Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1299

Longcheng didn\'t expect anyone in the world to hurt him. You know, he is immortal and invincible. Almost no one in Longcheng can hurt him, but now he is hurt and very painful.

The fire from the body burns the meridians, and Longcheng is in pain. His face is distorted and stunned. The invisible and terrible wind blows, and the things in the villa hall are staggering. Slowly, Longcheng roars up to the sky, shaking the villa, dense cracks appear in the thick columns, and the antique decoration in the hall is broken.

"Who can hurt me!"

The power of the Dragon City condenses from the sky and falls into the villa like a waterfall into the body of the Dragon City, but the flame in the body is not afraid of the power of the Dragon City, even more advanced in essence, but suppresses the power of the dragon city. If the power of the dragon city is not enough, the dragon city will burn and die at this moment.

After all, relying on the advantage of quantity, it took countless efforts of Longcheng to drown the flame in his body. Longcheng was panting, sitting on the ground, sweating, and a fear flashed in his eyes.

That flame was terrible.

The dragon city felt the threat of death and was terrified. If the golden flame wrapped his whole body, he didn\'t know the result. Whether he could resist it with all his strength. When Mr. Lu died, taochengxi was blown upside down by the hurricane. He looked at his master in horror and felt a trace of regret.

He was very clever. He guessed that it must be Yang Ping\'s strength left behind when he came back from the treasure Pavilion, which seriously injured the master. This comparison made him unable to accept. Tao Chengxi thought that the master was invincible.

Reality hit me in the face.

Longcheng\'s hair was disheveled, his delicate and calm face was ferocious and twisted, and his confident and domineering pupils burst out resentment at the moment. The dark explosion hidden under his white appearance made Taocheng Xi tremble and almost kneel down.

"Yang Ping, I want you to die."

Dragon City roared.

Thousands of mountains and rivers can\'t wash Longcheng\'s resentment against Yang Ping. Originally, he wanted to accept Yang Ping and achieve hegemony. Now he just wants Yang Ping to die. No, he can\'t die so painful. He has to be tortured severely. He can\'t die until he experiences hell like torture.

Terrible resentment gathered around the villa. Flowers and plants felt this hatred and withered one after another. Vitality gathered madly towards the villa. The pupils of Longcheng burst out a faint green light. Jie Jie\'s laughter made taochengxi, a great saint, [email protected] ^^$

It was terrible after the master was angry.

Tao Chengxi began to worry about Yang Ping and felt unbearable. The power of the master is boundless. Once you want to kill someone, no one can escape.

The storm subsided.

Longcheng stood up and said coldly, "I can\'t wait for a moment. Go to the treasure Pavilion now. Yang Ping will die tonight."

Tao Chengxi turned pale and hesitated: "master, your body...! $*!

Longcheng slapped the peach into a stream and said with a cruel smile, "why, do you doubt my strength?"

Tao Chengxi was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and shouted, "no, absolutely not. Master, the best in the world."

"Ha ha!"

Longcheng laughed, but the laughter was full of resentment.

"Are you looking for me?"

A calm voice came from the door. Longcheng turned pale and looked forward. Tao Chengxi got up and stared at the door. Yang Ping stood in front of them and swept them calmly. I don\'t know why. Obviously, his realm is not high, but the pressure is terrible.

"Yang Ping..." Tao Chengxi said.

Longcheng stared at Yang Ping and said with a Yin smile, "there\'s a way in heaven. You don\'t go. There\'s no door in hell. You break in. Are you here to die?"

Yang Ping walked into the hall and didn\'t answer Longcheng. He strolled around. It seemed that he didn\'t come to fight, but came to visit the door. This was chiguoguo\'s contempt. Longcheng looked gloomy and said in a cold voice, "you dare to underestimate me. Do you know who I am?"


Yang Ping said casually.

Longcheng\'s face was ugly, and he was so angry that he trembled and said angrily, "you want to die."

Yang Ping sighed, looked piteously at Longcheng, shook his head and said, "I don\'t know your confidence from there, and I\'m not interested in knowing where your confidence comes from. If your strength is what you showed before, I\'m very disappointed."

Between his words, his tone was very calm. Yang Ping didn\'t seem to see Longcheng at all.

This is the most angry place in Longcheng.

He, a mere mortal, despised his authority and even despised himself. Longcheng was very angry, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, such as before the gloomy storm, the atmosphere was dignified and depressed.

Dragon city is completely violent.

Tao Chengxi stared at Yang Ping and sighed in his heart. When was Yang Ping so domineering that even his master despised him? According to the previous guess, he should have no capital to do so. What\'s the problem?

Tao Chengxi stared at Yang Ping and finally noticed something wrong.

In the past, Yang Ping was domineering and introverted, but he could still feel his limits. Now, Yang Ping is like a starry sky, vast and incomprehensible. He exudes a submissive spirit, different from his master, which is supported by the true invincible belief.


As a master of the great sage realm, Tao Chengxi felt unfathomable. It can be seen how powerful Yang Ping was at this time.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, you\'re dead." Longcheng murmured, his hair standing up one by one, and said in a cold voice.

Yang Ping looked at Tao Chengxi, shrugged and said, "stay away."

Tao Chengxi was stunned.


The dragon city was furious and shouted, "sword, sword of the dragon city!"

The void was buzzing, and a streamer fell from the sky and fell into his hand. The dragon city held the sword, and his temperament changed greatly. His body became a sword, which gathered the power of the dragon city and could kill the great sage realm with one sword. Moreover, the sword of the Dragon City did not belong to the ancient martial arts, but a move derived from the will of the Dragon City, also known as divine power.

Supernatural powers are higher than ancient martial arts.

The sword of the Dragon City stabbed Yang Ping.

The world is quiet.

It\'s like the end.

Taochengxi felt the sword spirit and his liver and gallbladder were cold. If he faced the sword, he had no way to live and had to wait for death. The terrible sword of the Dragon City, which wants to pierce the void and destroy the origin, has almost reached the attack power of the heavenly realm.

At this moment, all the people in Longcheng were depressed for no reason, their bodies were evacuated, and many people cursed the damn weather.

The sword of the Dragon City stabbed me.

Like a meteor, like a light spot, like a sword of time and space.

Tao Chengxi closed his eyes and felt that Yang Ping could not survive under this sword. Secretly, a generation of Tianjiao fell. It\'s a pity.

Longcheng also felt that he would kill Yang Ping this time. The sword of Longcheng was his magic power and was extremely powerful. It was impossible for mortals to catch it. Both felt that Yang Ping was dead, but he looked calm until the long sword came to him.

He shook his head and whispered, "not bad."

So Yang Ping raised his hand and punched.

The fist hit the long sword and time solidified. The sword of the Dragon City hit the fist and made a annihilation sound. Then the violent momentum came and was forcibly suppressed.

With a jingle, the sword of the dragon city broke in two and fell to the ground.

Longcheng and taochengxi\'s eyes protruded quickly, revealing an incredible color.

Yang Ping stared at Longcheng and said, "kneel down!"

The voice is like an oracle, irresistible.

Although the dragon city is vast, it is compared with heaven. Yang Ping is not afraid of the way of heaven, not to mention the will of a mere dragon city.

Kneel down.

Longcheng couldn\'t bear it. He vomited blood and knelt on the ground.

The world is quiet.