Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1379

Tao Chengyi left.

The blood mist covered both eyes and obscured the original site of the clinic in front of us. The flowers on the roadside were stained with blood and beautiful in the wind. There was no time to stop, Yang Ping looked at Tao Chengqi\'s Liberation smile before he died, and his heart twitched.

He even made plans on how to settle taochengyi and planned to restore him for a long time, but it was too late.

If it was because he deprived Tao Chengqi of his dark power, he committed suicide in anger. Yang Ping\'s heart was heavy. He didn\'t want to kill Tao Chengqi, but he saw too many things in his eyes.

Tao Chengyi uses death to express his dignity.

I can die, but I can\'t lose the future.

Power and power are Tao Chengqi\'s future. So he had no love in his life. When he asked about the tomb of heaven, he exploded instantly. The only power left was used to leave the world, which had a great impact on his heart.

Yang Ping fell into a long silence.

He didn\'t guess the cause of Tao Chengqi\'s death, because it was no longer necessary, but there was a trace of loss in his heart. The people around him left one by one, from sun Wangyue\'s death to Tao Chengqi\'s suicide, and the women around him had disappeared. Yang Ping suddenly found that he was so lonely and lonely.

I\'m the only one left.

Yang Ping whispered, looking at the sky, as if to dig out something from it. Unfortunately, there is nothing else but Baiyun Canggou. The gentle wind blowing in Longcheng makes the hot weather a little colder, but it can\'t disperse the dryness and heat of the people in the city.

The fate of Tiansha lone star, like a hand, has been controlling his fate. Yang Ping clenched his fist tightly.

Sun Wangyue is dead and cannot be said to be resurrected.

The black bull died, but he left easily without [email protected] ^^$

The women who have a relationship with him leave and disappear. The two most important women, Zhu Xi and Mingzhu, are still waiting to find. Zhu Xi is in the heavenly tomb. He doesn\'t even know the entrance to the heavenly tomb. How to save it. Pearl has been around the world for two months. I don\'t know where he has gone.

But he knew that Mingzhu would never watch him killed by Taoist Zun and would do something to revenge. She didn\'t know she was alive. If she knew, she would come to Longcheng to find him.

But the pearl is still unheard of.

Yang Ping took a deep breath, and his eyes were scarlet. He didn\'t know whether it was the strange blood mist or his inner mania, which made him fall into a heavy killing atmosphere. His heart was heavy and he tried to keep a steady breath.

Without tears, for Tao Chengqi\'s death, Yang Ping chose to go on stronger.! $*!

"Go all the way."

Yang Ping whispered.



It\'s called taking you to the top of the mountain.

Yang Ping sat at the counter drinking alone, and the folk songs of Northern Shaanxi sounded in her ears. The bar was full of the smell of sorghum wine and the crazy twisting bodies of men and women. It\'s not the first time he\'s here. It should be the third time. There are no acquaintances in the bar, and there are probably not many acquaintances in Longcheng.

There are two bars on the counter, one is his own and the other is peach. At the beginning, Tao Chengqi came with him to take you to the mountaintop bar. He fell in love with a beautiful woman and fell in love once, but the result was not satisfactory. He was dumped. He was dumped as Tao Chengqi. He had been looking for Yang Ping for a long time. That night, Tao Chengqi was drunk, holding the wine jar and crying the girl\'s name. And that girl, Yang Ping knows, is the girl of Baihua gate.

"My younger martial brother should be damned, but you shouldn\'t kill him. If you can take my move, we\'ll write off the matter of Tao 19." when we first met, Tao Chengqi showed his strong strength, the nine grade realm, displayed the peach blossom all over the mountain, and let Yang Ping see the beauty of another realm.

Tao Chengqi is a gifted man, but he lost to the world.

With the passage of time, the two people have experienced large and small battles. Tao Chengqi sees that Yang Ping is becoming stronger and stronger, and finds that he is incomparably weak in the face of crisis. He is as low as a mole ant in front of those high heavenly Lords.

I don\'t know when Tao Chengqi wants to protect the people around him.

Dragon God token brings hope.

Tao Chengyi degenerated step by step and lost himself in power and desire. Now turned into dust, perhaps his best destination. After drinking the wine, Yang Ping poured another glass of wine on the ground and turned away.

The neon lights in the bar flickered, blurring Yang Ping\'s back.

Two dark shadows suddenly appeared at the door of the bar, looking at the direction of Yang Ping\'s departure.

"Did you say he found us?"

One of them wondered.

"I don\'t think so. We didn\'t show our murders. We just came to have a look." the companion replied.

"Why didn\'t he go to the heavenly tomb? Didn\'t he still find the entrance?"

The man sneered and hummed, "it\'s sad that he is the most worried one. His woman is in the heavenly tomb, but she can\'t find the entrance. I thought he had three heads and six arms, but that\'s all."

"Although he is very powerful, he is just a mortal." his companion nodded.

"There are too many people going to the heavenly tomb this time, and even some old monsters will appear." the man flashed a palpitation in his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Shi Shuzu left the customs. It is said that he also went to the heavenly tomb to get the secret of longevity."

"How can we guess who is in that realm? Not only shishuzu, but also Cihang Jingzhai, Tianting and magic gate will send people to come." the companion showed longing and sighed, "if we are qualified to go in, we can get some treasures in it, and we can be promoted to the realm of saints. We can become the inner sect elders of the sect."

"You\'re so worthless. What you get from entering the heavenly tomb is not scrap iron. It\'s said that there are countless treasures in the heavenly tomb. There are prefecture level ancient martial arts all over the ground, including miraculous drugs and pills. Needless to say, there are many heaven level ancient martial arts."

"True or false, Tianji ancient martial arts, I can\'t imagine."

"Well, the number of people entering the heavenly tomb is limited this time. Only the core disciples can have hope. You and I are at most the inner door and can\'t be ranked. If we don\'t come out to play and occasionally bump into Yang Ping, we don\'t know when we can get in touch with those great people."

They talked a few words and turned away.

There are many experts hidden in the dragon city. They ignore the collapse of heaven and earth. When monsters from hell kill people, they watch helplessly and don\'t come out to subdue the devil. It can be seen that the holy land is indifferent. On weekdays, he enjoys the incense of all sentient beings, but he is just a group of selfish people.

They didn\'t know that their conversation didn\'t leak a word to Yang Ping.

Walking in the street.

Yang Ping thought of a way. Maybe he could find the entrance of the heavenly tomb faster. After looking for the maple leaf club for a long time, there was no trace of the entrance of the heavenly tomb. Yang Ping could only choose another entrance. The people who know the sky tomb most should be those waiting to enter.

People in the holy land.

Yang Ping secretly decided to start from the people in the holy land. They must know something.

Mental power swept the dragon city. Many experts appeared in my mind. I didn\'t pay attention to it before. I suddenly found that there were no less than ten experts in the realm of great saints in the Dragon City, and even several experts who vaguely surpassed the great saints. They didn\'t break through, but reached the critical point.

The leader of the holy land came, too.

Yang Ping confirmed the candidate and looked through the layers of space to lock in a private villa in the city center. There were experts from incense Valley, and the three who besieged him in the maple leaf club were among them.

"Just you."

Yang Ping went to the private club.