Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1305

Yang\'s medical school has not been rebuilt yet. On a whim, he walked to the ruins and found a figure he hadn\'t seen for a long time. Yang Ping stopped and silently looked at the girl who made him complex. He had a relationship with her since he entered Longcheng. Until today, he can\'t figure it out.

Everything is empty.

Yang Ping stood beside Zhu Xi, looked at the ruins together and said, "I was very impulsive before."

Zhu Xi is more beautiful than before, but she is also higher and colder. She has become different from before. If she used to be a cold and vigorous beauty chairman and has a strong smell of fireworks, now she has become indifferent to fireworks. If she had not known her details, she thought Zhu Xi was the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai. They have the same breath.

"If you can, don\'t forget to come to me after you come back. China Airlines Group has your shares. I\'m ready to reform and expand the group, not just limited to Huaxia. Let\'s have a good talk when you come back."

Zhu Xi said that and turned to leave.

Yang Ping opened her mouth and smiled bitterly. Zhu Xi is still as cold as before. She doesn\'t like to get straight to the point and is even more obscure about emotional expression. What she said has nothing to do with feelings. In fact, Yang Ping knows very well that Zhu Xi wants him to come back. Talking about business is just an excuse.

"Thank you."

Yang Ping suddenly said.

Zhu Xi stopped and said faintly, "thank you for what?"

"Thank you for your concern."

Yang Ping said with a smile.

Zhu Xi said, "I don\'t care about your life and death. Don\'t get me wrong."

"But I still thank you."

Yang Ping smiled.

Zhu Xi frowned and said unhappily, "you still haven\'t changed. You\'re as thick skinned as before. I thought you could be mature and steady at this time, but it\'s a pity that I overestimated you."

Yang Ping looked at it with a smile.

Seeing that he didn\'t speak, Zhu Xi hesitated and said, "come back alive, the pearl can\'t live without you."

Yang Ping\'s mind moved and couldn\'t help saying, "what about you?" but she regretted after saying that she was with pearl now. Her relationship with Zhu Xi had been explained clearly long ago, but I don\'t know why. There was always a voice in her heart telling herself how to do it and how to do it. The girl in front of her was the most cherished person.

Remembering Zhu Xi\'s desolate life experience, there was no warmth around her. Everyone in the family regarded her as an object that can be squeezed. The most hateful thing is that Zhu Yan kept using his daughter for interests. She was distressed. Just about to speak, Zhu Xi turned around and looked at him coldly.

"You have to survive before you are qualified to sympathize with others."

Zhu Xi felt Yang Ping\'s mood change and was very unhappy. She hummed, "you are naturally nosy. Don\'t worry about my affairs, but we met. I can answer your question directly."

"I don\'t want you to die," said Zhu Xi calmly.

Yang Ping asked, "why?"

There was a faint expectation in his heart. Although reason told him that some things were playing with fire and could not cross the line, just like Zhu Xi in front of him, it was clear that they had drawn a line before, which was insurmountable. Once they crossed, there was danger, but they wanted to take risks in their heart.

"Do you want to hear?" asked Zhu Xi, looking directly into his eyes.

Now it was Yang Ping\'s turn to be embarrassed and said with a dry smile, "I don\'t really want to."

Zhu Xi flashed an imperceptible disappointment in her eyes and walked towards Huahang building. Without words, only parting. Yang Ping silently looked at the distant figure and sighed in his heart. Although the lost things are worth remembering, they are not reality after all.

"May you be well."

Yang Ping whispered.

He\'s gone.

Today is one of the most important days in his life when he goes to Mengshan. He is faced with the master of Xianyi sect, who is known as one of the two strongest geniuses in the history of Xianyi sect. Now he is a strong man standing at the top of the world. Facing such a terrible opponent, Yang Ping was not afraid, but aroused a strong sense of war.

Looking at the background gradually disappearing and integrating with the sunset, standing in front of the window of the top office of China Airlines building, Zhu Xi watched quietly without saying a word. She has put off all the meetings and arrangements for today and is waiting for a message.

The wind blows.

Open a book on the table.

If you are well, it will be sunny.

Mengshan mountains.



Yang Ping came to the foot of the mountain and saw the figure on the mountain at a glance. At the moment of his appearance, Tao Zun fiercely opened his eyes and looked down. His four eyes were opposite, resulting in fierce spatial fluctuations. When they looked at each other, they began to fight.

The demon king naturally found Yang Ping. His eyes lit up and nodded: "it\'s really extraordinary. I thought it was a battle without suspense. I didn\'t expect you to go further. The invincible way is really powerful."

Li zhishou sees farther than the devil. From the momentum of Yang Ping, it is far from invincible.


The handsome young man smiled and said, "some big brother\'s shadow depends on whether he gets the truth."

Taoist Zun got up, the sky roared, and the clouds in a radius of ten miles gathered behind him towards the center. He was like a god standing at the highest peak in the world. When he moved, Huacheng was the center of heaven and earth.

Wind movement.

The Quartet was shocked.

There are many peerless experts watching the battle at the foot of the mountain. After feeling this breath, they turn pale one after another. Those with underground strength almost kneel on the ground to worship, as if they feel the awe of the soul. Only the real gods in heaven and earth can make all sentient beings worship.

And Taoist Zun became a God and spoke for heaven and earth.

Power and pressure enveloped Mengshan mountain. All those with weak will knelt down, those with low strength directly fainted, and some experts from all over the world who secretly wanted to shoot in the crowd directly fainted. There are Oriental TV stations, Western missionaries, and many capable people and scholars from all over the world.

The Taoist priest stood up and showed his terror.

After all the experts who are unable to enter the stream, they quickly converge, and then turn into a terrible energy River to block the Mountaineering Road and form a hard barrier. Just the power fluctuation released by the long river of energy makes many experts from the Holy Land tremble.

What a terrible threat.

At the foot of the mountain, a supreme elder from the holy land trembled and said, "how can such a Taoist priest be defeated? I\'m afraid the leader can\'t resist this wall alone. The Taoist priest is too strong. It\'s an invincible existence."

Everyone agrees.

Only Yang Ping.

He looked calm, faced the threatening wall, raised one foot, and then fell on the first step of climbing.


The invisible wall was broken, centered from the foot, and the invincible spirit spread. Yang Ping began to climb the mountain.

Taoist Zun stood with his hands down and said indifferently, "if you can\'t even climb the mountain, you\'re not qualified to fight with me. You\'d better go back and practice well."

Yang Ping smiled and shook his head.

Bang bang!

Invisible walls can block the powerful authority of the leaders of the holy land. With Yang Ping\'s step-by-step mountaineering, they are fragmented. He showed an invincible demeanor. I trampled on the difficulties and obstacles ahead of you.