Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1304

Tao Zun appeared, but what about his opponent?

So far, Yang Ping has not appeared. Two days ago, there was no news about him. The door of the treasure pavilion was closed. No one could inquire about the situation inside. He was isolated from the world.

"Why don\'t you come?"

The beautiful girl at the foot of the mountain frowned and said anxiously, "did something happen on the way?"

The young man next to her worried about her beloved woman for irrelevant Yang Ping. He was upset and couldn\'t help saying: "What can happen? I think he\'s afraid of death. Taoist Zun is the top person in the world. One person is enough to support a holy land. How many people in the world are his opponents. Although the decisive battle is noisy, people with clear eyes know that Yang Ping can\'t be Taoist Zun\'s opponent at all. The only hope is whether he can escape."

The girl said unhappily, "how do you talk? It\'s said that Yang Ping is an infatuated man and has a lot of responsibility. He sheltered Longcheng for half a year. I don\'t know how many big things to do. How can he escape without fighting."

The young man curled his lips and disdained to say, "you know people, you know faces, but you don\'t know hearts. It\'s normal to be afraid in the face of Tao Zun."

The old man touched his beard, looked at daozun standing in the clouds, nodded and said, "daozun is unfathomable."

Others are also guessing that Yang Ping is afraid of death and dare not come.

Taoist Zun stood at the peak, surrounded by dense clouds, and his temperament was very mysterious. He was like an immortal. He could break through the air at any time. He ignored the opinions of outsiders and stood quietly between heaven and earth. As soon as he stood, he symbolized a world as immortal as the way of heaven.

In the past three days, he occupied the land of Mengshan mountain and got the opportunity.

"I hope you don\'t disappoint me."

At the same time, he felt that there was an extremely terrible breath on the top of other peaks, which came from the familiar Qi mechanism of the demon leader, the demon king, and became more and more powerful. There was also a very weak one, but it was very powerful for the Taoist priest, but for others.

"Devil, one day I will surpass you. No, you are not my goal. My goal is the stars, the sea and the universe."

A new wild hope emerged in Taoist Zun\'s heart. Looking at the sky, he had more possessive desire than ever before, as if the heaven and earth were him and he was heaven and earth. On the basis of the heavenly heart, that is, my heart, he has completely controlled his ideas and achieved himself.

"Killing Yang Ping is the first step for me to become a God."

Taoist Zun knew very well that although he was strong, he had no real backer and could only reach the peak step by step. He had no details of the three super holy places, no cultivation at the king level, and no excellent opportunity. However, he was invincible with one heart and went far, relying on his own breakthrough.

Now is the time to prove your best.

You three have controlled heaven and earth for too long. It\'s my turn next. You will never think of what kind of opportunity and opportunity I get this time, a once-in-a-lifetime thing that can even subvert the world.

He couldn\'t help smiling. Taoist Zun ignored the sentient beings under his feet and yearned for a higher level. As for Yang Ping\'s arrival, it was just a small thing. The reason why he made an appointment with Yang Ping was that he didn\'t feel Yang Ping\'s threat, but used killing Yang Ping to announce Taoist Zun\'s return.

It\'s not that I haven\'t heard about raising Yang Ping these days. I lost my fist and my heart sword was invincible. I pushed him into the strongest young column, defeated Longcheng\'s will and reached the strength standard of the old monster. Now Yang Ping\'s strength can support a holy land. He is qualified to be on an equal footing with him.

But daozun doesn\'t care.

Because he has enough confidence.

On the contrary, he hopes that the greater Yang Ping\'s fame, the better. As long as he defeats and kills, he can achieve more.

Ambition breeds and spreads.


On the north peak.

Taoist Zun couldn\'t feel the breath here and thought there was only the demon king. Li zhishou looked at Taoist Zun and said, "I didn\'t expect another demon in wujialing. How many geniuses in your family."

The demon king\'s heart twitched violently and looked at the handsome young man in horror. Unexpectedly, he came from wujialing.

Wu Jialing disappeared a few decades ago and has been the first secret for thousands of years. Ordinary people in the Yuan Dynasty and Wu Jialing don\'t know, but the most mysterious words in the Jianghu are felt by handsome young people today.

Who the hell is this person?

The demon king was very curious about the identity of the handsome young man and couldn\'t help looking at the teacher. Li zhishou didn\'t answer, but looked at Taoist Zun and continued: "the heart of heaven is my heart, and the way of heaven is my way. It\'s not simple."

Instead, the handsome young man was more concerned about another person and said, "it\'s almost over."

Li zhishou said with a chuckle, "I\'m not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry? Young people have a long love for children and women. You were much worse than him in those years. At least they had several beautiful girlfriends. You were dumped and were miserable."

The handsome young man\'s face was stiff and unhappy. He looked at Li zhishou and scolded, "don\'t think I dare not deal with you if you force me. If you pick my wound again, I\'ll kill you."

Li Zhi kept smiling without saying anything.

"Who do you think is stronger this time?" Li zhishou asked after pondering.

The handsome young man thought for a moment and replied, "it\'s hard to say before. The heavenly heart of Taoist Zunxiu is my heart, which is in line with the heavenly way, and has been favored by the heavenly way. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds. If your apprentice doesn\'t use the sword of the underworld, it\'s hard to kill him. Moreover, he has a power that doesn\'t belong to the world or the yuan world. Where does he come from?"

Li zhishou\'s face was serious and said, "it seems you feel it. Daozun\'s identity is not simple."

"The Taoist respect is very light, but Yang Ping is not weak. Longcheng\'s will turns into a human shape in an attempt to fight, but it\'s a pity that it was suppressed. Yang Ping\'s Tao has been developed. It\'s hard to say who is stronger or weaker. I thought it was fifty-five before."

"Now?" Li zhishou asked.

The handsome young man\'s face was positive and said, "Taoist Zun may win more. He\'s a lot uncertain. It\'s really strange. How do I feel that the power in his body is very familiar."

"I\'ll know soon." Li zhishou said with a smile. His eyes shifted from Taoist Zun, crossed layers of space, mountains and rivers, and looked at the unknown place of deep clouds, a place where chaos was beginning to open, a cold and boring place of death. His eyes became soft.

The handsome young man smiled, shook his head and sighed, "since ancient times, there has been an amorous spare hate. This hate has no end. Don\'t think about it. She has long been closed to death. It\'s still two to say whether she can survive."

Li zhishou\'s eyes flashed and whispered, "sure."

Mengshan, people are looking forward to it. When the storm is coming, as the protagonist of the story, they are not in a hurry.

Treasure Pavilion.

Yang Ping and Mingzhu are standing at the door. Mingzhu arranges his collar for him, like a wife who asks her husband to go to war. Her eyes are full of reluctance, but she still chooses to support. Yang Ping\'s face was as usual, stroking Mingzhu\'s cheek and said, "wait for me to go home for dinner."

Pearl bowed her head and said, "I\'ll make your favorite food."

Yang Ping kissed Mingzhu\'s forehead and said with a smile, "then I\'ll go back."

Pearl nodded.

Yang Ping turned and left, humming an unknown song. It was like going to the battlefield of life and death. Looking at the fading figure, Mingzhu finally couldn\'t suppress her inner tension and pressure. With tears in her eyes, she murmured, "you must come back."

Without seeing Mingzhu\'s tears, Yang Ping walked on the road and felt the local conditions and customs of Longcheng. Anyway, there was still time before the decisive battle. He unknowingly came to the former Yang\'s small medical school.

A beautiful girl was standing in front of the ruins with her back to him.