Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1300

Get down on your knees!

The voice is gentle, but irresistible.

The Dragon City roared and wanted to resist, but the power of heaven was unpredictable. Let your dragon city will be like a sea. It just exists like a mole ant in front of the heaven. Your legs tremble and your bones are brittle. You insist and angry, but it doesn\'t help.

When he landed on his knees, Longcheng\'s head was blank.

When the fist collided with the sword of the Dragon City, the resulting storm knocked taochengxi out of the villa and landed in the withered flowers. At the moment, he got up in embarrassment and looked at the villa hall. When he saw the owner who looked like a god kneeling in front of Yang Ping, his expression was dull.

The great master knelt down.

Tao Chengxi murmured, "it\'s impossible. It must be a dream."

Yang Ping stood with his hands down, like a God coming down to earth. He looked at the Dragon City kneeling in front of him without saying a word, but it was this contempt that made the dragon city\'s heart burn, and there was a trace of fear while he was angry.

How could he be so powerful.

The bitterness in Longcheng\'s heart dissipated in the moment of kneeling down.

"Surrender to me, maybe perish, you choose."

Yang Ping\'s face was flat, as if he had done a trivial thing. He looked across the dragon city and into the sky. His enemy was not the Dragon City, but a place higher than the sky, where he was his imaginary enemy.

If you can\'t subdue the Dragon City, how can you fight with Taoist Zun.

Invincible way, fearless.

Longcheng knelt down, but his eyes were bitter and didn\'t mean to surrender. He clenched his teeth and said, "wait. When I come back, it will be your death." his body was shocked and turned into Miaomiao smoke and disappeared into the void.

He killed himself.

Longcheng\'s will is chaotic. I don\'t know how long it will take to appear again, but he would rather commit suicide than surrender to Yang Ping. That is both a blow and a shame. But once the will of the dragon city is reunited, the Jianghu will be more terrible than it is now. At that time, the wind and rain was full of killing opportunities step by step.

Tao Chengxi stared at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping walked out of the villa and disappeared into the night without looking at taochengxi. The purpose of his appearance is to solve the hidden danger. The will incarnation of Longcheng is always unstable. It\'s better to solve it before the decisive battle.

After solving the incarnation of Longcheng\'s will, Yang Ping\'s body was suffused with a faint golden light. An invincible belief became more and more mature, moistening the whole body, meridians, viscera and even the spiritual world, which was filled with the invincible way.

At this moment, the invincible way has matured.

After Yang Ping\'s invincible way was completely successful, a seemingly invisible wind blew into the sky and lit a star in the depths of the boundless starry sky. The Tiansha lone star burned up and was brighter than any star.

Under the guidance of stars, everyone who enters the Tao feels that this is an extraordinary night.

After the golden age, finally someone can lead the stars and achieve invincibility, so that all heaven officials can obey and all things worship. He took another road, different from anyone else. If other demons, such as a broad road that the leader of the magic gate walked out of when he was young, reached the extreme in the ancient martial arts of the magic gate, and the saint of Cihang Jingzhai was even higher than the sword heart Tongming, Yang Ping\'s way would be even higher.

They are two parallel lines, but they have different heights.

Yang Ping\'s way is too high to see the future clearly. The world\'s top experts are moved when they feel that a road appears in the starry sky.

In the Vatican of Europe, the magnificent palace of western theology, a white haired old man holds a divine rod symbolizing ultimate power, with his deep pupils showing kind eyes. Outside, there are a large number of believers kneeling. It is brand-new. The power of faith gathers in the divine rod and condenses in invincible power.

The old man looked up at the stars through the skylight and said, "God said there was light, and there was light between heaven and earth. The Oracle once said that the devil came from the East. It seems that he has been born."

"God, give instructions to the humble mortals."

The old man prayed in a pious tone, and the echo echoed in the palace for a long time.


A majestic voice fell from the sky and fell into my mind, full of killing. The old man bowed down and said piously, "Almighty Lord, we are your servants and will complete your orders."

It seemed that the drooping old man walked out of the palace. When he appeared at the door, he straightened his body, and his momentum erupted immediately. Like a God, countless believers kneeling at the door worshipped loudly and shouted excitedly about the Almighty Lord.

The old man stretched out his scepter and the believers became more and more crazy.

He is the Pope, one of the strongest in the world.

He wants to kill the devil. The devil comes from the East.


The mysterious hall is surrounded by countless king cobras, which makes the temple full of strange and gloomy atmosphere.

An old woman squatted on the ground and shook the shell in her hand.

When the turtle shell landed, the old woman\'s wrinkled face was like countless snakes and insects climbing onto her face, which was shocking. However, she saw the omen that the turtle shell fell out and screamed, "God and devil are born, God and devil are born!"

Many corners of the world, or prosperous imperial capitals, perhaps mysterious palaces, or secret jungles, are shocked by the changes of stars in the sky.

Gods and demons were born.

The world was shocked.

This is an unprecedented omen and has attracted the strongest hostility in the world.

The eastern response was relatively mild.

Peach Blossom Island.

The demon king sat under a peach tree to practice, fiercely opened his eyes, stared at the depths of the starry sky, and said, "Tao Zun has an enemy."

The teacher came slowly with the wine jar, step by step, came to the peach tree and said with a smile, "it\'s a little interesting."

"Teacher, you\'re right. I thought Yang Ping was definitely not daozun\'s opponent, but now it seems that this stop is very good-looking. It may be the most shocking war in 20 years. I\'m going to see it."

The teacher said, "it\'s worth seeing."

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

Master Zhai stood in the pavilion listening to the rain day and night and fell into a long memory. When the Tiansha lone star in the depths of the starry sky was lit, he calmly looked at the direction of the dragon city.

"I don\'t know where the clouds are, only in the mountains."

The vegetarian master whispered.

Tianting mountain.

An old man on crutches looked at Longcheng and said with a smile, "it\'s rare for dragons to fight tigers once in 20 years. It seems that my old bone is going to exercise."

"Here comes the gun."

The old man held out his left hand and shook it. It seemed that the earth was falling apart and the snow mountains were collapsing. A peerless magic gun came out of the ground. Then he held it in his hand. His white hair turned black and his wrinkled skin changed to restore luster.

Soon after, a young man with black hair and red pupils stood on the peak, holding an artifact, a peerless magic gun, with invincible spirit.

All over the world.

Only Mengshan is quiet.

The top of Mount Meng.

The Taoist priest entered the realm of non thinking and non thinking, ignored everything in the outside world, let you collapse, and immersed in profound enlightenment.

His body spewed out the divine light of heaven.

Like an immortal.

Open your eyes and close them.

Three days have passed.

The duel is coming.