Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1378

No one is more aware of Yang Ping\'s horror than Tao Chengqi. He was knocked down at his peak. Now his strength is less than one tenth of the original. Meeting Yang Ping is tantamount to death. Where dare he fight.

Yang Ping quietly looked at Tao Chengqi until he jumped up and said, "stay."

The four warriors thought they would die, but the death didn\'t come for a long time. They couldn\'t help but open their eyes and saw an amazing scene. It was like a devil\'s peach, floating in the air, making a sad cry, injecting golden light into it, forcibly depriving him of the dark power in his body.

Gradually, the peach fell to the ground, the golden light disappeared and the darkness disappeared.

He completely lost his strength.

Tao Chengqi stood on the ground stupidly, unable to feel any strength. He fiercely stared at Yang Ping and said, "you have deprived me of all my strength. Why, if you want to kill me, you can do it directly!"

Yang Ping said faintly, "strength is the source of evil. Tao Chengqi, do you still wake up?"

Tao Chengqi laughed and said grimly, "you know better than me that only strong power can live better. You are kind. In fact, you are the biggest villain. If you have the ability, you can abolish your martial arts and see if you still pretend as you are now."

Yang Ping saw the madness in Tao Chengqi\'s eyes, lost his nature and shook his head.

He\'s possessed.

Preaching doesn\'t work at all.

Seeing that Tao Chengqi lost his strength, the four warriors found that they burned the flame of revenge again, gritted their teeth and stood up to kill Tao Chengqi. Tao Chengqi showed a panic and looked at them warily. Losing strength, even an ordinary martial artist can\'t beat him. These four people will certainly torture him to death.

"When\'s the time for retribution? Go back."

Yang Ping advised.

"He has lost his strength and can no longer harm others."

The Jiupin warrior spat and sneered, "can\'t harm others? He has committed heinous crimes and deserves more than death. Do you still cover him up? Tao Chengqi is the biggest villain in in the dragon city. He deserves to die!"

Dumping three rivers of water can not wash away his hatred. Four people used to be high above, but now they have come to this land, all because of the strange peach. How can they not hate, how can they not want to kill Tao Chengqi.

Even if Yang Ping stopped them, they would do it.

"He also killed the dark creatures and protected the dragon city. Although it was not enough to offset the evil, he also took credit." Yang Ping frowned and tried to adjust. If Tao Chengqi died in their hands, he was still unwilling. He hopes to solve the problem without killing.

But it turned out to be the opposite.

"Don\'t be hypocritical here. My family was killed by him, and my brother was refined into a puppet by him. He can\'t be reborn forever. What\'s the accounting?" the Jiupin martial arts man was filled with resentment and shouted angrily, "even if he died, he should take him on his back."

"We would rather die than drag him to hell."

The other three eight grade Warriors also hated the sky and shouted.

Tao Chengqi stared at the ferocious faces of the four people with flustered eyes. He completely lost his strength and proud capital. If Yang Ping was not present, he must have died miserably.

"You are Yang Ping!"

The Jiupin warrior suddenly remembered something and said, "yes, did you ever guard Yang Ping of the dragon city?"

The other three people felt more and more like each other and couldn\'t help getting excited. There is no harm without comparison. Yang Ping guarded the dragon city silently at the beginning, but in the end, he was abandoned by the will of the Dragon City, but many people still remember him. The four men once belonged to the top forces in Longcheng. Naturally, they knew Yang Ping\'s terrible.

"I\'ve seen Mr. Yang!"

The four people bowed and saluted Yang Ping in order to express their highest respect.

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "I\'m a cloth, but I can\'t protect anyone. You\'d better leave. When will it be time to repay each other."

The four people looked hesitant. If they were others, they could directly ignore them and even commit suicide. But the person in front of us is Yang Ping. The four were familiar with Yang Ping\'s reputation, and naturally they were in great awe. It\'s not like Tao Chengqi conquering others by force. Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me die, resulting in too many killing sins.

"Well, since Mr. Yang is talking, let\'s go."

The Jiupin martial arts man took a cold look at Tao Chengqi and hummed, "you are also the master of the dragon city. You are different from Mr. Yang. Scum."

Four people left.

Tao Chengqi narrowly escaped death, but there was no joy. The words of the Jiupin martial arts deeply stimulated him. He was also the Lord of the dragon city. Why is the difference so great? He guarded the dragon city and tried to kill the dark creatures, but what did he get.

He felt unfair.

"If you want to make fun of me, come on. I can afford it." Tao Chengqi\'s eyes were sad and clenched his teeth.

Yang Ping looked at Tao Chengyi quietly and found that he was so strange. The peach boss who once bloomed all over the mountain has now lost his strength and become an ordinary person with resentment. The gap between the two is too big, just half a year.

"I\'ll take you to a place."

Tao Chengqi was surprised and uncertain. He thought he would die. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping didn\'t do it. However, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. He secretly said that he attaches importance to love and righteousness. He will certainly not do anything to me. Moreover, he has a rotten life. What else can he be afraid of.

When I recover my strength and rule the Dragon City, I must trample you under my feet.

People\'s road.

"If you want to satirize me with your achievements, just come."

Tao Chengqi sneered and said, "Yang Ping, at the beginning, my strength was above you and everything was better than you. I was the Lord of the dragon city. But you took everything from me and you let me live in your shadow forever!"

Yang Ping ignored.

Tao Chengqi said angrily, "why, didn\'t you bring me here to attack my dignity and kill me?"

Yang Ping\'s eyes were full of sadness.

Once upon a time, the high spirited peach boss became a resentful woman.

The world is changeable.

You\'ll never guess what the future will be like.

"Why, I guessed right without talking."

Tao chengqixiong guessed Yang Ping with the greatest malice. He felt that if he was himself, he would trample on each other\'s dignity. Then he looked at him from above and waited for mercy.

"Look behind you first."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were complicated and said.

Tao Chengqi looked at the site where the clinic disappeared, stunned and said, "where\'s the house?"

"The people inside and the clinic were taken away."

Yang Ping said calmly, unable to see the joy and anger in his heart.

Tao Chengqi\'s face was pale. Being able to take away the building of the clinic shows that the other party has the power to move mountains and reclaim the sea. What a great power it is. Even the realm of heaven can\'t do it.

"What\'s going on?"

Tao Chengqi stuttered and said in horror.

"I want to enter the heavenly tomb."

Yang Ping said in a deep voice.

Tao Chengqi is indifferent.

Yang Ping said, "I know you should know the entrance to the heavenly tomb. As a puppet selected by the will of the Dragon City, you must know his cards very well. His connection with the heavenly tomb is far beyond imagination."

Staring at Tao Chengqi, Yang Ping took a deep breath and said, "I used to regard you as a brother."


Tao Chengqi was shocked and stared at Yang Ping.

A surge of sadness surged into my heart.

Tao Chengqi muttered to himself, "yes, we used to be brothers, but..."

The tone is desolate and full of sadness.

Tao Chengqi said quietly, "although I have committed heinous crimes, I have a clear conscience. Yang Ping, if you want to enter the heavenly tomb, I do know the entrance, but I won\'t tell you."


Yang Ping frowned.

Tao Chengqi shook his head, closed his eyes and said, "because after you go in, you only have a dead end."



Yang Ping was shocked and saw the determination in Tao Chengqi\'s eyes. The secret way was bad.


Peach Chengqi\'s body burst into pieces and turned into a blood mist.

Yang Ping had no time to stop him and watched Tao Chengqi commit suicide in front of him.