Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1276

It\'s normal for Taoist Zun to emit such a terrible smell. It\'s understandable that flowers are the medium. However, seeing that the person confronting Taoist Zun is even younger than himself, his face changes dramatically.

Yang Ping.

Before coming here, the flower as a medium thought about many possibilities. The two people in the confrontation in the treasure Pavilion should be the peerless experts of the father\'s generation. Sure enough, the Taoist priest appeared. The father\'s evaluation of the Taoist priest was very high, and there was no doubt that he was shocked, but the other one had never been considered.

It was Yang Ping. It was appalling that this young man who was deprived of all his strength by the will of the dragon city and was called a disabled man could confront the Taoist priest.

When Qingqing saw Yang Ping, she opened her mouth and couldn\'t suppress her inner shock. She almost cried out.

"How could he confront Taoist Zun!"

Qingqing was so shocked that she couldn\'t imagine that she could guide each other from a commanding position just a few months ago, but now she feels that the other party is a high mountain and can never climb. Shanbo was even more unbearable. He sat directly on the ground and looked frightened.

There was a lot of air-conditioning behind him.

Jianxin\'s face was dignified. He stared at Yang Ping, who was confronting Taoist Zun. Yang Ping, who did not lose the wind, looked calm, and shot a cold killing machine in his eyes. He was not afraid of each other\'s strong identity, but burst out amazing coercion and rushed frantically towards Taoist Zun.

My God, why is he so strong!

After seeing the outbreak of Yang Ping, I was extremely shocked. I never thought that Yang Ping, who they thought had been abandoned, would burst out with the same authority as Taoist Zun. I was shocked. When I thought of the idea that I almost wanted to go to the treasure pavilion to show off my power, I couldn\'t help bursting out in a cold sweat. It was estimated that they would die in the past with their strength.

However, although Yang Ping broke out a strong breath, he faced a super master with strong prestige for a hundred years, daozun.

An extremely terrible master of Tianzun realm who is enough to support the first-class holy land can crush any master except the leader of the super holy land. It\'s useless to be an enemy of Tao Zun no matter how talented you are.

"You hate me."

For the death of handsome men and young girls, daozun seemed to know that they were not opponents. However, he was very confident and disdained to work together. Even if Yang Ping showed stronger strength, he was still calm. He firmly believes that no matter how powerful young people in the world can surpass themselves. Besides, Taoist Zun has too many cards.

Yang Ping said coldly, "I\'ll kill you."

Taoist Zun smiled, shook his head and said, "you are a senior brother\'s disciple with excellent talent and the revitalization of the immortal medical school is expected. Why do you oppose me? Everything I do is to revitalize the immortal medical school."

"It\'s just for one\'s own personal gain. Don\'t insult the immortal medical school." Yang Ping sneered. The war spirit kept erupting, and the flames of hatred shot out of his eyes.

Because daozun and Mingzhu almost died, because daozun and Yang Ping suffered a lot, and the people around them died one by one. Basically, daozun was controlling everything. If the chaos in Longcheng didn\'t break out in advance, his only goal was to produce the scourge of daozun and return the pure brightness of immortal medicine.

It can be said that so far, the person Yang Ping most wants to kill is not others, but the Taoist priest in front of him.

With a long sigh, Taoist Zun looked at Yang Ping with pity and said, "I didn\'t want to kill you, but you are stubborn. I have given an ultimatum. In that case, I won\'t give you a chance. Three days later, we will fight Mengshan."

Yang Ping said coldly, "no problem."

Taoist Zun smiled strangely, then turned and left.

Yang Ping has no fear at all. Since he achieved the sacred heart, his combat effectiveness has soared wildly. He doesn\'t even know how powerful he is. It is estimated that the realm of ordinary saints was exploded by his fist.

If you don\'t get rid of Tao Zun, you won\'t have peace for a day.


The sound of sucking cold air again sounded around. The Taoist priest made an appointment with Yang Ping and the top of Mengshan mountain, which shocked the people lurking around. A super master, a rising show, will show the war of life and death.

Taking flowers as the medium, her heart beat faster and looked at the silent Yang Ping with emotion and incomparable regret. Originally, flowers were used as a medium to win over Yang Ping for his own use, but it\'s a pity that it\'s too stubborn to fight with Taoist holy land, which is tantamount to death. Flower as a medium, it is very clear how terrible daozun is. Even his father and Emperor dare not say that he must kill terrorist figures. There are not many people in the world who say that they will defeat if they don\'t say kill.

It happened that Yang Ping challenged an unbeaten legend.

The sword\'s eyes twinkled, the sword scar in the middle of the eyebrow came alive, gave Yang Ping a deep look, and then turned and left.

Qingqing whispered, "little Lord, what shall we do?"

The duel was of profound significance, which seriously affected the plan of the demon gate and disrupted many deployments. Qingqing couldn\'t help asking. Shanbo sighed in his heart that he was old. Are young people so terrible now?

Flowers as a medium show the color of reflection.

"Go back first."

The flower as the medium suddenly smiled and said meaningfully, "no matter who wins, it won\'t do us any harm. I\'m looking forward to it. Taoist Zun is an invincible expert in legend. Why would he accept the challenge of a younger generation?"

The crowd gradually dispersed, but the news of daozun\'s decisive battle with Yang Ping flew all over the sky and soon spread to every place in China. Some hermit sects and experts were shocked when they heard this. They didn\'t know who Yang Ping was, but they knew what Taoist Zun represented.

The news of the decisive battle, like snowflakes, scattered all over China, pushed Yang Ping\'s reputation to the highest. We didn\'t know who Yang Ping was before. Now we all know that there is only one young man who dares to challenge daozun.

A secret island in the sea area is now full of peach blossoms. The whole island is fragrant with peach blossoms. Under the peach trees, one old and one young are weeding. The old man looked wrinkled. The loess was buried around his neck and was dying. The weeding was slow and leisurely. Sometimes he wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked at the weather and said with a smile: "is there anything interesting in the world recently?"

In fact, there are not many teenagers, because their eyes are full of vicissitudes on their young faces. They can\'t carve wisdom without years of tempering. However, if this person appears outside, it will certainly cause endless shock. Even Cihang Jingzhai and Tianting should be treated seriously.

Young people are the contemporary leaders of the magic gate. Since the golden age, the magic gate has declined. It took decades to lead the magic gate to the highest peak of the Chinese Holy Land, which is no less than Cihang Jingzhai and Tianting. It can be seen that the leader of the demon gate is powerful and terrible.

But such a noble demon leader showed a pious look to the old man and said, "teacher, the Lord of Cihang Jingzhai has thoroughly understood the Cihang sword code and will open up another way."

The old man smiled, nodded and said, "yes, she was a first-class talent. If someone hadn\'t been born, she would have gone another way. It seems that some people came out to make trouble and stimulate her because of the chaos of time and space."

The leader of the magic gate has great admiration for the Cihang Jingzhai who created another road. Only when he got to this step did he really know how difficult it was to create a road. So far, he has only groped a little. But as a mortal enemy, the opponent is ahead.

"The world of Tianting will enter the WTO."

The leader of the demon sect said again, but he couldn\'t help showing his admiration when talking about the world walk of Tianting. Like his daughter, the descendant of Tianting is also a rare genius. Compared with his achievements in the past, he may not be able to achieve a longevity position and take over the class of Tianting sect leader in the future.

The old man nodded and said, "the young man is said to be no weaker than Xie Yu. Good, good."

Even if the leader of Cihang Jingzhai created a way and touched a threshold, the world of Tianting would go out of the mountains and set off a great change in the Jianghu, it did not make much change on the old man\'s face.

Because the old man\'s height is very high and he has passed the amazing age, he is indeed qualified, because he is the teacher of the leader of the demon gate. At that time, there was almost no opponent.

Suddenly, the leader of the magic gate exclaimed in surprise, "teacher, I just received a message that the Taoist priest of the immortal medical gate will fight with Yang Ping on the top of Mengshan Mountain in three days."


The old man, who had been very calm all the time, burst out a fine light in his eyes, looked at the leader of the magic door and asked, "are you sure?"

The leader of the magic gate was surprised that the teacher was the ultimate of humanity. He could maintain the look of Gu Jing bubo for the feats of the master of Cihang Jingzhai. Could a mere duel not change the mentality of the elderly?

But the teacher is really serious. It seems that the news of the decisive battle interests him more than the information from Cihang Jingzhai and Tianting.

"Interesting, really interesting. I\'ll have a look at it then."

The old man smiled with a meaningful smile.