-level leader of the wise.

Every move implies Providence.

This is obviously a master at the level of heaven, and he is also a terrible figure who is good at spiritual power.

"The heavenly tomb hasn\'t been opened yet. There\'s about an hour left. Let\'s go up the mountain and meet some old friends first." the white haired wise man smiled, his eyes were faint, as if he saw through the darkness of Mengshan mountain and slowly began to climb the mountain.

Nine powerful wise men followed silently.

Just after the wise men climbed the mountain, another group of people came.

There are only three people.

A young man in a golden robe and two Paladins in armor are full of blood. Strangers are not allowed to enter. Paladins belong to the top combat power in the Holy See, which is equivalent to the great holy realm, but the two paladins are led by young people in golden robes. Young people hold a scepter in their hands. Unlike wise leaders, the scepter is inlaid with precious stones in the world. It is invaluable. At the same time, it hides the most holy spirit of light.

"I feel evil."

The young man closed his eyes and breathed the dark air of Mengshan mountain.

"The air in China is too dirty. We\'re here to purify them."

The young man shook his head, sighed and walked up the mountain. Two paladins, one left and one right, protected him.

"Young saint." there was an old laugh from the mountain. Following the wise leader, he appeared on the mountain path, overlooking the young man in golden robes and two paladins, "I didn\'t expect the Holy See to send you here. It seems that the holy see is bound to get that thing."

The young saint is the next Pope of the Holy See. He practices the power of light to the extreme.

"Nicholas, what are you doing in the Chinese dragon city instead of staying at the Mayan ruins?" the saint taught with a superior taste, "this is a place of blasphemy. We should sweep away the darkness and welcome life."

"How dare you speak to the leader!" a wise man came forward and scolded.

The saint sneered, but saw the distortion of the void, emitting a light breath, and extracting pure power from the light dimension, indicating that the young saint has been recognized by the light dimension.

The dimension of light is an extremely powerful dimension to purify sin.

The face of the wise man who came forward and scolded changed greatly. It was too late to resist. The power of light disappeared into his body, and then made a sad cry. The power of light was transmitted from the seven orifices. Just when the wise man was about to annihilate, the leader of the wise man shot.

He sighed, "why should the Holy One embarrass us?"

With a wave of his hand, he cut off the power of the bright dimension. His subordinates gasped and looked at the Holy One in horror. Just now, he clearly felt the coming of death.

The saint was awed to see the leader break his attack at will.

What an old monster.