Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1275


The dazzling brilliance over the dragon city lights up the whole city. People in the city can\'t help looking up. The dazzling light makes them close their eyes and dare not touch the piercing color. In a city as bright as day, many people feel a peerless edge in the streets, which can make their souls tremble at a distance.

This is a clash of Qi and opportunity between the peerless strong.

What a strong breath!

Many experts sighed in their hearts and yearned. At the same time, they looked at the direction of the treasure Pavilion. Their expression was strange. A breath was uncertain, just like the way of heaven. But it was as vast as the source sea. It belonged to a super strong person above all sentient beings. Another breath was extremely hegemonic, just like a magic weapon, which could cut off the ancient and modern, not an opponent.

"Who the hell is this? Has the super strong started?"

So far, although the dragon city is very chaotic and mixed, there are no real experts, because any super strong person will not do it casually at this critical time. The real treasure has not come out. Many people are coveting and waiting for the opportunity.

On this quiet night, the treasure Pavilion suddenly broke out a terrible atmosphere. The confrontation shocked the Jianghu experts in the dragon city. A little comparison shows that they are as gentle as ants in front of the two smells, and there is no possibility of resistance at all. The two breath were so strong that once touched by mental power, it was like an electric shock and almost died.

Such a terrible spirit is not easy to be blasphemed by others. For a time, Jianghu experts speculated one after another. At the same time, a large number of experts went to the treasure pavilion to see the peerless style and who set off the war of the super strong.

The first to appear at the door of the treasure Pavilion is a pair of masters and servants. The female is young and beautiful, such as the spring grass on the Bank of the river, fresh and attractive. The old servant next to her frowns and stands behind respectfully.

"Shanbo, can anyone in here go in?" Qingqing\'s pretty face was dignified, and her eyes showed a frightened color. The bullying breath inside was so terrible that she didn\'t dare to go in and deep breathing.

Shanbo was shocked and couldn\'t answer Qingqing\'s question. Because he is just the middle realm of saints, he can\'t guess the situation inside.

At this time, a beautiful flower man appeared at the door. At the moment of his appearance, the flowers within a radius of ten kilometers suddenly burst into full bloom, emitting a gorgeous spring like color. At the same time, the warm wind blew, making people relaxed and happy.

"Little Lord."@^^$

Qingqing\'s face changed greatly and hurriedly bowed forward. As the princess\'s personal servant girl, she knew what a terrible figure huameinan was in front of her. Although she had been pressed by the princess, she had never failed. No one in the devil\'s gate could despise her calm.

Shanbo hurried forward to say hello.

He is the son of the leader of the devil sect. He is mysterious and has superb martial arts. He smiles at Shanbo. Although he is noble, he is still very afraid of his rebellious sister. His sister\'s personal servant girl naturally gives him some face.

"You follow me."

The flower acts as a medium to show a smile. His eyes are deep and inexplicable. He has a submissive temperament, which makes his green eyes shine and his heart beat faster. It is estimated that it is difficult to find a woman who can be more beautiful than the little Lord in the world. He has a feminine breath that melts the world.! $*!

The three of them were just about to enter, but suddenly a figure came along and walked like a tiger, as if stepping on the whole world. Every step was shocking. This person formed a sharp contrast with the flower medium, a feminine and a masculine. He was like a hot star, constantly releasing a strong domineering spirit.

The flower matchmaker squinted and smiled when he saw someone coming.

Qingqing felt as if she had seen this person. She couldn\'t remember for a moment, but when she saw the other party\'s resolute face, the mark of a sword appeared in the middle of her eyebrows. She couldn\'t help but change her face and said in a lost voice, "how is he still alive?"

Jianxin, a terrible expert, was born in Jiange, which was a first-class holy land. Although it is not comparable to the magic gate, there are also peerless experts. The Jiange has only been established for decades, but the experts among them are extremely terrible. The ancestors of Jiange can fight with the leaders of the magic gate in that year. The leader of Cihang Jingzhai, the No. 1 Holy Land in the world, once said, The talent of Jianxin is the top three in heaven and earth. It does not belong to the saint of Cihang Jingzhai, the princess of the demon gate and the little Lord of heaven. These three are peerless demons in heaven and earth. They are best at leapfrog challenges. Their achievements in the future may not be lost to current leaders.

However, the sword heart is on a par with the three people. It can be seen that its talent is terrible. It is determined to be the next generation of sword Pavilion leader.

The arrival of the sword heart shows that he feels that he is interested in the master duel in the treasure Pavilion. Usually he doesn\'t appear. No matter how fierce the battle is, it\'s just a child\'s house. Jianxin just glanced at the flowers as a medium and looked deep into the treasure Pavilion. His face was as heavy as water, as if others owed him a lot of money.

He naturally exudes a sense of sword, which is threatening all over the sky. Shanbo is so frightened that he quickly regrets and wants to be absolutely shocked. Secretly, even if he doesn\'t have a sword, that sense of sword can kill. If he really pulls out his sword, I don\'t know how many people in the world can stop him.

Qingqing\'s pretty face is pale and shows fear. He is an expert who is called as miss.

"Brother Jianxin," said the flower matchmaker with a smile.

Jianxin just nodded and continued to look inside. The flower as the medium didn\'t think so, and continued: "I didn\'t expect that Jianxin, who has devoted himself to cultivation, is also interested in the affairs of Longcheng."

"Very strong." Jianxin frowned.

Taking flowers as the medium, he was shocked and looked inside in doubt. Up to now, the breath in the treasure pavilion was still unable to determine who it was, but he didn\'t feel as terrible as Jianxin said. However, soon, he closed his eyes, tried his mental strength, and suddenly opened his eyes to show his astonishment.

He felt the collision of two terrible forces of the world, and he couldn\'t help but look shocked.

What a terrible force of the world, even stronger than the oppression of the will of the dragon city. Who does the confrontation come from? Is it an old monster? He was sure that only the supreme elder of the demon gate could show such a terrible momentum, and only the father emperor could stabilize his head.

The two top young masters in the world feel the terrible pressure inside and want to see who it is?

A loud noise.

The door of the treasure hall was shattered, and a strong wind blew. Qingqing and Shanbo turned pale. They just felt that their body was out of control. They lost their support and knelt directly on the ground. They trembled. The aftermath of the battle alone made the masters of the saint realm kneel down. What a terrible spirit.

Rao is an evil spirit with such talent as Jianxin. His face is dignified.

The strong wind blew and the clothes made a noise.

Jianxin\'s eyes burst out a strong sense of war and wanted to participate. Flower as a medium is also stable. It doesn\'t look embarrassed because of the strong wind, but when I see Shanbo kneeling on the ground, my pupils tighten.

Countless eyes looked here, and many great experts came outside.

Because of the emergence of flowers as a medium and the heart of the sword, many people dare not appear and can only observe secretly. A scream appeared not far away. The flower medium showed a sarcastic smile and hummed, "it\'s just a saint who wants to explore the situation inside and doesn\'t know whether to live or die."

The gate is broken.

People can finally see the two people in the confrontation between the treasure Pavilion.

When they saw it clearly, everyone turned pale. Even the calmest sword heart turned pale and showed an incredible expression.

The confrontation between the two figures erupted into shocking pressure.

A man wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe looks like the center of heaven and earth. He is the only light between heaven and earth, illuminating the creatures between heaven and earth, pointing out the direction of moving forward. He represents the reincarnation of the Tao of heaven.


After seeing the Taoist statue, the flower as a medium suddenly turned pale. It never occurred to me that one of the confrontations was a legendary master who existed side by side with his father. The most mysterious Taoist statue. At the moment, he was as if he were going to ascend to heaven.

Looking at another person, the flower as a medium almost lost his mind.

How could it be him.