Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1382

The Zhai Lord was dressed in white and had a beautiful face. Years did not leave a trace on her, but added an ethereal air. The mountain gate was immersed in chaos. She turned into chaos and the earth was filled with golden lotus.

At this time, the vegetarian Lord completed a transformation.


An old voice came from the clouds, and then a figure fell in the pavilion. The wind god was peerless, and his eyes were like stars, like mountains and rivers between his thoughts, life, death and extinction.

"Sixty years and a year, I didn\'t expect you to reach such a state." the visitor sighed, full of sadness and looked at the vegetarian with deep meaning.

The Zhai master smiled and said, "you are not bad either. Abandon the sword of the underworld and rush away Lei Feng\'s road to the world of mortals. You can jump out of the three realms long ago. Why do you stay in the world of mortals?"

The visitor is naturally Li zhishou.

Peach trees are planted on Taohua island. They sell peach flowers for wine.

Li zhishou broke the shackles. He had already achieved the highest level and saw through the world of mortals, but finally he was reluctant to give up the world of mortals. He said softly: "you should know my mind. Life is bitter. I can\'t see through. I can\'t ask. I can\'t ask. I toss and turn."

The vegetarian master felt Li zhishou\'s affection and didn\'t think about it. He said, "why do you stick to your feelings when you and I reach this level. Heaven and earth are great, and our generation attaches great importance to ordinary people. I have dedicated myself to ordinary people."

Li zhishou laughed and said with disdain, "heaven and earth are unkind, and everything is a ruminant dog. Life is like a floating cloud. Cihang Jingzhai has fallen for thousands of years. Can\'t you see that the people you protect are just ungrateful people. They all live in power and desire. War starts because of people\'s desire. It\'s time for Cihang Jingzhai to change his concept."

The vegetarian said, "you and I are different."

"The great road leads to the sky, and our purpose is the same. When I came down from the cloud, I naturally despised those people who are engaged in the business of flies and dogs. Now I ask you if you are willing to change the world for me and make the world peaceful forever."

His eyes were burning. Li zhishou stared at the vegetarian master and wanted an answer very much.

The Zhai Lord looked at Li zhishou. After a long time, he sighed: "although you jump off, you are too deeply possessed by the devil, and finally you are just a demon king. You want to change heaven, in fact, it is just a personal desire. You want to change, but you want to prove that you are stronger than Lei Feng."

Li zhishou squints and emits a silent light.

The vegetarian Lord\'s face was calm and fearless.

"The road to heaven is far away. I hope the opening of the heavenly tomb can change your mind. At that time, you will see that heaven and earth are just chess pieces. You are the supreme weapon to reach the other side."

After that, Li zhishou disappeared.

The Qi of chaos drowns the vegetarian Lord.

The two strongest people in the world, casual dialogue, but determines the way in the future.

Li zhishou is sure to do earth shaking things without the approval of the vegetarian Lord. And reached the realm of Li zhishou, is a real immortal body, even if it is unparalleled magic, it is difficult to kill. He achieved the goal of abandoning all things, cultivating himself alone, and creating an eternal road.

The vegetarian Lord was not sure to leave Li zhishou.

"Hope is still there."

The vegetarian sighed.

I don\'t know when the sky began to rain, and the temperature in Longcheng dropped sharply, just like coming to late autumn. A girl wearing scarce cloth hurried home to change her clothes. Parents who took their children out on the street were anxious to go home for fear that their children would get sick.


Spider web like thunder and electrons, the sky flickers, as if it had opened the door to hell.

The roar was deafening.

Yang Ping walked in the long street. The rain couldn\'t get close to him. His breath was rising and incompatible with the heaven. When the heaven died, he was really angry and came to kill the lightning, but he didn\'t invade the lightning, just like the God of war.

After finding the coordinates of the entrance of the heavenly tomb, Yang Ping moved forward quickly and had to rescue Zhu Xi at the first time. Thinking of Zhu Xi\'s warning, instead of retreating, it aroused strong anger.

The only thing he can be sure of is that Zhu Xi suffered in the heavenly tomb. He can\'t last long and must be rescued as soon as possible.

Coordinates Mengshan.

Mengshan is the hometown. There has been a shocking war. Yang Ping is famous all over the world. He fought with Taoist Zun without death. Unexpectedly, Mengshan is one of the entrances to the heavenly tomb. This is a top secret holy land. Only a few holy places know it.

It must be meaningful for Taoist priest to choose Mengshan as the battle site. Now I think that Taoist Zun can get unparalleled artifact. He must know the secret of Mengshan mountain. He can easily communicate with unparalleled artifact when he is close to the entrance of the heavenly tomb. Obviously, daozun succeeded, but he didn\'t expect Zhu Xi to be everywhere. As a descendant of Tianmu, he completely crushed it and destroyed daozun\'s century old business.

Sophie said that daozun was not dead and became more terrible.

With the opening of the heavenly tomb and such a prosperous era, how can there be less shadow of Taoist respect and old monsters in the holy land. Even all over the country, no, experts from all over the world will come to get opportunities in the heavenly tomb.

At the foot of Mengshan mountain.

In the rain of Yang Ping\'s independence, the sky is overcast with dense clouds and thunder and lightning, which seems to destroy the world, emitting a palpitating breath. In front of this breath, Tianzun and Tianshou realm all seem extremely weak and pitiful.

This is the breath of heaven.

There are mole ants under the heaven.

To gain the respect of the Tao of heaven is to be regarded as the God, to surpass the God, and to be as high as the heaven is the longevity of heaven, but this is just what people imagine in their hearts. Whether it is the God or the longevity of heaven, it is just that they go farther than ordinary people on the road to becoming the Tao, and it is too far from the real supreme realm.

If there is love in the way of heaven, you can kill the Heavenly Master and the realm of longevity at will.

Let alone escape from heaven, it\'s just a conversation with heaven, which is the greatest thing in history. Our generation of friars marched forward bravely and fell on the way forward one by one, but future generations followed one another and were not afraid of life and death. So far, only a few people have been able to talk to heaven.

There is a higher realm above the realm of longevity, but Yang Ping has not seen it in China. Of course, he is just a saint realm and is not qualified to witness it. However, he believes that one day in the future, he will become the overlord of nine days and ten places to compete with heaven.

Thinking of the passage leading to the endless chaos of the universe, the green mountain man has the momentum of dominating the world. Even the way of heaven is fearless. That is the real invincible, overlooking the ancient and modern future.

"One day I will break the fate of Tiansha lone star. Even the way of heaven, I won\'t hurt you at all!"

Yang Ping\'s eyes burst with fine light, and his breath was invisible. He waited for the opportunity. The tomb of heaven was about to open. He had a premonition that the time would come. With the rolling thunder, the cage cover of Mengshan was covered with a mysterious veil.

Great changes have taken place in the magnetic field of Mengshan. Satellites outside the earth can not break through the obstacles of Mengshan. The world\'s most advanced fighters will lose their direction and control when entering Mengshan. Powerful electromagnetic interference makes modern weapons ineffective. Only people themselves can enter the heavenly tomb.

Breath after breath is no longer hidden.

Come to Mengshan.